I Wish I Had the Confidence To Start


Supporting Character
Jun 15, 2019
I love writing romance, but my roleplay partners prefer smut which I will not write out of respect to my SO.

I love building worlds but cannot commit to the massive administration duties of running a large, complex roleplay.

But I feel the itch to write constantly! I'm a creative person, and I miss the rush of roleplaying with an engaging partner or partners.

So below are some ideas I will go from briefly scratching the surface to full-blown worlds with pictures.

Feel free to send me a PM about what you think of my ideas. I appreciate them. :)
Adventurer's Guild
A kingdom-sanctioned guild where adventurers take on requests for rewards and to increase their ranks.

Guildmaster - Communicates with the kingdom, polices the guild, and more.
Guild Clerk - Signs up new adventurers, maintains the quest board, gives rewards. Lots of communication with the guild members.
Guild Crafter/Blacksmith/Potion-Brewer

How to Join the Guild:
Fee: 1 Silver Coin
Practical Exam

How to Increase Rank:
Once you qualify for an increase in rank, there are rank exams to increase your rank based on the rank. Increasing your rank will allow you to

How to Take a Quest Beyond Your Rank:
A party will have their ranks averaged, allowing a member with a lower rank to take a higher-ranked quest.

Each roleplayer has the chance to design and post a quest to the quest board. Quests must include a suggested rank of difficulty, enemies, NPCs, and a reward. If their quest is chosen, they will lead the party members; therefore, it is not suggested to roleplay as a party member AND a quest poster.

[Under Construction]
Boss Bitches

A group of women who have succeeded in their respective fields and who are influential has befriended each other. It follows their romances, difficulties, and more.
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