Ecchi Scenes Galore!


Oct 23, 2019
The Mystical Lingerie Shoppe
Heya all! I'm looking for some very particular scenes/rps and I'll explore them in a bit. I tend to not be too interested in talking about myself, as I'm just looking for some relaxing and sexy rps! That said, I'm sure if something comes up that I'm open to talking about, I'll discuss it with you!

Some quick important points:
-I'm looking for around 2 paragraphs on average from my partners. I do this so I'd like you to do this as well. Now if it goes on beyond that, and I will do it as well under certain circumstances, it's perfectly fine. Obviously, once in awhile, a paragraph or so is fine but I tend to need some of your input to help write the story. Single lines will eventually turn me off, unfortunately!
-Anime style references only. I don't do RL pics in any capacity. I'm trying to get away from the bores of life, and I fancy anime to be a lot more fun. That said, this is strictly for my character, and while I would prefer you to not use RL pics for your own characters, descriptions could be fine by me as well.
-My availability is all over the place and I can't promise to be your dedicated rp partner. That said, my average will likely be once every couple days, though I'll have short periods of several free hours, and periods of a week that I can't respond or even come on. If I know one of these periods is coming up, I'll update my profile status, but know that I can't always do this. Like I said, RL sux…
-English Literacy is preferred. While I can speak, read, and write in Spanish, it's not a language that I'm sexually experienced in, so I stick to English. I would like it if you could be decently literate in English as well!
-I'm open to threads and pms to rp. Preference: threads. Nothing else though, I only want to rp on this site and have everything in one place, sorry!

Alrighty, with the serious stuff out of the way, let's get into the plots! At the end of each plot, I'll list some specific kinks that I'd like to include within the story. I don't have an f-list but hopefully these will give you some ideas toward the kinds of things I like! Keep in mind I very much enjoy immature but sexually kinky stuff!

I'll start cleaning some stuff up and doing some maintenance. For now, I'll label each idea with it's availability (Available, Potentially Available, Unavailable)
Available: open to be played as is. If you want to add some ideas of your own and brainstorm, also welcome.
Potentially Available: open to be played but not as is. I have at least one dedicated version and I'd like some extensive input from you to alter it and make it more unique.
Unavailable: not open to be played. I likely already have a few different dedicated rps so I wouldn't be looking to play it, even with alterations.

1. My Girlfriend's Got a Secret! Unavailable

YC and MC go to the same school together. YC is just an average guy, maybe a bit on the nerdy or geeky side, but nothing too extraordinary. MC is a perfectly normal, innocent, and a bit shy, girl from YC's class. The image of innocence, and a very nice girl. With his huge crush on her, he eventually gets the idea to ask her out, and surprisingly, she accepts! Eventually, they become boyfriend and girlfriend and everything is very pleasant.
At least until he finds out that his innocent girlfriend apparently loves to wear both thongs and sexy lingerie! How can he cope with such a sexy revelation!? Not to mention that his own family would likely frown upon her if they knew the truth... maybe it would just need to be their sexy little secret!
Reference Images: Bikini, Undies
Kinks: Ecchi, Underwear, Lingerie, Romance

2. An Unfortunate Circumstance Unavailable
For this story, I'd like you to be able to play multiple characters. MC is an average high school girl, albeit she has a debilitating problem: because her butt chafes very easily, she's forced to wear thongs and loose clothing, typically skirts. However, this school has some pretty notorious boys who are utterly repressed in their sexuality. This leads to them being exceptionally sexually aggressive with the girls, doing all sorts of shenanigan's to them (from flipping up their skirts in the middle of the lunchroom, to running down the hall with a fan on full blast, to peeping in on their locker rooms, etc).
So far, MC has avoided their eye for the most part, due to her plain and timid nature. Yet somehow, one of the boys manages to get to her and finds that, unlike all the other girls who wear normal panties, she wears thongs! As a result, word quickly gets around and she's deemed a slut. Of course, this means that she's also very much into sex, whether she may say she wants it or not...
Reference Images: Cute outfit, Spruced Up, Looks Different from Behind
Kinks: Ecchi, Underwear, Lingerie, Non-con, Bondage/BDSM

3. Motherly Matchmaker Unavailable
For this story, I'll be playing two characters. YC is an average guy who befriends of my younger MC, who is about his age (18-24). For whatever reason, she refuses to bring him home or even meet her mother. Yet when he gets a personal invite from the mother, he finds out why she's been so hesitant to bring him along: his mother is quite the sexy, kinky woman, and no sooner does she see him that she insists that the two get together into a relationship.
Course, while the daughter wants to remain friends and wants her mother to get out of her life, her mother is more than happy to tempt him with whatever means she can to get him to capitulate, whether it be showing off her daughter's body to him without her permission, or even coercing him into forcing himself on her. After all, she would like grandkids someday, rather sooner than later...
Reference Images: Mother and Daughter, Showing Off
Kinks: Ecchi, Underwear, Lingerie, Uniforms, Romance, Non-con, Bondage/BDSM

4. Building a Harem Unavailable
For this story, I would like if we both played multiple characters. I'd like if you could play at least two, and I'm willing to play a larger number of characters. Additionally, by default, I'm looking for this story to be somewhat episodic, following this specific pattern:
1. stalking: one or more of the boys finds one or more girls and decides she/they are now targets. Following her/their movements and life for several days, a plan is decided on where and when is best to get them.
2. confrontation/first rape: at the ideal moment, the boy(s) go after the girl(s), subduing them and raping them for the first time. This way, it will be different for each girl or group of girls.
3. capture and harem induction: they are captured and taken to the boys' sex dungeon, where they will be kept for future use.
While we can repeat the motions, it will be different each time, and each episode will focus on different girls, and potentially different guys, depending on how many are involved. Between episodes, I don't mind having some mini-scenes where the boys go to their existing harem and have their way with some of the girls they already captured. While some girls will always fight back and should therefore always be kept under control, other girls will be weak willed enough to eventually submit, allowing the boys to have fun with them in different ways. Ultimately though, every girl should remain restrained whenever the boys aren't there.
Reference Images: Keeping a Tight Ship, Ever Expanding
Kinks: Non-con, Light to Extreme Bondage/BDSM, Ecchi, Underwear, Lingerie, Stalking, Uniforms, Blackmail, Breaking

