Fx Male Monster Girl Adventure (NSFW)


Aug 26, 2019
Star System DX-193, Codename: Sol
The following is set in a single persistent fictional fantasy world, baring inspiration taken from Monster Girl Encyclopaedia, Monmusu Quest, and Corruption of Champions. This will be a world of swords, magic, and monsters. In this world your character will be taking to role of an adventurer, seeking wealth, fame, knowledge, power, or simply the thrill of adventure. All of my characters will be existing in the world at the same time and you may find yourself interacting with any number of them.

About Me
I'm 27, female, Bi with male preference, hailing from the "Thundah Down Undah" Australia, so my time zone is AEST, or GMT +10 if you prefer. My roleplay ability could be considered high casual, and I prefer to rp in the third person, past tense. Here's my F-List

What I'm Looking For
I'm looking for a male partner with similar sexual interests and roleplay ability that will be able to post roughly once a day, at least. You should be willing to write up a CS, and only use anime/Drawn images, no RL images for your face claim.


An Adventurer's Guide to Monsters

By Ser Alexander Dale of The Adventurer's Guild
Ours is a wide and mysterious world, filled with numerous dangers to those who seek their fortune by way of sword, or bow, or even the spell. Hidden in dark jungles, mysterious forests, rolling grasslands, endless deserts, towering mountains, labyrinthine caves, and even in the depths of the ocean, one can find ample opportunity for riches and glory, but so too can one find ample danger. The most insidious of these threats are Monsters.

In my youth I roamed the land, like so many, seeking my fortune. As age replaced youth, passion was tempered by wisdom, and I found my ambitions changing. No longer did I seek lost riches or bounties, but something more valuable. I sought knowledge. I decided that I would use my time exploring to assemble as much information about the risks young adventurers might face, and compile this knowledge in a single collection, so that the next generation might be better armed to face the dangers of our world. This will be the first of such tomes. Below you will find details on every such creature I have encountered in my time, and while it may not be a complete bestiary, it will surely be of aid to you in the years to come.


Type: Plant
Habitat: Forests
Diet: Nutrients in the Earth

Description: Alraune are a breed of forest-dwelling plant monsters. Due to their roots they are immobile, meaning they pose little threat at a distance. However they constantly release a pheromone heavy fragrance into the air, that clouds the mind of any man who inhales it. This combined with their sweet voices and attractive appearance can tempt even the most strong willed into approaching unwarily. Be warned, should a man they take a liking to come within their reach they will wrap him in vines and drag him into their flower to mate.

They feed their victims their nectar, Alraune nectar is a potent aphrodisiac, and possess such nutritional qualities that one could live quite healthily on it alone. In this way they keep their chosen mate bound and alive for the rest of his life, mating constantly to fertilise her seeds, which she will distribute through her root system every winter, so that her daughters might sprout come spring.

Type: Insect
Habitat: Caves
Diet: Carnivorous

Description: Spider-like creatures that make their nests deep within caves, Arachne are exceedingly dangerous predators. Capable of tracking their prey by the sound of their heart beat, and remaining unearthly still for hours on end, they excel at ambushing any unwary soul that blunders into their domain. They are extremely patient, willing to wait months for something to stumble into the web traps they line their caves with, to snare and tangle their prey.

Once their prey is captured they inject a highly aphrodisiac venom through a bite, reducing the victim's willingness to resist. Most victims will quickly be dispatched and eaten, though any human males that are caught, and she takes a liking to, may be kept alive for breeding purposes. Those taken as unwilling mates are slowly twisted over time by the repeated doses of venom, becoming sex-crazed. In this way the Arachne ensure her mates will never leave the nest once she has broken them.

Type: Beastman
Habitat: Grasslands
Diet: Omnivorous

Description: The Centaur are a race of tribal nomads that, ordinarily, would not be classified as monsters, except for the fact that they make a habit of raiding human settlements on and around the grasslands they wander. They attack, not for resources but for people, charging in and dragging off any humans, both male and female, of appropriate age that they can find. They take these humans as slaves, serving the camp and acting a sex toys for their centaur masters. Any lone humans they encounter in their path will likewise find themselves enslaved. It is unwise attempt to fight a Centaur, as the herd is never far away and, unless you are on horseback, escape will be impossible.

Type: Demihuman, Demonic
Habitat: Forests
Diet: Omnivorous, Male Spirit Energy

Description: Formerly normal Elves, the Dark Elves are all Priestesses of Eros, the Fallen Goddess of Love, now an embodiment of Demonic Lust. Those Elven maidens seduced into her worship are twisted by demonic energies, their fair skin darkening. They become driven by lust and a will to dominate all men, enslaving all who come into their sway and using them for debauched rituals in service to their Dark Goddess, and to propagate their race. Their corrupted wombs bare only girls and they train their daughters thoroughly in the ways of domination for the glory of their deity, usually using the girl's own fathers as teaching aids. Dark Elves wield powerful magicks for binding their slaves and twisting their wills, gifted to them by Eros herself.

