Looking for 1x1 Rp partner! (preferably fandom/ship, oc's are okay too)


Oct 18, 2019
Hi all, I'm new to forums, but here were go...

I've been roleplaying for last eight or so years on and off, primarily third person/para format, and have a preference to playing fem characters.
I mainly role play fandom, or ships, and am I big fan of Au's and crossovers, but more on that later. I'd prefer a partner who is 18+ incase of smut, explicit violence, and other darker themes that may come up, and in general I don't roleplay tops/doms because I can't to save myself.
The biggest thing I'm looking for specifically at the moment is someone interested in role playing a Balalaika to my Revy in a Black Lagoon rp, a Rock to my Revy, or a Black Lagoon crossover in general, that's definitely not all I'm after.

The main fandoms I rp are:

*BBCs Sherlock
*Doctor Who
*Les Mis
*Good Omens

and many more

My main fem muses are:

*Fem Sherlock
*Fem Watson
*Fem Moriarty
*The 13th Doctor
*Wanda Maximoff
*Natasha Romanoff
*Carol Danvers

And more.

It's probably easier if I don't list my ships, because as a serial shipper if it can be shipped, I probably ship it, but my three current otps are Balalaika x Revy, Sherlock x The Doctor, and The Doctor x Clara.

I'm a big fan of AU's, but my favorites are:

*Angel/Demon (Or any enemies to lovers/allies troupe)
*Supernatural(Ghosts, demons, vampires, and hunters, etc)

But again, not at all limited to the above.

Any questions, ideas, or comments, feel free to reply, or shoot me a pm.
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