5. An Inexperienced Monarch Unavailable
YC is the prince of a kingdom (could be fantasy, modern, semi-modern, etc) that dominates a particular league of kingdoms. After the passing of his father, he is required to not only take up the mantle of king, but also of the entire league. Any notice of weakness from him could result in fracturing and all out war between the very ambitious lesser kingdoms. To help him, he needs to find a princess to become his queen, and of course, all of the kingdoms who have available daughters eagerly send them his way.
Another problem is that he is physically weak, and very sexually inexperienced. To the point where he couldn't go more than a single thrust without climaxing. He needs to be careful how he handles each one!
Reference Images: A Perfect Princess, One with Flair, Fiery but shy?, A bit more Mature, Experienced, and the Innocent One
Kinks: Romance, Switch Doms, Underwear, Lingerie, Uniforms, Bondage/BDSM

6. Slice of Magic Unavailable
MC is secretly a magic user (be it a witch, wizard, mage, etc) in an otherwise mundane world, slice of life style. YC is a friend of hers, one of the few, really, for despite her rather good looks, her personality is not exactly there. For the most part. Regardless, she feels like she can trust him enough to eventually reveal her secret to him, while also asking him for a favor. To be the test subject of her latest spell.
Of course, things go wrong and bad things happen to YC which make life just that much worse for him (they weren't all that great to begin with). Still, since it's her fault, MC has to deal with resolving the issue rather than making it worse, while making sure YC is both safe and not causing trouble. Some potential things that could happen to him:
-He becomes tiny. While it has its advantages, the disadvantages might not make it worth it.
-He becomes invisible. While she can cast a spell to be able to see him, no one else can. Just careful crossing the street!
-He becomes permanently erect. This one is pretty awkward... and no, a doctor won't be able to fix it. While there are ways to temporarily relieve it, they all involve sexy methods.
-He becomes utterly handsome. No drawbacks, of course, right? Well, when all of the school's female population starts to rampage after him, all wanting a piece of him, he might not think he's so lucky! Obviously, if MC can cast her spell on time, she might be protected but if she isn't...
-He becomes completely gross. He can't get a girlfriend normally, how the hell is he supposed to do anything now? He's so revolting, people seemed inclined to attack him or call the cops!
-He gets a little annoying voice in his head. Most likely egging him on to force himself on some unfortunate girls while going on to be some really dark stuff, he'll have to contend with keeping himself sane when the voice won't ever shut up unless he does what it wants.
-He gets turned into a girl. Again, no drawbacks, right? Well, he might start to find how hard it actually is when he's getting hit on all the time. Or... uh... worse...
-He becomes an animated, inanimate object. Not possible, you say? Well I say otherwise! He could be a rug or a lamp. Or he could be something else. Like a pair of panties.
-He becomes always surrounded by wind. Good and bad, in more ways than you think!
-He gets split into multiple copies of himself. Which one is the real one!? And some of them might have alternate personalities...
We can focus on one or more of them, with her casting a fixing spell that either fixes it but she goes and messed up again, or the fixing spell doesn't exactly work and causes a different problem instead. Feel free to discuss more possibilities!
Reference Images: Quite the Pair, In uniform
Kinks: Supernatural, Magic, Switch Doms, Multiple Characters, Underwear, Lingerie, ECCHI, Uniforms, Bondage/BDSM, Breath Control, a lot more you can name

7. Particular Obsessions Unavailable
MC is a woman in her late 20's or early 30's, though she is a nymphomaniac. While her high school and college days of actively seeking out partners everyday or even several times per day is somewhat past her, she still doesn't know how to say no to any guy who decides to come unto her. Whether he asks her or just goes ahead and takes her, MC is far too willing to comply, though she does have ONE rule: he MUST wear a condom!
It's the only reason she has been able to maintain her lifestyle without all the 'baggage' that comes along with it. However:
-Scenario 1
YC is a random guy, yet another of her potential lovers, who wants to do it with her. However, he doesn't exactly subscribe to the notion of wasting his jizz, definitely not in a condom. Whether he forces himself on her (in which case she WILL fight back) and fucks her raw or tricks her into starting with the condom on, but makes sure that it's off by the end, she will be ending the night with a womb full of cum. Afterward, MC will be mentally exhausted, with one of various outcomes we can discuss.
-Scenario 2
YC is her husband, and they've been high school sweethearts while getting married not too long after. They might even be childhood friends and certainly her first, who discovered her nymphomania. As a result, he's been more than caring with her situation, and has been very joyous with the fact she protects herself. What he doesn't like is how they've been married for several years now and still, she refuses to allow HIM, her HUSBAND, to do it raw! As a result, he's grown bitter and decides that enough is enough. Either he confronts her and ends up forcing himself on her, or their usual sex session doesn't go as usual. Either way, he will be filling up his wife with his cum for the first time. Consequences can be discussed!

Note that I would appreciate if you'd be willing to do one or two scenes as random other guys leading up to this scene, in particular playing with the condom aspect, as in the ref image.
Reference Images: Condoms, Yes Please!
Kinks: Condoms, Romance or Non-con, Underwear, Lingerie, potentially Ecchi, potentially Bondage/BDSM, Risk of Pregnancy, Adultery

8. Super Thong Man! Unavailable
In a world where far too many pretty and sexy bums are kept from the world by plain old panties, one man decides it is his DUTY to correct this! "Every pretty girl should wear a thong!" is his motto, and he plans to put that into place. After years of working in a lingerie store and perfecting the art of changing mannequins, he has developed a supernatural ability to be able to switch out a girl's panties for a thong in the blink of an eye!
But all is not sunshine and rainbows for our hero, for the oppressive Panty Brigade has risen up to stop him from completing the good work of the thong lord! Will he turn the world into a 'better place' or will he end up trampled beneath the shoes of a thousand angry women!?
Reference Images: Whether Working, In the Park, More Mature, Or Young, Regardless of Race, Or Skin Color, And Even Through Pantyhose; Schoolgirls and More Schoolgirls and even More Schoolgirls! And their mums.
Kinks: ECCHI!!!!!!!, Underwear, Lingerie, Supernatural