Type: Beastman
Habitat: Mountains
Diet: Carnivorous

Description: Exceptionally powerful creatures, Dragons rule over their mountain kingdoms and the surrounding areas with iron fists. They arrogantly consider themselves to be the pinnacle of existence, greater even than the gods. In fact it is not uncommon to find that human settlements close to a mountain inhabited by a Dragon have formed cults devote to their worship, sending to her lair, tribute in gold and jewels, sacrifices of livestock, and strong young men to please her, if only so that she won't burn their village to smouldering ruins.

While a Dragon may consider all other forms of life to be her lesser, between other Dragon exists an eternal rivalry. They measure their worth against each other by the size of their treasure hoard, meaning Dragons will often not only take tribute, or outright steal, from humans nearby, but will also raid each other to steal treasure. This usually results in ferocious battles that threaten to level mountains and set entire forests aflame, for while Dragons usually take the form of draconic women, they can, when enraged, transform into immense winged lizards, large enough to crush a house with a single foot. When Dragons fight, all should beware. You should also beware if you are tempted to steal from a Dragon's treasure hoard. If caught she might take you as a plaything for the rest of your life, but only if you are lucky enough to have caught her in a good mood. If you are unlucky, well at least your death will be quick.

Type: Insect
Habitat: Underground
Diet: Omnivorous, Semen

Description: Giant Ants are a race of colonial monsters that live in immense subterranean tunnel systems that they excavate themselves. They are ruled by a single queen from whom they are all descended and her daughters serve her with undying loyalty. Those born to be soldiers defend the colony from intruders, while workers expand the tunnels and forage or hunt on the surface. When on the surface, workers are always on the lookout for healthy young males to capture and bring back to the colony. When they find one such specimen, they present him and any other newly captured men to the Queen. From among them she picks the ones she likes most to become her drones and spend the rest of their lives breeding with her. Those she rejects become communal husbands for the countless workers and soldiers, shared among them all. While Omnivorous, Giant Ants also consider a man's semen to be a treat, finding the taste delightful.

Unless you are invading the colony itself, you are most likely to encounter only worker level Giant Ants on the surface. Should they attack, they are typically quite easy to defeat for any warrior of skill, but their strength lies in the fact that they will usually attack in groups, working with unparalleled teamwork and overwhelming their opponents with sheer numbers. Inside the colony, the powerful soldier caste are more than match for any attacker, only ever leaving the nest itself when marching to war with a rival colony.

Type: Demihuman
Habitat: Mountains
Diet: Omnivorous

Description: The Goblins are a race of Demihumans that can be found living in small, close knit clans. they make their homes in hidden camps among the bases of mountains. They commonly stray down from their camps to raid nearby human settlements or attack passing trader caravans, making off with all kind of random pilfered goods, from the extremely valuable to the seemingly pointless. They raid not to increase their own wealth but to satisfy a kleptomanic urge that is a racial trait of all Goblins. Even when fully grown they retain a small and youthful appearance, leading many to underestimate them but, despite their size, they are incredibly strong, able to wield heavy weapons almost as big as they are.

Goblin are mischievous by nature, rather than violent and prefer to avoid bloodshed during their raids, using sticks and clubs to knock out their opponents rather than kill. Those attacked by Goblins will usually come out of the experience no worse for the wear, but for a pounding headache and few missing personal items. However when a Goblin finds a man that she takes a liking to she might decide to take him, instead of some item of questionable value, dragging the unconscious man back up to the camp where she will insist on making him her husband, regardless of his feelings on the matter.

Type: Beastman
Habitat: Mountains, Forests
Diet: Omnivorous

Description: Harpies are a race of colourful and cheerful bird women that make their nests high up on Dragon free mountains or in the deepest parts of forests where the trees grow exceptionally tall. While not typically violent towards humans, when they come across a man they like they will commonly abduct him, taking him up to their high nests where there is no escape. There they attempt to tempt the man into mating with them, to fertilise their eggs, only resorting to forcing themselves on the man if he should adamantly refuse. Once a harpy has mated and is satisfied she typically becomes very affectionate toward her chosen mate, but will always return him to the spot she found him, unharmed, leaving him there with a feather to remember her by and a promise to seek him out the next time she wants to have eggs.

Type: Beastman
Habitat: Farmland
Diet: Herbivore

Description: The Holstaur is more of a nuisance than a threat. Descended from captured Minotaurs and bred specifically for docile obedience, Holstaur are highly valued as cattle for their delicious and highly nutritious milk. Some who oppose the sale and consumption of Holstaur milk claim it possesses an addictive effect, like the milk of their Minotaur ancestors, but to a far lesser degree, however farmers maintain this to be pure superstition.

