Fx Male β› π’•π’‚π’Œπ’† 𝒂 π’π’π’π’Œ ❜


Oct 25, 2019
hi there! my name is sloane and i'm a new member here, but i'm not new to roleplaying! i've been writing stories since i was ten, and roleplaying for just as long, so i consider myself pretty adept when it comes to writing! i am currently on the hunt for a job, and in the mean time, i'd like to busy myself with something i've been out of touch with for a while. I know people would prefer to get straight to the good stuff, so i'll keep my guidelines as brief as possible:

β€” i'm looking for someone who can match my writing skill. someone who can write a couple of paragraphs but also understands quality > quantity. someone who can describe setting and emotion and thoughts rather than ending a reply with just a sentence and an additional dialogue.
β€” at the moment, i'm primarily looking to play female mains. i am not opposed to writing other genders, nor am i inexperienced, it's just a personal craving at the moment. chances are that this will change because i do enjoy playing both genders equally, it all mainly depends on my mood. i also enjoy portraying multiple characters, so in such scenarios, i will of course be open to playing any and all genders (and this includes multiple mains or simply npcs).
β€” i'm not here for smut. i of course enjoy writing it out and i will happily write it out when it comes to such scenes in a story β€”i believe that it's an important part in every story! β€” but i will never do stories that revolve around sex, and i will not always write out the sex scenes when we get to them. a story gets boring if it's purely smut and no plot.
β€” i would love love love a partner who is willing to plot with me! nothing annoys me more than being the only one driving the story forward. i have ideas, and i will definitely pitch them. i would love it if you could do the same! similarly, i love ooc talk. i have a discord so we can always talk on there, or even through pms on site.
β€” when it comes to roleplaying, i will not move off site. i will do it only here, either in threads or in pms. and i also require that we use real life face claims for our characters. i'm sorry this is just a preference. i like using claims because it helps me visualise characters better and i can't do it with anime or art pictures.

that's about it! now to the good stuff. i primarily dabble in original roleplays, but i'm not opposed to fandoms either, provided we use original characters. in certain cases, i'd be open to including canons, but i myself won't play only a canon unless we double up.

