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Fx Male Entering the Silvery Dream


Mysterious Maiden of Silvery Dreams
Oct 11, 2019
Florida, USA
Greetings all! This is a copy paste from another website because I feel a bit lazy ^^; That and typing all this out is generally a pain. If you have any more questions please feel free to ask!
My name is Dreams or Silver. And I would love to have some more partners to rp with! A little bit about me:
  • I have been writing since high school. Add the fact I'm back in college after a year for my masters, means I have been writing a long time.
    • So that means, I can write. I have been playing with short line replies recently and find I don't like them as much as my paragraph length writing. So I would prefer to stay with those. I can write between a single paragraph (3-5+ sentences) to close to a page on word doc. I usually match my partner.
      • So you write long? I'll write long. You write short? I'll tend to favor the smaller side.
      • I would prefer my partners (especially long term) to be either semi-lit or higher. I just find the lower level rps boring after a while and it becomes very hard to think of replies. So this is for your benefit as well as mine!
    • I will general favor female (obviously since I am a female myself)
      • However! I will be happy to play male under the condition that we double! That way I don't feel super pressured to only play males.
      • That being said, I don't care if my partner is female or male. I will write with most any gender...Just remember my doubling rule!
  • Now, on the story vs smut debate, I tend to favor story until I'm exceptionally horny. And then there is a chance I might switch sides. But I don't mind a quick jab OOC to put me back onto the straight path.
    • Now that being said: I know people don't fall for others immediately, but I tend to get too impatient with people who insist on months on end and the characters don't even give a little bit of drama!
    • My characters won't immediately like you. In fact, in half my characters, they tend to be outcasts, or run on the darker side of life, so they have been hurt. But they will like your character...eventually >:3
  • All right! Alright! So as you have obviously guessed, I have erped before. I can tell you now my limits aren't much but some of the worse parts of the subject. I don't like the extremes layers of some of the subjects but my main nos: are in the pairings. I don't like to do mxm and absolutely can't write FxF.
    • Sorry all! I have tried to do these pairings but I fail every time, and can't even get into fxf. That being said, I have nothing against these communities! I just can't rp it and side characters who are these types are welcomed.
    • I has an f-list! {clickie}
  • So the big don'ts:
    • Please use somewhat proper grammar and spelling. And no chat speech! I can understand the basic: lol, brb, and ttyl but outside of the everyday small little ones, I have no idea what you are typing.
    • Please no godmoding! I have been a victim against someone using this against me and they were so cruel, I lost my writing skills. It took a good bit from my friends to even start writing again. I really really don't want to go through with that again. So if you have a problem just tell me!
    • I don't mind it if your schedule keeps you away for days on end. What I do mind is if you don't tell me, you are going poof for days on end! At least give me every other day, just a 'hi' or 'sorry can't post'. Trust me it goes miles! And I will give you the same courtesy!
    • The only other thing I ask is please tell me if you are bored, don't like the rp, or can't thing of anything to write! I absolutely HATE when people vanish on me! Because then I don't know whether or not to keep the drafts I have written or toss them away. I won't hate you nor will I curse you! I will just thank you for your time, or try and help you through the difficult part.
    • Speaking of schedules:
      • I will usually be on most nights. At least to pop my head in and take a look at things.
      • Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays are my days off! Either I can be completely flaky on those days or rp all day!
      • I actually end up replying more on my days at work. But because I'm usually on my phone, those replies tend to be on the smaller side.
      • Trust me when I say this: I will burn you much faster than you can burn me. I get obsessed some days with rp.
    • Otherwise, I'm pretty chill. Just ask and I will tell you my opinion on things! Please don't be afraid to ask me about anything! I don't mind OOC chat at all and encourage it alot!
    • I have rped on many different platforms:
      • PMs
      • discord
      • googledocs (favorite place!)
      • forums
      • WoW (You will have to convince me...since its harder to rp on because of my limited availability)
      • and of course email but it's been a while
Ok! Now for some rp ideas >:3
  • Pokemon Nuzleaf rp! And as per usual, it fell apart...this is now back open!
    • OMG! I have been craving this!! I'm dying to start a long term rp with someone based around a pokemon nuzleaf or nuzlock game! We can either both play a pokemon game or I have one where I have rolled up different encounters, through an aloha run.
    • I do have to warn you. These will have multiple characters, and you will need to balance them along with trainers. The pokemon will be characters too! So this rp challenge is not for the faint of heart!
    • Now we can run it normal: both humans (we will just say our humans decided not to run it until they were 21 or older) going through an epic journey across the pokemon landscape ........See below for plot
      • We can run it fantasy style: it works wonderfully with my plot line for shifters and magic users! Magic is actually a force on the pokemon world but everyday trainers and humans don't know about them. Pokemon shifters and people who can wield magic, live mixed in the worlds. The ahola islands are controlled by magic users who have enslaved shifters. You can either play as a captive shifter, whom my shifter frees and commits to following/helping her free the rest of her kind on the islands, or you play as a magic user. My shifter is new to the islands, fresh from striking out on her own to start her own shifter group. Your magic user could either be leading her along to try and capture her or be on the run from their own community. There are so many possibilities! And of course there is the underlining presence of humans knowing the secret of the magical beings that threaten the survival of both groups! it's really awesome! and one of my favorites to rp!
