Fx Any Building an OC Superheroine World


Jun 20, 2017
Hello, everyone! I was here ever so briefly a little while back… then I had a near nervous breakdown, then resurfaced briefly on Discord only to “relapse”, as it were, but have once again pulled myself together enough to poke my head in around here to see if anyone might be interested in playing.

I’ve been roleplaying online since the late ‘90’s. My primary interest here is in superheroine in peril writing. I’d actually started work on my own original series of stories with my own original characters… but that has stalled, as I’ve come to the conclusion that I do my best work with a co-writer. I feed off the bouncing back and forth of ideas and situations, and as I’ve noted before, I think NOT knowing exactly where everything is going to go (because someone else is contributing ideas and story fodder) really helps keep me engaged with the narrative.


I’m hoping there might be one, or two, or maybe even seven writers here (hey, the more the merrier!) who might have an interest in working with me to flesh out this world in my head, and help bring it to the page in a form better than what I could do individually.

What to know? Well, I am big on story and world building. That comes first. Any smut needs to emerge from the story, rather than the story merely serving as occasional diversions from the naughty stuff. As for the extent of the naughty stuff… that will also likely depend on where the story takes us. I noted in my original post here that I don’t think my strengths as a writer lend themselves to SUPER explicit sexual content, but I definitely am okay with an erotic element to whatever transpires.

With that in mind, my biggest kink is the loss of power, both in terms of a heroine’s abilities and in general as the opposition attempts to impose their will. If Joseph Campbell has “the Hero’s Journey”, then I have what I call “the heroine’s Journey”, the stages of which can be described as follows:

Stage One: “I’ve GOT this!”
Stage Two: “I CAN do this…”
Stage Three: “… CAN I do this?”
Stage Four: “I don’t think I can take much more of this…”
Stage Five (optional): “Dear God, why won’t they END this?”
Stage Five A (also optional): “… y’know what? I CAN DO THIS AFTER ALL!!!”

I’m also big on bondage, non-cub/dub-con, drugging, aspects of BDSM, humiliation, probably a number of other things that are momentarily slipping my mind. No to death, scat, vore, or particularly graphic violence. Open to discussing just about anything in between.

With that in mind, here’s the important stuff…

--Montezuma, Arizona. A rapidly growing, burgeoning major city, rapidly becoming an entertainment destination (attracting organized crime) as well as hosting a number of tech companies (attracting mad scientists). Also home to Montezuma State University, a public university where our heroine and her friends attend… when she’s not saving the city, the nation, or the world, that is.

--Songbird/Allison Vogel (modeled on Kira Kosarin). 22 years old, beginning her senior year at MSU. When she was 12, her father was murdered and her mother left for dead in a brutal home invasion, while Allison herself was abducted from the scene. Her assailant took her to a pre-prepared destination with every intent of sexually assaulting her…

… when Allison screamed.

Which, to be fair, would probably be how most 12 year old girls would react to those circumstances. Only Allison’s scream manifested a sonic blast, that caused her attacked to but a severe dent in the wall when his body was slammed into it. Allison’s mother, Amanda Vogel, recovered from her injuries and, when the criminal’s conviction was overturned on a technicality, entered politics, eventually winning the state’s governorship.

Allison, meanwhile, began experimenting with and honing her powers. In addition to her scream, she discovered the ability to generate sonic waves from her hands, which she can use either as projection weapons or to propel herself in flight. Once she left home and enrolled at MSU, she began fighting crime under the guise of Songbird.

--Hummingbird/Lexie Shepherd (modelled on Sammi Hanratty). 21 years old, also beginning her senior year at MSU. A certified genius, she began to talk earlier than anyone else, learned to read sooner than her peers, and graduated high school early. Early in her college career, she began reading stories about the exploits of Songbird, and was inspired to beginning fighting crime herself.

Unfortunately, she had no superpowers of her own.

What she did have, however, was a talent for creating tech and gadgets—including gauntlet blasters and mechanical wings for flight, which can be sheathed and unsheathed from a metallic “backpack” that is part of her costume. Inspired partly by her appreciation for Songbird and partly by her own lack of height, she chose the name Hummingbird.

Eventually, the two ‘Birds would cross paths—and each would be shocked to learn that they knew each other as civilians. It only made sense to join forces.