plots (most of these are from tumblr, thx)
β€” mamma mia ; muse a is trying to get a ferry to a little island to find someone they had a special connection with ( or so they thought ) but misses is and here is muse b who owns a boat and offers to take them to this island, for payment of course. but on the way they get to talking and oh? maybe muse a isn’t so interested in who they were first running after anymore now that they’ve got to know muse b a little more. and maybe muse b isn’t so concerned about payment bc just spending time with the other was enough!
β€” tender ; he’s bleeding. he was an idiot and picked a fight with someone he knew could lay his ass out. he can do it on his own, she’s knows, but she wants to take care of him. he’s sitting in his bathroom, on the floor. she’s kneeling in-between his legs, wiping the blood off his fists, off his face. cleaning his cuts. he’s watching her. they’re both quiet. and go. i need this tender moment in my life.
β€” forbidden ; muse a is a wealthy man and related by blood to the (cruel) king. he lives a peaceful life without interfering, because he doesn't believe in the cruel ways of his brother, the king. whilst most of the wealthy people treat their servants with disrespect, muse a has always tried to give opportunities to those less fortunate, since he has many positions available in his large mansion. one such person is muse b, someone of a lower class hired to work in the mansion. she happens to be attracted to the large library muse a has, and unlike many others, she knows how to read, and so she tries to as much as she can. muse a catches her one day, and is fascinated. they spend hours talking about books and the literary world, ultimately getting closer, till eventually romance blossoms. in a world where such a relationship is seen as taboo, will muse a try to keep it hidden from his brother, the king, who would likely have muse b killed if he found out? or will a rebellion slowly start to form?
β€” skinny dipping ; muse a is a waitress in a small city and she’s working a shift one night and this group of super hot police officers come in and she has to be their waitress. she’s trying to not act weird but she can’t help it and they notice it and are teasing her about it, but muse b is doing it a lot more than the others and like maybe she clumsily stumbles and ends up spilling like soda, water, etc. on muse b’s crotch and she’s like super embarrassed but he just thinks it’s cute and funny so he leaves her his number on a napkin but maybe she panics and doesn’t text him because she thinks he’s intimidating. the next, she's with her friends and ends up losing a bet and her friends make her go skinny dipping in the lake even though it's trespassing and the police come but her friends end up ditching and oh no, it's muse b and when she comes out of the water to see him standing on the dock, he's like "why didn't you text me?" this would be super cute and fluffy but with like personal issues + drama, it could be angsty too??
β€” trouble ; muse a has never led an easy life. he had to fend for himself, growing up, and this ultimately ended with him joining a gang. they supported him, became like a family to him, and it was nice for a while, even if he had to get his hands dirty a lot of the time. things took a turn for the worse later into his life, when his best friend was killed in a drive by. muse a decided that he no longer wanted to be a part of this kind of life, so he fled, hoping to start fresh in a new town. there, he met muse b, a local girl whose never been out of the town, let alone the state. as much as muse a knows that it isn't a good time to start things up, he can't help himself. being a charmer was just part of his nature. eventually, after the two get closer, muse a finds that the gang life never lets you leave, because his old buddies have tracked him down, and they're not happy...
β€” royalty ; muse a is from a prestigious royal family and is a perfect gentleman in the eyes of the media but a total bad boy behind closed doors. muse b is a student from another country studying abroad who is very into her studies and exploring her new temporary home. one night muse b is convinced to go out to a bar with her roommate and it just so happens that muse a is also partying there with his friends. immediately muse a wants to get muse b’s attention and is dead set on taking her home. muse b shoots him down and leaves with her friend because the bar scene isn’t really her thing. muse a becomes obsessed with her and getting to know her to the point where he starts donating to her school and making appearances there just to find her and talk to her. eventually muse b gives him a chance and is thrown into the life of the royals and has to learn about a whole new way of life. she’s often followed by cameras and nosy townsfolk and it all becomes too much and she doesn’t know if she can do it anymore but muse a is so in love with her at that point and he begs her to stay with him and there are so many possibilities.
β€” truth or dare ; this dude is known all around for being the biggest womaniser there is. he doesn't want to settle down because he doesn't even think he can find anyone worth settling down with, and honestly, the chase is much more fun when he knows he can charm his way into anything (ahem, or anyone). lately though, his friends have dared him to go after the new girl -- she looks uptight, and she's already told him off in class, so they know this will be a challenge for the dude, but he takes on the challenge and does his best to get close to her. what he doesn't realise is that he's actually starting to like her. while it scares him, he's more worried about what she'll do when she realises, after warming up to him, that it's all for a bet?
β€” modern day titanic ; i really wanna write up characters who fall in love rebelliously on a cruise/ship just like in titanic. and the odds are definitely against them but do they care? absolutely not. give me late night meetups watching the stars & watching the waves crash violently against their ship. give me high level angst when muse a’s parents find out what she’s doing with β€˜garbage’ known as muse b. and even muse a’s possessive fiance losing his shit over it. honestly let’s get super emo over it. the ship goes down ?? muse b doing everything in their power to save muse a. imagine them making it all alive and spending all of eternity together …
β€” fame ; muse a is a celebrated musician. maybe he's part of a band, maybe he's a solo artist. either way, he's famous, and he's a heartthrob. recently, he decided to return to his small home town to be closer to his roots for inspiration for his next album. while he's there, he bumps into muse b, someone he used to know in high school, who β€” yikes β€” isn't totally fond of him because they got off on the wrong foot in high school (different social groups), and, well, she thinks he's vein and cares only about money and fame. muse a wants to try and make it right, so he convinces her to go out to dinner with him, but it's clear, after he takes her to this very fancy place, that she's uncomfortable with how extravagant it is. so much so, that she even tries to leave. muse a then decides to take her to a local diner that they all frequented when they were younger and the two get to talking. his months spent back home results in a blossoming romance but things become tricky when he's expected to leave and go back to the city with his new album. and what about the paparazzi? maybe there's even a publicity girlfriend in the picture? it's all kinds of drama.
β€” back in town ; muse a, muse b and muse c were all friends as children. muse a left town when he was ten, leaving muse b and muse c to grow up together and eventually develop feelings for each other, though before anything serious could happen between the two, muse b left town to pursue his career, which left muse c heartbroken. muse b returns after a few years to get in touch with his routes. he's excited, wondering if he'll see muse c again, but when he arrives and bumps into muse c in the supermarket, it turns out that muse a is back in town and surprisingly cosy with muse c... (i'd prefer muse c here).
β€” to rule by your side ; muse a is the royal heir and has spent most of their life sheltered in their family castle. muse b is a thief just trying to get by when they hear that the castle is opening its doors for a party. taking this opportunity muse b sneaks into the castle to get as much as they can. while they’re shoving the family jewels in their pockets they encounter muse a for the first time.
β€” literally anything with superpowers.

fandoms (my crushes are in brackets. i prefer canon x oc, or oc x oc. i am more than willing/capable to double up and play someone of your preference in return.)
β€” harry potter (trio era) ; draco malfoy please! i have an oc already prepared as well as a story in mind.
β€” teen wolf ; i would love it if someone could portray stiles stilinski for me! i love him. i have a few plot ideas in mind for this.
β€” the maze runner ; give me newt and i'll be the happiest person alive.
β€” percy jackson ; the titular characer (percy) is my love interest here!
β€” marvel cinematic universe ; love me some peter parker. also open for bucky or loki!
β€” the hunger games ; either finnick odair or gale hawthorne, please!
β€” it [2017] ; an older!eddie kaspbrak would be great! or an older!richie tozier too.
β€” stranger things ; i would love it if someone could portray steve harrington!

that's about it! hit me up with a pm if you're interested! and please tell me a little about yourself when you do so we can decide right off the bat if we'd be compatible as roleplay partners.
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