9. Living with Twins is Hard! Unavailable
YC starts to date a girl who really likes him. One day, she decides to bring over to her home, where he meets her twin sister. The two are virtually alike in terms of their looks, with only slight differences in what they're wearing differentiating the two. Obviously, they have somewhat different personalities as well. His girlfriend is the more playful one, while the sister is really sweet.
That night, he's invited to sleep over, so he settles into the couch in the living room. But his girlfriend tended to enjoy surprise sex at night, and so he sneaks up to her room. Only to find that she shares a bed with her twin! In the dark, it's impossible to tell them apart, and if he doesn't wake her up with sex, she'll be cranky. So he goes ahead and picks one, having sex with her overnight.
Next morning, he asks his girlfriend how her night went, and she doesn't make much fuss about the sex. When pressed, she doesn't know what he's talking about. Oops!
Reference Images: Wrong One!, Close Enough, A Bit Younger, Why Not Both?
Kinks: Ecchi, Underwear, Lingerie, Costumes, Uniforms, Wrong Identity, Sleep Sex, Infidelity

10. Daddy's Little Girls Unavailable (not looking for this one anymore)
(a quick note, I'm not usually into a pairing like this, but I got a sudden craving based on a few different ideas I've seen and had, but I'm only looking for a single partner for this one)
YC is an older guy, likely in his 40s, and he's had a wonderful life. An amazing and dutiful wife and three great daughters, one that's older and younger twins. But suddenly, his wife passes away and he's completely devastated. In his grief, he can't help but look at his eldest daughter, who is remarkably similar to her mother, with great sexual need.
So much so that he starts to force himself unto his own daughter, needing to relieve both his pain and needs. If she resists, he ties her down, if she cries, he gags her, and he keeps going until his very deep urges are satisfied, while his two younger daughters sleep in the next room.
Several years of being raped and acting as a surrogate mother for her younger sister's, the elder daughter has essentially accepted her place as her mother's replacement, in all aspects. But by now, the damage is done and YC's mind is shattered. As his youngest daughters reach their peak, he can't help but look at them with utter fancy, his mind permanently warped and twisted. Despite her pleas and efforts, the elder daughter isn't able to stop him, and soon enough, his two younger girls will become involved in a completely taboo incestual love triangle that none of them want...
Reference Images: Older Daughter, Older Daughter, Older Daughter; Twins, Twins
Kinks: Rape, Medium to Heavy Bondage, Immobilization, Ecchi, Underwear, Lingerie, Stalking, Molestation, Incest (Father/Daughter)

11. Growing Bad Unavailable
Ever since they were younger, YC and MC were left orphaned, with their family stealing their inheritance and throwing them out in the street. Having no one else in their lives, MC, the older sister, resolves to see them through somehow. Ever since she turned 16, she's been maintaining both a minimum paying job during the day, as well as doing a side business of prostituting herself to older guys while her little brother slept. Yet despite being what actually keeps food on the table and the rent going, it's a terrible business, as she is used and abused mercilessly, the guys she invites over tending to be more into their own pleasure and less about caring how she feels.
Some years later, YC just recently turned 16 himself, and he finds that he is growing quite the sexual appetite. With really no way of relieving himself, he has no choice but to sneak into his older sister's room while she's working and raid her underwear drawer, using her bras and panties to masturbate. Little by little, he starts to get more and more out of control, needing even more, while his sister is too tired to even notice. Late into the night, he sneaks into her room as she sleeps, again using her panties to masturbate, but this time, having something to watch. It starts as just watching at first, but slowly grows into him pulling back the covers, then exposing parts of her body, and finally, groping her.
At least until she drones awake during a particularly rough groping, and he narrowly gets caught. Scared shitless, he refrains from doing anything at all, but this just builds up his sexual need to no end. One early night, despite knowing she'll be home soon, he can't help it and he goes into her room to masturbate as usual. Though hearing someone approaching, he hides in her closet, where he is hidden but can see out. And he sees the kind of things his older sister does, the way she sells her body and is abused for it.
And it aroused him to no end...
Reference Images: SOON TO COME!
Kinks: Ecchi, Underwear, Lingerie, Uniforms, Costumes, Rough Sex, Masturbation, Panty Play, Incest, Voyeurism, Corruption, Sleep Sex, Dub-con, Non-con

12. Epic Doubles! Unavailable
For this plot, I'll offer two slightly different alternatives. I would be looking for you to play at least two main guys though!
A. A relatively young, happy couple have had a peaceful life. They have a nice home to call their own, he's successful in his job, and she's happy being his loving housewife, and of course, their passionate sex is great! However, the husband's best friend since they were kids, is not quite so lucky. For one, he'd had a crush on his friend's wife ever since he'd seen her in elementary school, and the older they got, the more that crush grew, until it became lust.
Long story short, he causes the husband to have an 'accident' and everyone believes him to be dead. Though the husband did survive, he's a long way from home. And in the meant time, the treacherous best friend swoops in and replaces him. Course, this relationship is very rocky, with him being super controlling and abusive, and their sex is just a way for him to fulfill his crazy lecherous desires he's harbored all this time.
Can the husband make his way back and claim his rightful place for justice?
B. Same set-up as story A, but in this scenario, the husband has an evil twin brother. While the husband thought his evil brother was dead, he is sadly mistaken, and in a twist of fortune (and some crazy scheming), he ends up kidnapping the husband and getting rid of him, or at least as far as he knows. Instead, he supplants his brother, having to learn everything about the wife on the fly.
Unlike his passionate brother, this evil twin isn't for lovey dovey vanilla stuff. He wants her to do some heavy duty hardcore stuff, and he plans to corrupt her sexual desires in due time. Can the true hero come back from his exile before it's too late!?
Reference Images: SOON TO COME!
Kinks: Vanilla sex, Rough sex, Forced or Tricked Infidelity, Underwear, Lingerie, Costumes, Light to Heavy Bondage, Dub-con, Non-con, Corruption