Unfortunately in the process of breeding out the Minotaur's trademark violent nature, much of the creature's intelligence was also lost. As a result Holstaur are typically dim-witted creatures, and prone to wandering. Once a month they become particularly difficult to manage, entering an Estrous period where they will commonly attempt to escape from their paddocks, seeking mates. Such wandering cattle are little more than an annoyance to travellers, but many an Adventurer has found themselves facing the pointy end of a pitchfork, after coming across a randy Holstaur and being mistaken by the farmer for a cattle-thief.

Type: Demonic
Habitat: Demon Realm, Everywhere
Diet: Male Spirit Energy

Description: Among the Dark Elves some girls, who show particular promise, are given the honour of being risen up to serve the Fallen Goddess early, as they come of age. They are offered up to Eros by their elders and transformed through a similar process that turn full grown Dark Elves into Succubi. These newly transformed Imps serve their Demonic Mistress as messengers, travelling between the realms on swift wings to bring news from the mortal planes, or to carry Eros' edicts to her faithful.

While nowhere near as powerful as their Succubus cousins, Imps are still a threat to mortal purity. They require spiritual energy to power their abilities and seek it out in mortal men, seducing them with innocent charms. When desperate an Imp may even expend what is left of her power to cloak herself in an aura of defenceless allure, irresistible to all but the most strong willed, to coax any man she meets into sexually assaulting her.

Type: Beastman
Habitat: Deserts
Diet: Carnivorous

Description: The Desert-dwelling Lamia can be dangerous foes, able to move swiftly across the sand with their powerful hips and long tails. Lamia live most of their childhood in family clans, but when they reach breeding age they leave the clan to wander the desert alone. Lamia are not actively hostile towards humans, in fact many desert townships even trade with passing Lamia, but they have been known to attack lone humans or small groups when sufficiently hungry. A Lamia may also attack if she spots a male who catches her interest, using her strong tail to wrap him up and force herself on him. Should she find his performance satisfactory she will take him back to her clan where he joins other males captured by the clan, becoming another communal husband and forced to join what can only be described as a "breeding ball", orgies involving the entire clan and all their husbands.

Type: Beastman
Habitat: Forest
Diet: Carnivorous

Description: Lizardmen are a highly territorial warrior race. Living in walled compounds deep in the forests, they guard their borders from humans and other monsters with ferocious determination. They are also an exceedingly proud race and will respond eagerly to any challenge. An outsider who insults a Lizardman may quickly find themselves in a duel. The reason for their aggressive behaviour is that Lizardmen are obsessed with martial strength and ensuring that their daughters are strong as well. Should a man defeat a Lizardman in combat she will consider herself honour bound to become his wife so that their daughters will be strong, therefore strengthening the Lizardman race as a whole.

Type: Shapeshifter
Habitat: Everywhere
Diet: Semen

Description: The bane of every treasure seeking Adventurer, Mimics are a nefarious breed of creature that can be found almost everywhere. Abandoned houses, caves, tunnels, forgotten back rooms in castles, anywhere that one might go seeking lost wealth. A Mimic appears, at first, to be nothing more than an innocuous chest, but once an unsuspecting treasure hunter opens the chest, the creature attacks. The shapeshifting Mimic takes whatever form it's prey finds most appealing and emerges from the chest to force themselves upon the hapless adventurer.

Type: Beastman
Habitat: Forests, Mountains
Diet: Omnivore

Description: Minotaur are towering creatures of muscle and unbridled emotion, quick to anger and even quicker with their other passions, Minotaurs pose an incredible danger to any traveller who finds themselves in their domain. Minotaur are known to be extremely territorial and will defend their territory ferociously, wielding crudely fashioned, but immense weapons with ease.

Should a Minotaur encounter a male they take a liking to, however, she'll typically attempt to abduct him, dragging him away to join her harem. Minotaur take great pride in the size of their harem, and considering their extremely high stamina they require a large one to be satisfied, and so they are always seeking to increase the number of males they own, even attacking other Minotaurs to steal their men.

Minotaurs are also infamous for their milk, which possesses highly addictive properties. Minotaurs use their milk as a way of controlling their men, preventing them from trying to escape while the mistress is away, lest they be cut off from their supply.