    • I know no one has been committed to wanted on of these but I'm desperate!! I would really love someone forever and a day if they would do this with me!
  • Angel x Demons (or anything)
    • These plots focus around my angel pair, brother and sister.
    • There are several plots to this one, mainly the demon and prison rp lines that come to mind:
    • Demon rp plot
      • Two angels have been sent to earth on a high priority mission. They are searching for something and desperately so. Your two demons have learn of these two and can be after them for a number of reasons: want what the angels wants so desperately, kill said angels, or wish to corrupt them. Either way, romance and drama are sure to ensue :3
    • Prison rp plot:
      • The government has discovered the magic side of their world! And they don't like it. All creatures, magical and unusual have been locked up inside a prison. They are being held there by antimagical collars. These collars most notably change the form of creatures into humanoid forms. example: dragons are forced to look like humans with wings, tails, horns and a bit of scales over limited areas of their human bodies. But this can be applied with any form. There are multiple prisons, so once one either breaks free or we want to try a different type of prison we can switch over. The main plot line of this, is that one of your characters is a magical creature overlooked and has infiltrated the guard to try and free prisoners or at the very least, find out what's going on!
  • Gifted Adoptive Center
    • All gifted children are either sold or dumped at the center when they show powers. These children are rare and most people see them as alien and not human. They are prized commodities and very rarely live past 21. They are expensive and so rich people buy them for many reasons. I have two characters.
    • These rps generally go better with other plots but I'm low on ideas for these.
      • Alanna- Bodyguard. She is an animal shifter whose weakness is gold. She is extremely powerful but very hostile to any human. She is openly defiant to anyone who attempts to abuse her for her powers. She can be rather clever when it comes to getting out of orders she dislikes. She has extensive knowledge of any weapons, guns, or vehicles but almost absolutely none of today's world. She only knows weapons.
      • Luna- Spy. She is an elementalist. Think Storm from x-men and you have her powers. Her weakness is silver. She has been trained to blend in, and assassinate people. Very guarded and more quiet. Much more docile than Alanna, she prefers to keep quiet and wait for opportunities to arise to grant her escape. She knows a decent amount of today's world, enough to hide within plain sight. She is skilled with blades, using them mostly to conduct electricity or ice along her targets.
      • If you don't like either of them, I can come up with others. These two are just the most developed in my arsenal. I also wouldn't mind making males if you want to be a rich girl buying a toy. ;3
  • Pairings:
    • Last but not least I have pairing ideas without much plot aligned with them. I am a great to bounce ideas around with! So feel free!
      • All things Fantasy (you will have no trouble getting me to rp any of these)
        • merpeople
        • vampires (nonglittery)
        • werewolves (or really were anything)
        • shifters
        • ferals
        • magical creatures
        • elves
        • princesses, princes, kings (i have a semi plot with these involving quads! See below)
          • Reopening for on slot!
          • The griffin kingdom is defined by people with animal ears and tails (and horns, and scales and whatever else you want!). Those with royalty in their blood have magic or mythical creature ears and tails (and etc..). The griffin kingdom is under a curse. The king can have no more children however only a griffin can ascend the throne! And all his children seem to be not griffins. One of the main plots of this line is following a griffin (can be a pauper or a prince) as he meets the many princesses of the court (or if you want to do doubles, princesses and princes) and begin to understand the darker themes of this seemingly perfect kingdom. And it can become a very fun story that can mix several different types of plots into the story. There could be a rebellion, an invading country, or even another family looking to overthrow the griffins. It really is all up to how we want to play out this story. It's one of my favorite plotlines considering I play five princesses/princes and whenever I get bored, switching to another perception always makes things liven up and interesting!
    • I have a few World of Warcraft characters I wouldn't mind finding partners for! Holy is currently in a guild, but no one else is. I would be happy to introduce anyone to my current guilds if you want :)
      • Eleven
        • This void elf warlock is a cannibal hiding among her 'family.' She is a victim of a cruel experiment of the Forsaken turning her cannibalistic against her wishes. She is a scientist and socially awkward to the highest extent. However there does seem to be more to this strange being than meets the eye...
        • She has since managed to fix her cannibalistic nature, removing the need to eat human flesh complete. She has been relieved by this and while still unstable, she still works to find meaning in her experiements and why she is still alive.
        • She is currently lvl 40 and single!
      • Silver Holyhoof
        • This Lightforged Paladin is a younger girl in training! She is clumsy, fearful, and can be a bit dense. But she has a large heart and is continuously trying to please others. Not much is known about this girl's backstory. No one has ever asked her too much about it. Will you be brave enough?
        • She isn't one for the faint of heart! She loves the color pink, glitter, and paper flowers! Her light comes off as glitter so better be prepared to deal with a lot of it!
        • She is currently lvl 60 and single.
      • I have others, Simply ask! :D
    • Modern (normal humany will HAVE to sell the story...i hate rp things not of magical origin)
      • Assassins
      • Boarding collage (a play on school but only for 21+)
      • Historical: aka Indians, knights, old fashion
  • Suggestions are always welcomed!
Thanks for getting to the end! :) Have a great day!
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