Rigor Samsa
- Joined
- May 6, 2019

Hello and welcome to a misguided attempt at grooming my plumage and looking for a writing mate (and wherein 'I' is used far too often).
preamble said:When considering how to write this, I find myself confronted by consideration of tone and content. How much do I tell? How much do I give away without worrying about judgment or critique? Should I be cut and dry, or funny? Informal or formal? Do I rely on my old faithful shield: etiquette and polite conversation? Hopefully, already this gives you a clue to who I am - which is what the natural progression of this ramble is, I fancy. So I will chat at length and probably bore people half to death. Onwards and downwards (in this case). 'Who am I?' Very kind of you to ask. Let me introduce myself.
introduction said:I'm Rigor, or Tim or Timu. I really don't mind what you call me - as long as it works for you. If you prefer screen names, I have had plenty of those over the years. My timezone is Australian, specifically GMT+8 for anyone who is curious. Going into specifics in regards to writing style seems like an exercise in futility - I do have minimum lengths at which I struggle to go below because there is a definitive amount of thought, sensation, and action that will nearly always fit itself into any given moment in time. In roleplayers parlance, I think this slots me into a literate to adv. literate roleplayer, but those are terms to describe individuals on a continuum of development. I learn more about writing every day and actively spend time listening to Podcasts, watching video essays and taking risks with what I write. If you'd slap a label on me, I'd rather be thought of as a writing enthusiast than anything else. Neatly juxtaposing the next topic; smut, plot, and kinks.
the good stuff said:My primary goal here is to write and an intrinsic part of that is world-building and characterization. If we want to go into a darker toned roleplay involving kidnapping, interrogations or anything of that nature then you're damn right we're going to have more smut than plot because the plot calls for it. I'm always going to appreciate a hefty helping of smut to go with my plot but often it is the slow-burning satisfaction where meaning is built up. If we had to put a label on it, a 60/40 split seems like an ideal amount - and it can be either way depending on the context of the RP. As for the juicy kinky content of the RP - let me direct you to my k-list. This comes with an addendum: if the plot demands or characters lean in a certain direction, these are flexible. When in doubt, ask.
Now to break away and discuss what topics, in particular, I enjoy writing. At the time of making this, I won't include any plots or pairings yet as I intend on offering up large scale world-building or character scenarios and then lists of characters that can exist within those - to be included later on in the future. For the time being, I'll go over the fandoms and genres that I especially like.
As you would probably have guessed, I adore fantasy and science fiction above nearly anything else. Of course, these are two huge sprawling umbrella terms that both contain multiple sub-genres.
the magic stuff said:Fantasy for me is best prefaced with a disclaimer that I am a magic systems fanatic. If you have read any Brandon Sanderson and are familiar with his thoughts on hard and soft magic systems, those will preface my thought processes when it comes to understanding magic for a roleplay. With that out of the way, I enjoy most sorts of fantasy - having either read or written it before this is going to be where I am the most comfortable - probably. Urban fantasy is an itch of mine that I have been wanting to scratch for a while, having never gotten to read enough and I would love to write some with someone.
the tech stuff said:Science fiction is home to a whole whacky spread of things, and I haven't covered all of them - but it is easy enough to list some highlights of mine. Cyberpunk (bonus points if you're familiar with Neuromancer, Snow Crash or Diamond Age) for my favorite articulations of this genre. Steampunk is best paired with magic for me. Dystopian themes are especially welcome. Star Wars and Mass Effect inform the other end of this spectrum. The militaristic, gruff space opera with wide hosts of unusual characters and technology of all sorts.
More to come in future installments,
Happy hunting and have a nice day.