Type: Sea-Nymph
Habitat: Oceans, Lakes
Diet: Omnivorous

Description: The Nereids are sub-aquatic species of monster, notorious for dragging men from the decks of ships, or attacking fishermen on the shores of large lakes. Due to the fact that these men are typically never seen again, peasants and sailors alike refer to them as Drowners. In truth, Nereids do not drown the men they take. A Nereid's kiss has the ability to allow a man to breathe underwater indefinitely. They take men they fancy from ships and drag them down to the bottom of the sea or lake bed, kissing them so that they might survive, and mate with them. Once the act is complete they release the man, but most are so enamoured by their Nereid lover that they chose to remain under the water, abandoning their ties to the surface. Those few who have returned to the surface retain the ability to breathe underwater and will always be drawn to the water, their mind tortured by memories of their coupling.

Type: Beastman
Habitat: Farmland
Diet: Herbivore

Description: Much like the Holstaur, these simple-minded creatures have been bred for generations for their docile nature. Ovitaur are popular for the superior softness and durability of their wool, and the fact that it grows twice as fast as sheep's wool, yielding more product that sells at higher prices at market. As a result, farmers tend to guard their Ovitaur flocks jealousy, which can be difficult as they are like to wander at the best of times. This becomes a particular problem during breeding seasons, when the creatures become overcome by their desires and think of little else beyond mating, having been known to wander into monster dens or off cliffs when in a lust fueled stupor.

Type: Elemental, Demonic
Habitat: Everywhere
Diet: Semen

Description: A by-product of the Dark Elves profane sex rituals, Slimes are the physical embodiment of excess Demonic Energy and Lust. In the years since the Fall of Eros, Slimes have become more and more common, appearing in all known regions of the world. They are nearly mindless creatures that endlessly hunger for the seed of men. They attack indiscriminately with the sole purpose of squeezing any man they encounter dry and moving on in search of their next meal. They are resistant to physical attacks but highly susceptible to magic. One must be cautious when approaching a slime however as any contact against bare skin allows them to apply a viscous fluid that soaks into the skin causing uncontrollable arousal.

Type: Elemental, Demonic, Human
Habitat: Everywhere, Human Settlements
Diet: Semen

Description: Very rarely, for reasons not yet quite understood, a Slime will be encountered that shows no interest in pursuing male victims, despite the fact that they rely on semen as their primary source of nourishment. Since it's birth, this sub-subspecies of Slime will instead seek out a female to attack. Once such a young woman is in their grasp, they will begin to infest the poor girl, invading her body through whatever orifice they can find. In this way they are able to fuse with their new host, exerting control over the woman's thoughts and actions.

Once situated inside a host, the Slime then adopts the predatory nature of their common cousins, seeking out men to attack for their semen. However unlike the mindlessly driven common Slimes, these parasites act with the intelligence and cunning of their human hosts. The host normally appears to be a combination of Slime and human, but what makes the Slime Parasite truly dangerous, is the ability for the Slime to retreat completely into the host, allowing her to pass for a normal human and thus infiltrate human cities and villages in their quest to sate their never ending lust and hunger.

Type: Demonic
Habitat: Demon Realm, Everywhere
Diet: Male Spirit Energy

Description: The ultimate aspiration of every Dark Elf. When a follower of the Fallen Goddess, Eros, has performed enough debauched rituals, gathered enough Spiritual Energy and enough of the Lust Goddess' favour, she may be raised up to serve the Goddess directly, transformed into a Succubus and called to Eros' side. The Succubi serve their mistress with undying loyalty, travelling back to our world to seduce men and siphon their spiritual energy, taking it back to Eros so that she may feed on it and grow stronger. A Succubus may also be occasionally found leading a coven of Dark Elves, as their High Priestess.

Type: Beastman
Habitat: Forest
Diet: Omnivorous

Description: Contrary to the beliefs of the common peasant, the Werewolf is not in fact a former human infected with some transformative virus or afflicted with a curse. Werewolves are in truth simply a race of monsters like any other. Most of the time, these all female creatures are content to keep to themselves, running through the woodlands and forests in packs. However around the time of the full moon, every month, they enter a period of increased fertility and will routinely attack human settlements at night, catching the villagers unaware and dragging off men of breeding age to become communal mates for the entire pack.

All Werewolf packs operate under a strict hierarchy with all members owing absolute obedience to the Alpha Female, usually the strongest of them all. The Alpha always gets first pick when it comes to captured prey, and this also holds true when it comes to the pack's Mates.

Despite their wild nature, when captured and separated from the pack, lone Werewolves are surprisingly easily to tame and train. It is not uncommon to find the occasional domesticated Werewolf in some far flung villages. Their keen senses make for excellent guards and trackers, and once properly broken in, they display undying loyalty and obedience.

Potential Hooks
  • An Adventurer is hired to protect an out of the way farmstead from monster attacks. (Current Preference)
  • An Scholar is studying various non-human communities and cultures.
  • A Slaver's Apprentice is off to capture more Monster Girl fodder for his master.
Feel free to share your ideas for hooks.
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