Fx Male Jaden's Requests {Closed}

Jaden Starling

Oct 20, 2019
If you want to drop or postpone a thread please message me.


1. Proficient English: Typos and mistakes happen to everyone, but when nothing is spelled right and basic grammar is butchered then it gets frustrating.

2. Post Length: I generally go for a few paragraphs in my replies and prefer roughly two to three well-written paragraphs. Of course, no one-liners. I personally don't care if I'll have to wait longer for a lengthy and well-written reply since I like having something to work with.

3. Duration: I like longer roleplays with somewhat of a plot framework set up before we get into it. That being said, I’m also cool with adding things and making it more elaborate as we go or as inspiration strikes.

4. NO Godmodding: Basically, don't directly take control my character's thoughts/feelings/actions/reactions/dialogue/etc.. I can write those myself. Alternatively, I'm not a fan of characters that are way too overpowered for the sake of controlling the plot. For the most part, this hasn’t been an issue in a long while.

5. NO Metagaming: Using out of character knowledge for an in-character action. A general example is like if your character is *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ magically *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ aware of something they shouldn't know just because we know out-of-character.

6. My Schedule: So, my schedule fluctuates frequently. That being said, I do have outside obligations and ask that you be patient if a reply is taking a few days or weeks. If it has been longer than a week or two, feel free to message me, as something might have come up, I might be stuck, or I might have thought I replied but didn’t.

7. Where to RP?: Generally speaking, I'd prefer all RPs to happen on the forums, I don't have any interest in RPing via email.

8. Images: I tend to use either animated images or faceclaims (of public figures/models/celebrities only) depending on the character or plot. My partners are welcome to use whatever is comfortable for them.

9. Settings, Genres, and Plots: I adore sci-fi, supernatural, fantasy, and crime drama themed plots, as well as things that are action/adventure-oriented. Things I don't particularly care for are plain slice-of-life plots or happy-go-lucky romances (we can eventually move towards these if you like). I’m more of a conflict, strife and angst person. When it comes to the plot I feel that some source of conflict keeps things interesting and moving (it's probably the end by the time everything's happy and the conflicts are resolved).

Likes, Dislikes, and Hard Nos:

♔ I generally write a character's personality with little regard for their position in bed, ngl.
I only play female subs for hetero plots when it comes to NSFW subject matter.
♔ Everything I've mentioned under the basics heading above.
♔ Slowburn, well-written plots with good chemistry between the characters.

*I have had threads with smut right out the gate, but those depend on the circumstances.
♔ My kinklist was offsite. :(
*I'm pretty open to trying new kinks out too if it's not a hard no.

♔ Anything with godmodding level mind control (telepathic, drug-induced, magic-induced, etc.).
♔ Furries, anthro, bestiality and whatever else falls under this category.

*Shapeshifters are okay, but I'm not doing anything smutty with nonhuman forms.

Hard Nos:
♔ Necrophilia (The lone exception to this would be in the event of vampire-related pairings.)
♔ Incest (I dislike this as a kink, but the one exception would be the squick/horror value.)
♔ Underage (Any interactions involving characters under the age of 18.)
♔ No Race Play

*Different races are fine, just don't make it a weird fetish thing.
♔ Under no circumstances will I ever do scat, watersports or anything sexual involving vomit.
♔ PWP/pure smut threads.


I’m Not:
♔ Going to hound, harass, or otherwise bother you for replies, I tend to assume you’ll get to it when you get to it.
♔ Going to get upset or angry if you want to drop a thread or if there are delays.
♔ Going to rush you for anything, I might check-in, but there’s zero rush.

I May Possibly:
♔ Check-in once in a while to see if you still like the plot or if you want to change anything.
♔ Ask if everything’s alright if it’s been a month or longer since I’ve heard from you.
♔ Offer ideas and try to brainstorm as we go along or ask if you want to add anything.

Scroll Down for Plot Ideas
If none of my plots appeal to you, but we seem to like the same things and you think we're compatible, hmu.

I promise I'm not as hard-ass about things as I'm making myself out to be here,
I just don't want either of us to be disappointed due to a miscommunication or misunderstanding from the start.
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