13. Sleep Doll Unavailable
For this plot, I'm open to playing either an older or younger sister against your character as her brother.
Older sister: YC has always looked up to his older sister. Smart, kind, sweet, and lately, very sexy. Indeed, in your mind, she's the perfect paragon of a woman and since YC has been down on his luck with women lately, he approaches his older sister for sexual attention. Course she refuses but she shows pity to him, wanting to talk it out with him. But this just enrages him, as he sees this as her looking down on him.
Younger sister: YC has always been the best big brother. His little sister is always so bubbly and cute, a true sweetheart. But as she grows older, he can't help but also view her as what she's becoming: an attractive young woman. After getting dumped for the third week in a row, he's getting depressed and his lovely little sister comes to cheer him up. But he's starting to have other ideas beyond just chatting it out...
Either way, he forces himself unto his sister, putting into action the very reason why every girl has dumped him: he wanted to have sleep sex with them. And with a chloroformed rag at the ready, she doesn't stand much of a chance.
Finally, he can have sex with his sister! And she's nice and relaxed as he fucks her, just as he likes. But the moment he feels her tighten up and wake up, it's back to the rag and back to sleep with her. Over and over through the course of the first day, his sister drifts in and out of sleep, as he just can't stop himself from raping her continously. By the time he finishes, his poor sister's pussy is sore and overstuffed with his seemingly endless supply of cum. But now that he got his sleep sex fetish down, he's looking for another fetish of his, one he's never shown to any girl: he wants to fuck her while she can't breathe. He's heard that girls get extremely tight during breath control sex, so he's looking to put it to the test...
Reference Images: SOON TO COME!
Kinks: Knock out drugs/Chloroform, Rape, Rough sex, Forced Clotheswearing, Underwear, Lingerie, Uniforms, Sleep Sex, Breath Control, Light to Heavy Bondage, Latex

14. A Bump in the Night Available (one-shot exclusively)
A boy and a girl have been best friends since they were children. Yet lately, he's unable to see his friend without spinning her wonderful smile into a lustful expression. He gets turned on just by looking at her. He does his best to talk to her but has to look away when his urges start to get the best of him. But he doesn't have the courage to tell her how he feels. So his desires for her grow deep inside, getting stronger and stronger. And darker. He doesn't dare show it and hiding it is practically killing him.
Yet after he watches a movie with a rather hot sleep sex scene, he gets the idea of imitating it. He can fuck her and she'll never know about it! So he does a little homework, some prepwork, and then invites his best friend over to his home for some dinner, something they've always done. But this time, after she finishes her drugged drink, she passes out, and is completely up for grabs.
The boy fucks her raw all night, cumming into her over and over, releasing his pent up needs after so long with the girl with whom he's obsessed. He goes through so many poses that by the time he feels totally drained, her pussy won't stop leaking with his cum. He went overboard. But he manages to clean up fine enough that when she wakes up, he can dismiss that soreness as stomach pains. What he can't explain away is how her doctor discovers she's pregnant the next time she goes for a blood test...
Alternatively, we could extend this rp a little bit, and instead of fucking her a million times at once, he has sex with her in her sleep, either at his house or elsewhere, over and over until we're satisfied. But she always ends up knocked up, despite "never having sex."
Reference Images: Very comfy, Rough Sleep, A Little Memento
Kinks: Knock out drugs/Chloroform, Rape, Rough sex, Underwear, Lingerie, Uniforms, Sleep Sex, Impregnation

15. Time Traveling Sub-Plots Potentially Available
-A woman in her late 30s lives alone and all she does is work. She feels extremely lonely and she regrets some of her life decisions of her earlier life. Though one day, she wakes up, and she finds herself reliving her high school days (aged 16-18). Now she has a chance to change!
-A guy in his late 30s (or older) lives alone and still regrets all the years he had a chance to ask his dream girl in high school for a date, but never go the courage to do it. One day, he wakes up and he finds himself being in high school again! He has a second chance to do things right, but can he actually manage it?
-A high school girl is having the time of her life, thinking that all of her fun and games will last forever. However, she's in for a rude awakening as when she wakes up, she finds that somehow, 20 years have passed and she's an adult with a husband, kids, and responsibilities! How will she cope?
-A high school guy hates his life. He's an otaku, a loser, and he's never gonna get laid. He wishes that all this junk could just be over. And somehow, his dream comes true when he wakes up and finds that 20 years have passed. He's an adult now, with a wife of his own! But he also has lots of responsibilities that he might not be able to handle, let alone having a completely different persona all of a sudden!
-An old man has lived a long and rich life, albeit from very humble beginnings. He is the Pervert King, a title that, unlike earlier in his life, is very much renowned and loved. Girls and women alike feel honored to be the targets of his ecchi antics! But despite being on top of the world, he does have some regrets, wishing that he could've started much earlier in life so he'd at least get to enjoy it longer. And so, when given the chance, he goes back in time to meet his younger, high school self, who is pretty much a loser that has no hope of ever getting with girls. Not to mention being very timid. So, it's up to him to teach his former self the techniques of the PERVERT KING!
Kinks: different depending on the sub-plot in which you're interested.

16. Being a Teacher is Hard Potentially Available
Being a teacher is hard work, especially when she teaches in a rather notorious school of sexually depraved delinquents. As the new high school teacher, MC has no idea what she's getting herself into when she accepts to teach a class that no other teacher wants. The Panty Brigade is a group of male students whose sole mission in high school life is to expose as many panties as they can, among a variety of other ecchi things. Unfortunately for MC, the full group is in her class, and they take a special liking to her, making her priority target #1. While the female students are all relieved, MC will be having quite a rough ride in the days to come!
Reference Images: Montage!, Fancy undies!, Just an accident, Pretty Chill
Kinks: ECCHI, Underwear, Lingerie, Uniforms, Costumes

17. Running a Tight Ship Potentially Available
YC is the captain of a ship with a small crew of only girls. Being on the high seas for weeks or months on end can start to wear on a guy surrounded by such beautiful girls, to the point that he starts to want more than just masturbation to get through the night. His attempts to woo the girls over fail, each girl seemingly having her own reason for rejecting him. This eventually culminates in him formulating a plan. If they don't want to fuck him, then he'll just have to fuck them, whether they like it or not.
With a bottle of chloroform from the medical cabinet, he plans to subdue them one by one, before setting them up for his personal use. He'll have to be careful, however, as he could face a mutiny if any of the girls finds out... That said, there may be one girl on board he may be able to convince or bribe to help him out!
Reference Images: The Navigator, The Maintenance Officer, The First Mate, The Engineer, The Cabin Girl, The Medical Officer subdues the Cook
Kinks: Chloroform/Knock out drugs, Groping/Fondling, Sleep Molestation, Sleep Sex, Rape, Light Bondage, Breath Control, Rough Sex, Consensual Sex (with traitor girl)