--Michelle Morrison (modelled on Peyton R. List). 21 years old, also a senior at MSU and Allison Vogel’s best friend away from the crimefighting world. She and Allison share an apartment, but she is totally unaware of Allison’s other identity. She is everyone’s friend, the life of every party, and a shameless flirt.

Below is an extract from the introductory prologue to my attempted first Songbird story…

After placing the last brick of narcotics into the SUV’s cargo bay, Marcus lowered the hatch… and that was when he caught his first glimpse of the two distinctly feminine shaped figures—well, even if one of them had wings—flying toward their location. “Well, well, well,” he sighed, sounding far more annoyed than alarm. Then, he alerted his friends, calling out, “Look! Up in the sky! It’s the ‘Birds.”

JD came up alongside him, following Marcus’ pointed finger toward the approaching duo. He had seen a couple of news reports about the exploits of Montezuma’s costume clad heroines in the past couple of months, but he hadn’t put very much stock in their credibility. In his expert opinion as a criminal mastermind waiting to claim his own empire, he had simply figured most of the apprehended parties had just invented tales of these costumed cuties to mask their own incompetence. And yet, here they were, closing in. Even so, despite the evidence of his own eyes, JD shook his head. “Nah. Nah, dawg. Those ain’t birds.”

“Well, they can’t be the plane,” Coop said, jerking a thumb in the direction of the light aircraft on the runway. “Cause it’s already here.”

Finding a spot between Marcus and JD, Shawn slung an arm around each of his partners’ shoulders. “Y’know what that leaves, don’tcha?” he asked, the blonde and brunette now only a handful of feet in front of them, and about six feet overhead. “These must be super sluts!”

Songbird simply shook her head. “Do you ever stop and wonder if the Emerald Eagle got to deal with a better class of banter, back in her day?” she asked.

“I blame Sesame Street being farmed out to HBO,” Hummingbird replied, perfectly deadpan.

“Now look, guys,” Songbird told the men below, “not to be cliched or anything, but we can do this the easy way, or we can do this the hard way.”

“Oh, trust me,” Marcus shot back, grabbing his crotch with his left hand, “it’s already hard. And it’s gonna be harder than you can handle.”

“You hear that?” Hummingbird asked her partner. “Dude’s already excited at the thought of getting his ass handed to him. Y’know, I read in the last issue of Capes & Cowls Magazine that science has proven that 80% of henchbitches are just subs in denial.”

That was enough to change Marcus’ demeanor, from mocking to furious. “Yo, who you callin’ bitch, bitch?”

As much as Songbird was enjoying the exchange, that didn’t stop her from noticing the movement of both Marcus and JD’s hands toward their waistbands, no doubt reaching for handguns. That first flicker of movement was the only tip off that the brunette needed to raise her right hand, palm extended forward. She had to keep one palm lowered toward the ground, to keep herself in flight. But now, she used the other hand to direct a burst of sonic energy toward the quartet of miscreants, that wave first knocking two fired bullets out of the air. That would have been enough to stun the criminals, surely, only that pulse wave didn’t stop there. Instead, the energy wave washed over all four, sending the men crashing to the ground below, with guns skidding across the ground.

With her flight supported by mechanical wings, Hummingbird had the use of both her hands for offensive purposes, and she put them to good use. When the fingers of her right hand curled toward the heel of her palm, they activated a trigger that send her own pulse wave of energy surging toward the front landing gear of the aircraft. The stanchion proved no match, coming apart under the assault and sending the nose of the plane plummeting to the tarmac below. In the next instant, the blonde heroine’s left hand did the same thing, delivering a pulse wave to the rear passenger’s side tire of the SUV, destroying it just as thoroughly.

Shawn was just getting to his feet as Songbird touched down, and he didn’t hesitate in charging toward her and swinging a looping, overhand right in her direction. But perhaps discretion might have been the better part of valor, as he remained a little dazed from the brunette’s initial attack, which rendered his blow sloppy and easy for the heroine to duck. Songbird returned fire by delivering a swift left-right combination to Shawn’s belly, the jabs landing with significantly more force than he would have expect a girl of five feet eight and maaaybe one hundred and thirty pounds to be able to manage. With the breath knocked out of him. Shawn dropped to his knees before pitching further forward, into something of a three point stance as his other arm hugged his stomach.

