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Best Advice pertaining to this Website


Oct 19, 2019
The title says it all. What is the best advice you can give someone pertaining to this website? Either how to act, or approach people, or general behavior?
Pertaining to this website: step 1 is definitely make sure you're confident in your knowledge of the rules. Make yourself a search thread, and if the things you're looking for don't draw interest, be willing to either change it up or just buckle up for the long wait time that it can take to get someone new and know that it's nobody's fault (that's the choice I always go with, lmao).

In approaching people: suggest ideas that take into account their F-Lists (if posted) and their search thread. Very few people like to get a PM from someone who hasn't read their carefully crafted threads and who is suggesting a focus on a kink they don't like. Or who clearly read their thread but is ignoring key points of their interests.

In general behavior: just generally be kind, be respectful, and treat others the way you would want them to treat you, I think.
Hm, a few pointers.

Try to communicate clearly. Although it happens very often in this medium, it is considered bad form by the majority of people to simply vanish without saying anything. It's called "ghosting" where the person doesn't respond to contact from someone they were previously talking to. Try to remember that if you want to end a role-play or a partnership with someone it's not something you should feel ashamed of. You have feelings and needs too and you're allowed to express yourself when something isn't working out. It is better to be upfront with someone, polite and firm, telling them that you do not wish to continue an rp or to continue discussing it with them. That is your right to express yourself. If they react badly to that...then you just confirmed: you dodged a bullet and got out of the partnership. Lucky you. 👍
Don't take anything personally. This is a very relaxed hobby, most people have school or day jobs, real lives outside of the internet, and they like to come here to be a little creative and enjoy themselves. Very rarely are people here trying to be malicious or deliberately rude to you. Rejection happens a lot and sometimes you never find out why. It looks better to prospective partners if you look fun and willing to adapt. And try to remember that everything you post is an advertisement for other players to see what it'd be like to role-play with you. If you want them to get the impression that lots of other writers abandon you and you simply can't handle it, then feel free to vent and post about that in public.​
Keep OOC boundaries clear. Most people are here for writing and prefer to keep things focused on the stories and characters and not get too personal. It's great if you find someone you really click with but just keep it balanced like you would a real life relationship. Don't come on too strong with the personal stuff right out the gate.​

Other than that, I'd simply suggest to look around, see what other people do. Read things thoroughly and just be friendly. 😉
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