As far as how much I can offer for post length, my standard is one single decent paragraph, more if there's enough content to pull from and add detail into. How often can I post? I have a lot of free time on my hands, so I can push out multiple posts a day unless I happen to be out of town, but I will notify you if such events happen. Also, I have a wide range of kinks and I try to do my best to keep both sides happy, I enjoy discussing future possible scenes and brainstorming ideas for the plot, so if you don't like planning out small scenes, I can hold myself back. [/size]
The Fallen Star
Core Themes: Rawness(Not limited to but including ZERO MAKEUP), Vulnerability, Deep Emotions, and Desperation!
[Disclaimer] The gender of the writer behind the screen does not matter to me, it used to but nowadays,- I just care about finding compatible writing partners. The only thing that matters to me is I always play as the male and play against a female in RP
Note: I only RP via Forum threads or discord. No other methods.
The Fallen Star


The Plot:
Fallen from her glamorous, Hollywood A-Life, a star turns to the reclusive lifestyle to live by. Wearing ZERO makeup, humble clothes, and shifting from everything else in her life, including the taunts and jabs from tabloids and people around her, she meets My Character (hereby known as MC) who had always loved her work.
Basically, she's hit rock bottom in her life and is now longing for someone whom she can be dependent on and seek shelter from. Desperation grips her and so she offers herself as a way to compensate for her financial crisis.
It's up to my writing partner to decide how much and to what level she might want to expose herself - both physically and emotionally.
What I'm Looking For:
A writer with the passion and drive to tell a story of life lost and relearned/regained. Exploring themes of fame and desperation.
Please send me a PM if you're interested in playing this out with me! I look forward to hearing from you.
Sintan ~
Fallen from her glamorous, Hollywood A-Life, a star turns to the reclusive lifestyle to live by. Wearing ZERO makeup, humble clothes, and shifting from everything else in her life, including the taunts and jabs from tabloids and people around her, she meets My Character (hereby known as MC) who had always loved her work.
Basically, she's hit rock bottom in her life and is now longing for someone whom she can be dependent on and seek shelter from. Desperation grips her and so she offers herself as a way to compensate for her financial crisis.
It's up to my writing partner to decide how much and to what level she might want to expose herself - both physically and emotionally.
What I'm Looking For:
A writer with the passion and drive to tell a story of life lost and relearned/regained. Exploring themes of fame and desperation.
Please send me a PM if you're interested in playing this out with me! I look forward to hearing from you.
Sintan ~
[Disclaimer] The gender of the writer behind the screen does not matter to me, it used to but nowadays,- I just care about finding compatible writing partners. The only thing that matters to me is I always play as the male and play against a female in RP
Note: I only RP via Forum threads or discord. No other methods.
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