Before she could press her advantage, however, a pair of arms slipped underneath hers, the hands attached to them locking together behind her head in a crude but effective full nelson. As Coop approached her, Songbird realized that these guys apparently had no interest in honoring the tried and true tradition of henchmen attacking one at a time, even if they enjoyed a numerical advantage on the good guys. Meanwhile, JD’s voice hissed into her ear, “You’re gonna regret sticking that cute little nose in where it doesn’t belong…”

Before the brunette could think of a witty rejoinder, Coop extracted a measure of vengeance for the fallen Shawn, delivering a couple of crisp and powerful jabs to Songbird’s tummy. The heroine grunted with each punch, her eyes reflexively trying to close in response to the punishment. She did at least feel a momentary sense of relief as she saw her partner come in for a landing, those purple wings promptly retracting back inside their metallic encasement. But relief quickly turned to dread when Songbird saw a recovered Marcus approaching her protégé from behind, Hummingbird completely unaware. She tried to call out a warning, but thanks to Coop’s gut punches, it took her too long to find the air necessary to vocalize the danger.

And, from behind, Marcus slipped an arm around Hummingbird’s neck, trapping the blonde in a tight sleeperhold. The young heroine’s already large, round eyes grew wider still as the flow of her blood and air was restricted, her hands reaching up to paw and claw at the brawny biceps which had become a noose for her. Marcus smiled, given his sleeper a couple of jerks left and right, partly to try to disorient the heroine, and partly just to assert his dominance. He reveled in the sensations of this tiny girl, barely five feet if that, cosplaying at being some sort of heroine, gradually slipping into unconsciousness, squirming in his grasp. And he would have enjoyed it more, if not for that damn case on her back that was keeping a frustrating distance between her taut glutes and his building need. “You’ve made the biggest mistake of your life, kid,” Marcus snarled, “and trust me: I am gonna enjoy tapping that aaauuUUUUUNNNNGGGGHHHHHHH…”

His chilling threat was brought to an abrupt halt when Hummingbird’s heel buried itself in the pit of his stomach, her mule kick forcing him to release his sleeperhold and stagger backward. The blonde might have still been short of breath, but that didn’t prevent her from acting quickly, as she pivoted to face Marcus and dropped to one knee. Raising her right arm, Hummingbird aimed a pulse wave that struck the vile cretin directly in his crotch, at nearly point blank range. Without even a cry of the torment he had to be experiencing, Marcus crumpled to the ground and shriveled up into a fetal ball.

“Something tells me you’re not gonna be tapping anything anytime soon,” Hummingbird mused, extracting a pair of lightweight but sturdy handcuffs from the utility pouch strapped to her right thigh.

Marcus’ howl from the mule kick had spun Coop around, and once Marcus had gone down, Coop started to head toward the blonde heroine. Alas, diverting his attention from the other heroine in this fight proved to be a mistake, as Songbird used JD’s full nelson as a form of support, raising up her legs and driving her boots into Coop’s shoulderblades. Her feet settled back down as Coop stumbled forward, and the brunette powered her way out of JD’s clutches with a mighty downward thrust of her right arm. Slipping around behind the criminal, Song whipped him toward his partner, JD rushing into a turning Coop, their foreheads cracking off one another.

And as the two turned back toward her, Songbird opened her mouth, unleashing a scream. Her scream, however, was more than just a piercing sound. Her scream was a channeled wave of pure sonic energy that slammed into both Coop and JD with incredible force, in addition to the decibels that assaulted their eardrums. The combination of the two left the men collapsed in a heap, whimpering and clutching their ears with both hands.

The decibel portion of Songbird’s Sonic Scream would have done the same to her partner as well, if not for the devices she had implanted in her ears, which left her hearing immune to the frequency which her friends weaponized sound operated on. As the blonde straightened up and tossed a pair of cuffs toward her partner, Hummingbird teased, “Man… I usually only see that sort of reaction at Christmas, when you try to sing carols.”

“Shut up,” Songbird grinned, plucking the tossed cuffs out of the air before moving to restrain JD.

Hummingbird took one step toward Coop, but then stopped herself. “Weren’t there FOUR of these jerks?”

The brunette shrugged her shoulders. “Maybe he’s smarter than his buddies?” she replied. “Anyways, we’ve got his friends, we’ve got the drugs. There’s not much he’s gonna do, apart from save his own ass.”
The sound of sirens began to fill the air. Montezuma PD was closing in. “Just in time,” Songbird mused, as the first marked car pulled up to a halt.
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