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Fx Female An Alternative Start - A WoW themed slutathon


Jul 30, 2019
Hopefully under some tables and desks
Hello everyone, pardon me for this request because it is going to be very specific what I wanna do.

Now, this is going to be a World of Warcraft themed roleplay! Specifically, this is going to center on the Draenei start zone. Why? Because I really like the Draenei, their start zone, and I think it would be naughty to add in some smut to it and see what happens!

So essentially, the RP itself is going to be sluttifying the Draenei start zone quests and just have fun with it. Sure, some things in the story might be different from teh start zone, maybe some quests may not make it or are entirely changed in some way (i.e. maybe the reason why they do the quest, or what they need for the quest, or how they do the quest), or some new quests might be made up entirely. We'll just have to see what happens, right? But at the very least, the overall theme of being crashlanding survivors on an alien world will still be there, and integrating into the Alliance will still be a thing.

There are some pre-established things in the RP I want in and are not negotiable. So this might be the section to read to see if this is something you wanna be involved in based on the content, if you are still interested in being a thing that is slutting up an MMO's start zone.

1) The Draenei characters will both be girls and they shall be twin sisters. We can discuss how they will look, but I do want them to be twins. They will not be futas, but 100% dickless woman.

2) They may have different classes and ambitions, but their childhood will be this. Their mother use to run an inn on Draenor (or Outlands) before the Orcs chased them off. While working at and owning this inn, she was also a whore who tended to her guests. She uses birth control, but sometimes she still wound up pregnant, but would give the kids away. However, it is rare to have more than one child at a time, so when the twins came, the mother felt blessed and kept them. They had a fairly normal childhood until they became of age, and they were given a choice. The sisters decided that, while they went out to become whatever class they wanted, they would also live at the inn her mother worked at and assisted her in working it, this includes also being whores. Despite them being known whores, they were still able to pursue their ambitions. Their mother died helping them get into the Exodar. Can be discussed if this exposure to sex can also result in the two sisters having an incestual relationship together.

3) They are still students of their respective classes, just starting out, this also means they are still incredibly young...probably equivalent to either 18-19 years in human years. Of course, with cultures being different and people being people, they were probably sexually active before this (helping their mother out), but this'll be the start point. This is to keep in the feel of it being a start zone and the girls having to become more skilled over time as they "level up". Also, their reputation will have followed them, so they'll be newbies and be seen as whores.

4) Draenei cock. Now, I've mostly been very disappointed in how most people portray Draenei cock. We have these alien creatures, and they have very mundane cocks. I want that to be changed. Here is a design I came up with the cock and this is the design that will be used. They will have four testicles and when they come they shoot in sequential order. That means, instead of a combined load, each nut will come one at a time, and each nut is supercharged in production. So take an average load from a human male and centered that into one Draenei ball, and multiple that by four. Each climax for a male Draenei has 4 loads for the female to take. Taking account that they have hooves and are pretty large, their cocks are also equine in nature and about a foot long. It does have a flat head. However, along the shaft there are 2 flesh rings that make bumps on the cock that make it thicker only on the rings. This is to ensure that once in a female, they cannot be removed until after the cock has softened. And around the flathead of the cock, on the rim of it, there are these feeler-like tentacles. For the most part, these feelers are sensitive and operate instinctively. When in contact with a female, they will massage any flesh they come in contact with. When at the opening of the pussy, they will spread it open and wrap it around the cock head. When they're at the cervix, the feelers will focus entirely and aggressively on the cervix to try and loosen it up. The goal is to get the cervix opened up so when the male cums, the cum has no barrier between it and the womb.

5) Draenei pussies will be very much like regular vaginas, except they are ridiculously tight. Just about any size cock will be a snug fit, but with the bonus that they are incredibly stretchy so almost any size can fit comfortably. But they are deep (needing a foot or so length cock to reach the back) and the cervixes are basically emergency blast doors tight, which is why the males have the feelers to pry them open. They can get off to just about anything, though as they are very sensitive.

6) The way we're going to slut up the starting zone is gonna be via the crystals that the Exodar use to travel. In the actual game, these crystals irradiate the environment and they become incredibly hostile and start killing everything. In this RP however, these crystals will give a different effect. Sure, it'll still mutate some stuff and make things aggressive, but it's not going to awaken a kill desire...but a rape desire. The only way to cure this irradiation is by releasing the radiation sickness via climax, and only males are affected by this. Yes, even Draenei males are affected by this, however the crystals are usually safely contained so it isn't until now that it is known that the crystals cause this, so it'll be able to the sisters to discover this as nobody else knows what is happening. This will also mean we'll be doing some beastiality, having them get fucked by other races, and have quite a bit of rape going on. The crystals will also give an additional affect on Draenei males in that it makes them seem incredibly backed up, so their testicles will give off more cum and they even fire additional loads. But one time cumming should be enough to cure them regardless.

So be sure to contact me either here or in PMs. I want to share this story with others on the forum so we'll be doing this in a Roleplay thread. I would prefer to do this in a shared DM style, where both parties help move the story along, but if you're not comfortable with that then I can play my sister as well as DM the game. I want only 1 partner and 1 RP of doing this, so if you want to be the one then I'll need an example of your RPing to see if I'll prefer you. I tend to multiple paragraph my posts and like to be detailed, so I would like to ask you do the same, and I want the RP to be done in 3rd person perspective.

I hope none of this seems too demanding, this has been an RP I wanted to do for a really long time and would like it to have this set-up and that I will be making it with someone who'll be as interested and willing to put as much effort into it as I will. Hope to hear from others and get to discussing this.
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