18. Saw: SexD Potentially Available
What if the madman (some call him a genius) behind the murderous contraptions was instead a complete and total pervert!? Well, we can always find out!
A man who has always lead an innocent live alongside his long time wife from high school, snaps when he sees a group of women that she knew sexually assault her. Being a creative engineer by trade, he decides that there are just too many evil women out there who need to be taught a lesson.
So, he kidnaps several girls and women who he believes have committed some kind of sin or crime, and places them in his dungeon of sex contraptions.
"Hello Michelle, I want to play a game. You play with the hearts of men as if they were just toys for you use and throw away. So I offer you a choice. You have ten sex toys in front of you, but only one of them has the key to the door. Use the toy for ten seconds without cumming and it will unlock. Climax too soon, and it will shock you. You have two minutes before the other door opens and all of your former lovers come to pay you a visit."
Reference Images: COMING SOON!
Kinks: Kindapping, Chloroform/Knock out drugs, Groping/Fondling, Sleep Molestation, Sex Toys, Sexual Contraptions, Immobilization, Rough Sex, Heavy Bondage, Breath Control, Multiple Guys, Multiple Girls, Gangbang

19. A G-G-Ghost!? Unavailable
YC is a typical guy (between ages 16-40) with a normal life. Until one day, he wakes up, only to see his body still in his bed. Turns out... he died! He is now a ghost! How could this happen? He has to watch in horror as his family packs up and moves out, only for some new people he doesn't know buy the house and move in. He might be pissed about the whole thing, but soon enough, he finds that the family's daughter moves into his room. So now he has to share his room with a girl! And always invisible from the shadows. Yet his ghostly body still gets the same sexual feelings he did while he was alive.
What's more, he starts to find that if he concentrates, he can start to interact with physical objects. And perhaps, he might just be able to interact with people too...
Reference Images: Mouthful of Nothing, Cute outift!, Can't see it coming, Bunny girl, Set up, Just in case, Psychic Girl
Kinks: Invisible, Invisible Sex, Non-con, Sleep Molestation, Immobilization, Bondage, Rough Sex

20. What Eyes Cannot See Unavailable
MC is the young daughter (ages 16-18) of a wealthy, well to do family. She has everything she can desire, except for two things: company and sight. Yes, she is blind, having been so since she was younger. And as a result, she feels secluded from both her family and her servants.
YC is a somewhat older guy (ages 20-25) and is a learned teacher. While he's been down on his luck and looking for a job since he got his degree, his rambunctious friend has connections in high places, including an in with MC's family. As a result, he does him a favor and gets him the position of MC's tutor after her previous one quit.
They start off on a bit of a sour note as MC is distant and closed to him, not really wanting to get close to another person who will just abandon her. However, after a chance encounter of her undressing right in front of him as she doesn't notice his presence (she hasn't developed most of her senses due to the seclusion), YC falls in love with her/becomes obsessed with her. Either way, he can use her lack of seeing to his advantage, spending a lot more time with her than she desires, just observing her, before he makes up his mind.
Reference Images: Used to look so happy, Is someone there?
Kinks: Voyeurism (both Intentional and Unintentional), Ecchi, Underwear, Lingerie, Romance or Non-con (depending on which way we want to go), Perversion

21. Super Powers Have Their Flaws Unavailable
A team of Super Heroines have risen to prominence ever since they started to fight crime. Course, all of their opponents have been small time crook and petty thieves so far. So when more powerful opponents with their own powers start to appear, the girls start to have trouble, finding that they need to team up in groups to beat them down. With more and more bad guys whose sole drive seems to now be capturing and raping them rather than sewing chaos in the city, the girls have to watch out!
Reference Images: Inspired by this series of comics
Kinks: Super Powers, Sexual Powers, Heavy Bondage, Immobilization, Rape, Ecchi, Underwear, Lingerie, Limited Romance, Multiple characters, Monsters

22. Time to Put Out Unavailable
YC is the hero of a kingdom, constantly saving its princess over and over. And all you ask for is a little more than the monetary reward you always get. For due to your standing, no peasant girl can be with you, and yet no noblewoman seems to have an interest in you either. So sometimes, it makes you feel a bit lonely, and certainly very repressed. The least the princess could do is give you a kiss, right?
But when you rescue her again and blatantly ask for a kiss, not only does she refuse but she gets offended! Accusing you of extorting her for sex!!! Your reputation is ruined and your standing with the kingdom drops even lower than when you started. The selfish bitch clearly doesn't care about you, and when you hear she's been captured again, you start your rescue mission out of a pure sense of duty, but as the challenges impose themselves upon you, you feel utterly bitter. By the time you reach the princess, it's no longer a rescue mission. You're there to collect what she owes you...
Reference Images: Taking What's Mine, Adventure Party, Enjoying It?, Look Who Got Caught Again, In a Bind, This is a Surprise!
Kinks: Bondage, Ecchi, Underwear, Lingerie, Costumes, Uniforms, Non-con, Kidnapping, Degradation

23. One of Mind Unavailable
After an unfortunate accident (whether scientific, supernatural, etc), YC's mind and/or soul is basically merged with that of MC. So now, she has him inside of her, able to see, hear, feel, etc, anything and everything she does. But not only that but his own emotions can influence her as well. Whether it be her getting aroused due to him seeing a bunch of near naked girls in the locker room, become bashful when talking to a girl he really likes, or even start to influence the kinds of clothing she wants to wear, MC finds herself in more and more unusual situations, and him practically becoming more in control of her life.
Reference Images: SOON TO COME!
Kinks: Supernatural, Voyeurism, ECCHI, Underwear, Lingerie, Semi-Mind Control (Influence), 'Forced' Clotheswearing, Potential Yuri

