Fx Male My first story RP requests


Oct 25, 2019
So I'm brand new to the board, and one of the suggested ways I was told to introduce myself was here on the request thread. So here I go. And just be warned. I like my story lines to build up, not just cut straight to the action. So if you're interested in an RP with me, please keep that in mind!

So before I share some specific ideas, let me tell you about some of my general likes and dislikes. I have a preference for either younger woman/younger man pairing or a younger woman/older man pairing. I also prefer to write a darker skinned woman entering into a relationship with a lighter skinned man. Mind you, these are the only guidelines I'll work under,so I'll probably be more agreeable to ideas with these tenets in mind.

I do like foreplay, a little embarrassment, a light spanking (maybe), and perhaps a little reluctance. I don't like dominance, anal, toilet stuff, nonconsensual, pain, mortification or violence. Also, no foot long penises please. The only time I want to deal with a giant penis is if we're talking about something like Gulliver and the Lilliputians.

The ideas I have below aren't the only ones I have, but I thought I'd throw them out as a starter, and see where they go.

1) F/M in the locker room --- This idea is inspired by Kathy Ireland's Shower Scene in the movie Necessary Roughness. My character is a soccer player recruited to be our college's football team. Your character is one of the team's starting offensive lineman who has a crush on my character and is protective toward her. After her first game, she kicks a field goal to win the game. But then disaster strikes. She had planned to shower at the women's locker room, but it's locked up for the weekend. So she has to wait for the rest of the team to clear out. Once everybody but your character is gone (who has promised not to peek), my character, who is very shy, reluctantly goes into the shower.

2) F/M Lost In Paradise -- Simple scenario. Two innocents lost in a paradise and discovering each other while they make a home. Bear in mind they are innocents, and this will be a slow development, with lots of stops and starts! Also, the picture below is not necessarily a face claim start, but just to give an idea of one possible scenario


3) M/F(+?) Fanfiction

So I'm a fan of a number of books, shows and movies, everything from sitcoms to fantasy to science fiction. Not anime or manga though. Just don't know them, and I would be a disappointment to you if I tried to write them with you. My only caveat (other than those general ones I've listed here) is that I'm not a fan of the dystopian scenarios. So if we Star Trek, for example, I don't want to do a scenario where the Borg or the Klingon or another race has pretty much overrun everything. Also, I don't write with the male equivalent of Mary Sue!

4) Star Trek: Enterprise

Technically, this should go under group roleplay interest. I think it would be interesting to group play a starship right after the series Enterprise ended. I know there's another Star Trek group play already started here, but I wanted to try something from an earlier time, and a little less dystopian. If you think I should try to organize this, drop me a line to encourage it!

A picture is worth a thousand words:

So here are (more than a) few pictures to use as a prompt. If you see one that gives you an idea, drop me a line, we can talk about, and maybe we can write a story together about. Likes and dislikes listed above and below still apply:


I'm open to a lot of ideas, based on my likes and dislikes listed above. I like the story and the buildup, so keep that in mind. Trying to force the action, though, will probably just run me off. Mind control will be a tough sale, though. As will supernatural and superhero themes. And I won't do fandoms that I don't know well.

And on a final note, my preferred medium of writing these RPs will be as threads on the forum.

So, drop me a line if anything here looks interesting![/spoiler]
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First Bump. Struck out the first idea because I've had many takers, and added a new idea. Please note my likes, dislikes and the fact I would like to write these stories on forum threads!
Second bump. Struck out another idea, since it was taken. Clarified some things. Add picture prompts!
Bump. Decided to spell bump correctly this time! :p

Also added a new RP idea, and a new picture
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