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Fx Any Adult roleplay without the smut.

Star Pupil

Old soul
Apr 30, 2011
Edited May 2022

Hello Bluemoon,

After a 5 year hiatus from roleplaying I have decided to come back. I am in desperate need of greater inspiration in my life. I am rusty, and like a knife my mind needs sharpening.

I am also incredibly lazy and searching for partners is a very tedious task. So I am posting here in hopes that the right person finds me because I get discouraged looking for partners easily. What exactly am I looking for? Glad you asked.

Excitement. Suspense. Drama. Action. Romance.

I want to create and meld my ideas with someone else. But to do that I need a compatible brain to fuse my ideas with. This is not just a one and done request. I ask for interaction and participation because that is required for any long term roleplay.

I can write just about anything but my favorite things to write about involve dystopian themes. Terror, fear or corruption driven plots and story lines. I like to play heroines that overcome obstacles and trouble.

I don’t write smut. I write sexual scenes. Smut implies mindless sexual intercourse. I cannot write about that. My characters are driven by emotional attraction, which makes sense because I am Demisexual IRL. I’m also 30 and I’ve had my share of sex in real life. So trust me, my scenes are very descriptive.

I don’t want to write fandom stories unless there is a clear cut plot or idea someone has, and they don’t have an obsession with fucking the canon characters. Example. I love Gabriel Reyes from Overwatch. He is my virtual husband. But I don’t talk about how much I want to lick his muscles. It’s creepy to me how people really get into the sexual aesthetic and not the actual character.

Honestly, I am one of the best writers to roleplay with because I am a long term partner. I become friends with my partners if they wish. I’m very easy going, positive, and down to earth. I mesh well with people who can at least pretend to be normal until some sort of rapport is built and we are comfortable enough to be weirdos.

I have no cravings. I have no “what kink do you want to play today”. Just whatever works with the story and feels natural. I go with the flow.

If you’re brave enough to message me, please do. You read all the way to the end, I do realize I have a very intimidating style of communication but that’s only because I’m not here to waste anyones time. I can do stories where you post once a day or 10 times a day. I find the time for people who I enjoy spending time with.

Kink list will come soon. I have to revamp it since it’s been a little while.
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