24. Four Girls, One House Unvailable
Four young school girls receive mysterious invitations to a fancy looking house just on the outskirts of town, through a small neck of woods and on a hill. Considering no one knew about this house until now, the group decides to go together. Yet the moment they step foot through the door, everything goes black.
The next thing they know, they are in a completely different room, and their only clothes left are their underwear and see-through shirts. As they try to escape, the girls are constantly getting separated in a variety of ways, taken to secluded parts of the house and molested and raped in a variety of ways, either by supernatural forces or a very devious person or persons who have planned out this elaborate 'fun' house! Can the girls escape before their tormentors decide to seal the front door forever?
Reference Images: The Four Girls
Kinks: Supernatural or Super Intelligent, Ecchi, Underwear, Lingerie, Kidnapping, Non-con, Light to Heavy Bondage, Immobilization, Degradation, Breath Control, Sleep Sex, Knock-out/Chloroform, Sexual Powers, Multiple-Characters, potentially Monsters

25. New to the Force Potentially Available
The local precinct has a new officer on the force, and fresh faced young woman right out of the academy. However, she quickly finds that the academy was a very soft downright appeasing place compared to where she is now, where her role is relegated to rather unimportant assignments. Perhaps worst of all is how degrading her male colleagues are, with sexual harassment being commonplace and accepted. It seems she can't even get herself a coffee in the morning without getting groped at least a few times on her way!
It's not much better with her fellow female officer, who looks to have adjusted to the environment over the years and doesn't even bat an eye when the same things happen to her. Though it's almost as if having a fresh booty to harass has made her job easier! Regardless, there are still cases to do!
Reference Images: Newbie, Newbie, Newbie, Experienced, Experienced, Officers
Kinks: Ecchi, Uniform, Underwear, Lingerie, Harassment, Degredation

26. Married for the Drawers Unavailable
YC has never had much luck with girls, at least until he came across MC. Surprisingly, she accepted to go out with him, and he managed to restrain himself for once. MC couldn't see why no girl was particularly interested in him, and seeing how sweet and kind (or other positive traits) he was, she decided to accept his sudden marriage proposal. Course, the moment they move in together, she'll see exactly what quirk always turned the ladies off.
YC has a sexual fascination with female underwear and lingerie, and he can think of nothing sexier than to go through her intimates drawers and see what she has. Not to mention he's always interested in seeing what's she's wearing underneath. To the point of being a bit... immature. And of course, the kinds of sex he's mostly interested are... strange indeed. His dick ends up more in her panties than inside her, and she'll often find her undies either soiled in the hamper, or even cum stained in her drawer. Not to mention waking up feeling the warmth of his cum in and on her panties and bra... He also starts to get more controlling on what she has to wear and he seems to buy her new lingerie every day.
Reference Images: Close Enough, Now it's squishy!, There's So Much!, Okay, we'll do it your way..., You Like Them?, Pretend I'm not here, Sabotage, Hold still a moment, dear, You found it...
Kinks: Ecchi, Underwear, Lingerie, Coerced Clotheswearing, Panty Play/Focus, Cum on/in Clothing, Non-penetrative sex, Perversion, Risky Public Scenes

27. More than Gaming Pals Unavailable
YC is something of a geek who admires two athletic girls from his school. He has a huge crush on both of them but he can't decide which one he likes more. Not that he'd dare ask them out or anything anyway... He is big into video games though, particularly first person shooters. What he doesn't know is that those same two girls are also surprisingly hardcore into first person shooters as well, and are, in fact, two of his closest online friends.
He's a lot more outgoing online though, flirting and making sexual comments to them, which they seem to either find hilarious or not really care about. He eventually finds some hacks that allow his character to have sex with the girls' characters, obviously against their wills. One finds it hot, while the other finds it disgusting. Either way, he eventually manages to convince the one that loved it to go on a 'blind date' with him, and he'll be shocked to find out who she is in reality! However, this kicks off their relationship, which also makes him eager to start a forced relationship with her friend.
Reference Images: The girls, Online Character, Online Character
Kinks: Ecchi, Underwear, Lingerie, RP within RP, Masturbation, Con and Non-con

28. So You Think You're Tough, Huh? Available (one-shot only)
A local macho gym has had an influx of losers lately, who all want to get buff because they're sick of their loveless lives. Surprisingly, the hunks there don't give them too much trouble, but one tough girl in particular is quite the bitch. Whether it's beating them up on a whim or humiliating them in the middle of the gym, she's nothing but a big bully, and one that gets on enough of the guys' nerves. Separately, they stand no chance against her. Together, they can change their fortunes.
One gangrape later and she's been put in her place. Now it's her turn to suffer...
Reference Images: Tough Gal, What she deserves, Payback is a bitch
Kinks: Violence, Bondage, Non-con

29. New Generation of Journeys Unavailable
The pokemon world has changed a lot in recent times, but not all for the better. More advanced technology has improved everyone's lives, but an increase in predatory males has skyrocketed. It seems every failed male trainer turns into either a pervert or a rapist, or possibly both, and the authorities are unable to deal with the rise in crime rates.
The only solution society has come up with is increasing the minimum age for new trainers from 10 to 15 (or 16), yet beyond that, trainers still tend to travel by themselves, and this solution hardly has mattered. In fact, this has only hastened the predatory nature of society, as these more developed girls start their journeys later and fresh faced, ill equipped to deal with the challenges ahead, despite their far better developed bodies.
This story is sort of an episodic series following different characters through different individual stories. Both of us would play a multitude of characters.
Reference Images: So Innocent, So Vulnerable..., Their fashion doesn't help, City Alleys are Dangerous, Careful who you trust, Gangs are out of control, Gyms are overrun, Even veteran trainers, Some guys start young, Rookie officers and nurses need to watch out!, They're Everywhere!, Traveling in groups may not be enough, They've infiltrated fashion design!, Hypno is a popular pokemon, And they can be aggressive, Even gang girls suffer
Kinks: Non-con, Ecchi, Underwear, Lingerie, Bondage, Hypnosis/Mind Control, Forced Clotheswearing, Kidnapping, Supernatural powers (pokemon), Perversion, Risky Public Scenes, Breath Control, Knock-out Drugs/Chloroform, Costumes, Uniforms, Voyeurism, Stalking

