Fx Male rose's seasonal [ this is halloween! f seeking a freddy. yes, the one with the glove ]

roselie aureate

Oct 12, 2019
hello everyone, and welcome to my seasonal garden!

and you know what that means for this time of year -


that's right! happy halloween!!

i'm your, er, guide? host? whatever - rose! welcome! make yourself at home!

i'm posting this before i post a main, catch-all idea thread, because, well, it's october and i want to get the october rps going!

since i don't have an f-list, i've written down some minor kinks and squicks or whatever you want to call them. i like to call them (in continuing with the rose/garden/plant theme -)

cultivars ✽
hopefully this post will give everyone looking to write with me a little more insight into my styles and preferences, which is always a good thing, right?

so to start off with, a little introduction. i've been writing, both solo and collaboratively, for a pretty long time. like, aol days. angelfire, geocities. horse and wolf roleplays. neopets. gaia online.


don't let my blasé disregard of the shift key scare you off. this is not the way i write when i roleplay; i am fastidious with my grammar and punctuation and all that - well, as much as i can be anyway. we all make mistakes, and i'm not a devil about it. as long as i can understand what you're trying to say, i'll probably be alright with you - though i do appreciate an attempt at "literacy".

to start us off, my writing style. i'll be perfectly honest - it can be all over the place. sometimes i'm very verbose; other days i say exactly what i mean to say and that's it. i wibble-wobble between tenses. but i'm very serious about my writing, and i put as much effort as i possibly can into every bit of it that i do.

i'm not too crazy about setting a limit on paragraphs. there are times when just a sentence or a quick response will do, and works better than paragraphs of details that don't really matter. that said, of course i really dislike putting in a lot of effort, writing those paragraphs, and then only getting back a sentence or two every time. please, don't do that. i'll just assume you have no interest and i'll call the rp there.

i also cannot promise to reply every day. i have creative commitments (tabletops) on wednesdays and saturdays and i will not reply to roleplays on those days, unless those commitments have been canceled. i also suffer from both mental and physical ailments which will sometimes keep me from replying. i apologize for those times, but i request understanding. i of course will not expect a reply every day myself.

ooc communication is a must. we may not become the best of friends, but if i feel i cannot talk to you ooc, then i will be a nervous wreck during the rp, and i just can't do that to myself. i have to have some semblance of the person on the other end of the screen. i'll still probably feel like i'm a constant bother (that's just the type of anxiety-riddled person i am), but it will be easier for me and i won't worry half as much if i feel i can drop you an ooc line should the need arise. i also do love chit-chat with my writing partners, so don't be afraid to start a conversation outside of the rp! with that in mind, i'm happily married. my partner knows what i write and rp and has no problem with it, but i do say that here so intentions will not be misconstrued. i will make dirty jokes, i may use pet names, but i am not looking for a romantic or sexual relationship of any kind.

i prefer roleplay by pms, but i can be coaxed into forum posts as well. just a slight preference.

i will rp just about any type of relationship, though i do have my preferences (which i will talk about in another post). character is above and beyond the thing that drives me in any type of media, whether i'm writing, watching a show or movie, or reading a story. plot is absolutely secondary to me. i will also go more into this later.

i rarely play canon characters, and so for that reason, i rarely ask they be played for me. there are a few rare exceptions, but i just don't feel it's fair otherwise. i may enjoy using a fandom's world, however, as platform for plotting.

now of course, there's more to me than just what i'll post here. but these are the big ones. feel free to ask for more detail, and if it's not listed here (or in my off section), then feel free to ask about it or suggest! worst i can say is no.

mmf/polyandrous relationships. i am more than happy playing one of the men as well as the woman. what most interests me is an -actual working polyandrous relationship- - a loving relationship, not just a train run on a gal (though that's fun too). men willing to test bisexual waters is extra delightful, though not necessarily required. (also not required but delightful - pegging. please let my girl peg your guy.) (i currently have no interest in polygamous (men with multiple women) relationships.)

redemption. let my little do-gooder light in the darkness character redeem your villain. please.

pregnancy and most that comes with it. fertility, breeding - forced, planned, or not doesn't really matter. it doesn't even have to really lead to anything, just the thought of the potential, or it being said - "i'm going to put a baby in you" or similar - is enough. though i also don't mind lactation and milk-drinking.

"monster" x human. that doesn't mean the monster has to act monstrous, of course. if you prefer - non-humans x human. then again, there are some races i will have to be sold on (elves and half-elves, for instance). non-human penis types are also perfectly fine.

original characters. i don't mean this like people use the term "oc". i mean interesting, engaging characters. subvert tropes. if you have a barbarian orc, for instance, you better have a good reason why he's a barbarian outside of "that's how it's done". it's not, and if you're too scared to write a good guy greenskin (just for example) because of tolkien, then we'll not get along. that said, i don't have many preferences when it comes to what a character looks like. i have odd physical taste. don't give me perfect and beautiful, i've no interest there. race doesn't matter. tall, short. skinny, normal, built, chubby. do you want to play a character with a big shnozz? buck teeth? or what about some kind of deformity? i'll probably be okay with that.

size difference. one of the main realities i tend to ignore in sexual based rp. give me a train, give me a mouse hole. i want to make it work.

audio. 'but rose, how can you list that when things will be text based?' because i love, love, LOVE the description of audio. dirty talk, moaning, tables or desks or beds rattling and creaking, headboards banging, etc. i will describe that sort of thing, but i also expect some description of it from my partner. quiet sex (unless it's trying to keep someone quiet because they're in a public/semi-public place) is no fun.