30. The Neet Girl Potentially Available
MC is a (24-28) year old girl who has had either just graduated from college, or graduated several years ago. Either way, she is unable to find a job in her field, and worst of all, she hasn't been able to find a job basically anywhere! Even the local fast food places haven't given her a call back. So, exasperated with her daughter's failures and continued need to live with her and basically mooch off her, MC's mother has convinced her brother, MC's uncle, to give her a job at the small time amusement park he owns, as well as move in with him.
Despite being family, she's gonna have to start at the bottom as the park's mascot, and work her way up. Course, living with her uncle might bring weird sexual tensions into the mix...
Reference Images: Time to get a job!, Job interviews don't go well, Well, it's a living, So cute!, Even underneath
Kinks: Ecchi, Underwear, Lingerie, Costumes, Uniforms, Sexual Tension, Potential Con or Non-con

31. Wardrobe Malfunction! Unvailable
YC is a loser who can't find any girl that likes him and is generally down on his luck. Living alone while going to school doesn't help much, either. Yet one day, as he's casually strolling down a lonely nearby road, a high tech truck, carrying some very secret government projects, slips and overturns. One of those experiments, some kind of science thing having to do with fusion, hits him and merge with him.
Before he knows it, he figures out he can meld himself into any object he desires! Of course, considering he's a virgin loser, he'll likely be in the mood to get intimate with girls, as he can meld with their clothes and underwear as well! And the more he gets used to it, the more he feels he can control himself, materializing parts of himself right unto the objects...
References Images: Entire Inspiration
Kinks: Supernatural, Ecchi, Underwear, Lingerie, Bondage, Non-con, Risky Public Scenes, Breath Control, Voyeurism

32. Lucky Bunny's Cunt Unavailable
YC is a high school guy who's down on his luck. Not only does he suck at pretty much everything he does, the only friend he has is an even bigger loser than he is, and obviously, there's no way even an ugly girl would want to talk to him. However, when he talks to his very successful and playboy grandfather about his problems, the old man reveals the existence of the reason for his good fortunes in life: a lucky magical bunny girl.
Course, YC doesn't believe him at all until he finds out that one of the school's most mischievous girls is actually one of these famed magical bunny girls in disguise! According to his grandfather, the trick is to trap the girl and rape her, making a wish just before cumming inside of her. He was... very specific. But he also warns that they're very tricky to catch and subdue!
Reference Images: Normal, other than the ears, Though she has a nice body, It's a trap!, No more running away, I've got more wishes!
Kinks: Ecchi, Underwear, Lingerie, Costumes, Uniforms, Non-con, Supernatural, Bondage, Risky Public Scenes, Voyeurism

33. The Future is Grand Unavailable
YC is in his last year of high school when he finally loses his virginity to a nice girl from his class. However, as he climaxes into her while they do it inside the science lab, one of the teachers starts to come into the room, and as they quickly try to dress themselves, he trips and tumbles backwards into some weird device that has been sitting in the lab for awhile. Turns out that it's a cryogenic chamber, and it instantly freezes him.
The next time he regains consciousness, he's still within the school though it looks a lot more high tech. However, he finds that clothing has changed after a long time, not to mention the fact that males have almost gone extinct! Obviously, that means the desire for him is stupidly high, even by one girl that happens to be a descendent of his!
Reference Images: The future looks bright, She looks remarkably familiar!, Her friend has doubts, But they look good together, Don't they?, The swimwear isn't much different, At least the gym outfit covers a bit, Casual wear?
Kinks: Ecchi, Underwear, Lingerie, Costumes, Uniforms, Incest, Public Scenes, Voyeurism

34. Runs in the Family Unavailable
YC must be one of the luckiest guys in the world, as he is the youngest of four siblings. All three of his older sisters are utterly hot bombshells, to the point that growing up around them has been something difficult ever since he hit puberty. As a result, his sex drive is through the roof, to the point that simple masturbation just doesn't do it for him anymore. He grows pervier and pervier, needing to see his older sisters in the flesh doing all sorts of sexy things rather than watching porn.
One night, he snaps and can't take it anymore. He goes straight into his sisters' room and forces himself unto one of them. This inevitably wakes up all three of them, though their responses might not be what he expected...
Reference Images: Quite the threesom
Kinks: Ecchi, Underwear, Lingerie, Uniforms, Costumes, Incest

35. Working Girls Unavailable
YC has just moved to a new city in order to find work. What he finds in this relatively recently constructed city, however, is that a lot of jobs are dominated by women. And a working girl in a uniform is a huge turn on for him. What starts as him leering at these working girls starts to turn into a perversion as he views their uniforms, and whatever lovely underclothes they may have underneath, as a sexual enticement. At some point, he even finds himself so attracted to them that he'll do anything to sleep with them, or at least fuck them.
Reference Images: My cute bus driver, Just don't distract the engineer girl too much!, Good thing this is a long flight, Crime is the best way to meet her, No really, I am sick!, Mind moving off the wet cement?, Can I take your order?, The suit gets hot, Try not to burn anything, Slow business, How are we feeling today?, My research is not finished, Your local grocery store, Students can be a handful, Your car is almost done, Thanks for the coffee, Watching you, Some girls are bad news
Kinks: Uniforms, Ecchi, Underwear, Lingerie, Costumes, Voyeurism, Risky Public Scenes, Non-con

36. X-Ray Cock Unavailable
YC is some random, non-descript guy who, one day out of the blue, either by chance or accident, forms the power of x-ray vision! But it's not just that, it's a very specific kind of x-ray vision. When he starts to get aroused and focuses his sight on a girl, her clothes start to disappear before him, allowing him to see their underwear or lingerie they have underneath. Once at full mast, he has the capability of seeing them in the nude, or focus his attention at removing certain clothing. Once he is near climax, his cock has the ability to penetrate straight through any clothing and right into their bodies as if it wasn't there, practically making it a ghost cock! So he can fuck any girl, anywhere, regardless how much clothes their wearing!
Reference Images: Office lady on the train, can't hide her lovely lingerie, Stupid taunting schoolgirl, cute panties btw, Excuse me?, Just looking, the milf next door, must've gotten lingerie for her anniversary
Kinks: Supernatural, Powers, Ecchi, Underwear, Lingerie, Costumes, Uniforms, Clothed Sex, Public Scenes, Non-con, Voyeurism, Potential Incest