public/semi-public sex, trying to keep things quiet. yes, i know what i just listed above, but it DOES work. go after my gal while she's on the phone, trying to close a business deal or something, dig?

audiences. i think this speaks for itself. and i don't expect the audience to just be a sea of eyes, but participating in some way - egging on the one(s) being watched and perhaps even participating, if just with a hand. a hidden watcher can also be quite fun as well - not knowing someone's there, but they are, listening and watching and getting off to what's being done.

fantasy. of some type. realistic modern day rp is so boring to me. i live in the normal modern world. if you want things to take place "today", there better be a goblin running a bakery and a centaur post-person, s'all i'm saying.

accents. i just... i dig accents, and i dig harsh, rasping voices. like someone's been smoking three packs for twenty years.

though i don't consider these as "ons", per say, i will state that i do not mind drug use, bestiality/zoophilia or incest in writing. there are probably some other things i could list here, but i can't think of them off the top of my head.

my offs are hard ones.

❀ adultery. may seem like an odd first one, but i will not do any rp where adultery, cheating, or cuckolding is a theme. in any relationship with more than two people, everyone knows, everyone is accepting. that is all there is to it. if adultery is mentioned, then the person who perpetrated it better be getting their ass kicked and that's the only reason why it comes up in the rp; though i can and will use it as a starting off point for why my character is single - ie, 'the bastard cheated on me and we're divorced/done', whatever. HIDING IT DOESN'T MAKE IT BETTER so don't go "well, your character need never find out" or whatever. that's even worse and i lose 110% of interest at that point. you heard me. 110% interest.

❀ odd second one - no characters named russ/russell. that was my father's name and i just can't.

❀ unrequited love, or 'one true love'. this isn't against monogamy - this is against 'well, i had one love, but they don't love me back/they died and i'll never love again'. i find it lazy and uncreative.

❀ scat, bodily waste.

❀ gore and non-sexual and super intense pain. (branding is about the highest i'll go in regards to pain and that's VERY rare occasions.)

❀ vore. sitting/playing on a giant tongue is fine.

❀ heavy bdsm.

i may update this list later when i think of things - same with above, of course.

for now, we're done! congrats, you made it! i may add more to this post as i see fit.

as this is a seasonal thread, it'll be very short.

what does it mean, that i have a seasonal thread? it means i have ideas that are, well, season-specific.

for halloween, that means a monster mash. graveyard smash. all that good stuff. generally, given who i am, i'd be looking for light-hearted halloweeny plots - what we do in the shadows, not saw or whatever. but then i started having a somewhat odd craving. and i'm a little nervous posting about it, but here goes nothing.

content warning = dubious consent, chance for light non-human (tentacles, etc), chance for light bondage, very light Dominant/submissive, very light S&M, potential for non-sexual gore and violence (given the subject material, it makes sense), corruption.
(Yes, I'm changing the myth of Freddy Krueger a bit. This site is about indulging fantasies; I mean no disrespect to the original mythos.)

We've all heard the school-yard rhyme: "1, 2, Freddy's coming for you. 3, 4, better lock the door..." And we all know the myth: Freddy Krueger was a bad, bad man, who hurt little kids and burned to death when their parents came after him. Not exactly happy with his demise, Freddy uses his demonic powers to enter the dreams of the children, now grown, to enact on them a horrible fate.

It's true that a man named Freddy Krueger was accidentally burned to death by a mob of furious parents. What isn't true is the reason. Freddy never touched the kids. He was what he appeared to be: a good man and a good caretaker and janitor at the school. The children, however, wanted attention, and so they started to spread a rumor. A rumor that got Freddy killed.

Years later, the children are grown, and start being picked off, one by one, dying in their sleep and in the most horrible fashion. Except for one. There's one young woman in particular that remains alive through the bloodshed...

i would VASTLY prefer the new-age jackie earle haley freddy, NOT robert englund's freddy. nothing at ALL against the man, but englund's freddy is cute and funny. i want the growly, scary motherfucker.

a few notes:
the reason he can't harm this one woman (my character) is that she knew the rumor was untrue and had nothing to do with it. she's also your classic "good girl" - she grew up, didn't drink, didn't do illicit/illegal drugs, didn't sleep around. freddy can interact with her, but he cannot do anything that would result in her death or even anything that would cause her too much discomfort or pain - she's pretty perfectly defended against him.
dubious consent - she'll likely, at first, be against any sexual activity with our nightmare boogeyman. and as a point, just because he ends up boffing her five ways to sunday, doesn't mean he can turn around and hurt/kill her, of course. that would be no fun.
light non-human - freddy can shape dreams and nightmares, so there's a potential for things to go somewhat exotic. this is entirely up for discussion.
light bondage, very light Dominant/submissive, very light S&M are pretty self explanatory - i don't want anything extreme to happen to my character, but she will be at freddy's mercy despite her defenses. again, something that can be discussed fully.
potential for non-sexual gore and violence, corruption - this would only come into play if the scene were to stretch on to a point where my character is made to help freddy with his demonic plan to finish off the rest of his tormentors. there would be NOTHING sexual about this, but i've nothing against going into a graphic depiction of gore given the character and setting. it can also be entirely glossed over. i'm just adding it here as a possibility. the corruption could also be played off sympathy - it might be nice to have him make nice or pleasant dreamscapes for her, because she never told rumors and didn't believe them and wasn't a part of what happened. (i'm a sucker for a little romance even in my horror stories - so sue me.)

i don't care about real life gender. all characters that take part in sexual activity are of legal age when the tale takes place. i don't use any types of pictures or face claims (with very very very very VERY rare exceptions). other details/kinks are open for discussion. i've no writing samples at the moment, but i tend to mirror my partner.​
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