37. Selling Her Out Available
MC is both YC's older sister as well as a very popular tv star and performer, the Fairy Princess. She's essentially a sort of idol, both to young kids and older men alike! With her extreme success, though, YC feels totally overshadowed by her and despite her nice attitude toward him, he can't help but feel bitter. So much so that he starts to have a sort of hatred for her.
One day, he's presented with an interesting offer: some random creep super fan finds out he's her brother and offers to pay him a nice bit of cash in exchange for some pics of her in her underwear. Once he accepts this offer, though, he'll start getting more and more intense offers, that will eventually coerce him into helping guys rape his own sister!
Reference Images: Older sister, Fairy Princess, Gonna getcha!
Kinks: Incest, Perversion, Ecchi, Underwear, Lingerie, Costumes, Uniforms, Voyeurism, Cuckold, Knock-Out Drugs/Chloroform, Sleep Sex, Bondage, Non-con

38. Unfortunate Affliction Unavailable
YC is something of a loser geek in high school, with no love life and pretty much no friends to speak of. As a result, he's grown pretty bitter toward women in general, but for whatever reason, feels that way even stronger toward MC, just another girl from one of his classes he suddenly decides to make his target. He finds a drive to humiliate her, to make her life as miserable as his has been, but when he really focuses, he finds that he can stop time itself!
At first, he uses his powers to pull off all manner of dirty pranks on her without getting caught, and when it starts to affect her psychologically, he starts to get turned on a lot. To the point he decides enough is enough and proceeds to rape her while time stopped. The feeling of snatching her virginity and using her without her ever knowing who he was, not to mention the fact that it inevitably makes her even more paranoid, leads him to raping her over and over in such a way.
This strange phenomenon seems to follow her year after year with no explanation, and she seems doomed to suffer from an 'unfortunate affliction' for the rest of her life...
Reference Images: Chatting with a friend, Until time stops, And she's easy to access, But she's too good the first time, Second time's the charm!, "What just happened!?"
Kinks: Supernatural Powers, Ecchi, Underwear, Lingerie, Uniforms, Costumes, Non-con, Clothed Sex, Public Scenes, Voyeurism, Bondage, Breath Control, Potential Impregnation, Degradation, Stalking, Kidnapping, Psychological Abuse, Premature Ejaculation

39. A Night of Sexxor Potentially Available
A group of girls get together at one of their houses for a sleep over. However, one of them introduces the group to a party game in which they supposedly invoke a scary sexual creature for fun. Turns out, it works! And the creature proceeds to rape them silly one by one until they're all half conscious and full of its seed...
Alternatively, in the vein of a slasher movie, a group of teens goes into a place that is said to be haunted, only to find out that a monster really does haunt the place! They have to try to escape, though those that don't make it are raped and dragged into the sex dungeon...
Reference Images: NIce insipiration, Captured, Another capture, Welcome to the dungeon, Where the fun doesn't end, And we get to enjoy
Kinks: Supernatural, Monster, Ecchi, Underwear, Lingerie, Uniforms, Costumes, Non-con, Clothed Sex, Bondage, Breath Control, Stalking, Kidnapping

40. The Android Wars Unavailable
It is the future but one in which the majority of the female population has been extinguished. As a result, the population now consists mostly of men and female androids, but in more recent times, society seems to be near collapse. A HUGE discrepancy has emerged from the few men at the top with all the power and money while all other men are down on their luck. Sex is practically non-existent, as they can't even afford a love android, and masturbation is reaching its limits.
One enterprising man is quite the elusive underground hacker, who has made it his job to fight against both the upper echelon and against androids. Starting with a few non-combat androids in his area, he hacks them, shuts them down for a short time, rapes them, then reactivates them and disappears, the only trace left being his cum. Eventually, he starts to expand, doing more per day and even assaulting heavily armed enforcer androids too. He has made his message clear: this is war.
Reference Images: Android being constructed, Average Android, Android, Android, Android, Android, Android, Enforcer Android, Enforcer Android, Enforcer Android
Kinks: Technological, Multiple Characters, Non-con, Stealth

41. Timeless Love Available
YC is an average high school guy living alone with his mother. He loves her very much, not just as a mother, but emotionally and even sexually. But he could never bring himself to either admit or act upon his feelings... what if she refuses him? What would happen then? So he goes to bed every night, wishing that somehow, he could have his mother to himself. Yet one day, he gets locked within the school and has the spend the night there. And when he wakes up... he finds that he's somehow ended up some twenty or so years earlier! Best of all... he finds that his mother is now a high school girl of his own age!
At some point, either forced or consensual, he has unprotected sex with his mother to be, and eventually ends up in the present once more. Only to find that he actually impregnated her, and now, he comes face to face with his own daughter, who is now his age... and is basically a female version of him!
Reference Images: Mother, Younger Version, Same person, different gender, We're the same
Kinks: Lust, Consensual or Non-con, Supernatural, Ecchi, Underwear, Lingerie, Uniforms, Costumes, Clothed Sex, Impregnation

42. Casual Forced Incest Available

YC and MC are brother and sister twins who get along... well very poorly. Mostly the sister annoying and pisses off the brother to no end. One day, during another argument, he loses it and forces himself unto his twin sister, unleashing all his anger in one hard fuck session. Surprisingly, the sister actually calms down and becomes more complacent afterward, though this does not last. Their relationship quickly develops into one of arguing, raping, then co-existing, in that order, and it seems to reset very quickly... You'd think she would learn her lesson but maybe she doesn't WANT to learn it!
Reference Images: Not the right flavor!, So suck on this then!, Too much ridicule, Too much revenge, My turn again, Now it's mine, A lazy bitch, Getting what she asked for, Prying finds secrets, Both ways, Illness is the worst, But it can be cured, Once in awhile, It works the other way
Kinks: Incest, Casual Rape, Ecchi, Underwear, Lingerie, Uniforms, Costumes, Clothed Sex, Anal, Creampies

That's all I got for now, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask! Also if you don't like any of these, I'm open to discussion but I can't promise anything.
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