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Fx Female fxf historical


Oct 9, 2019
Hiya! I've always loved historical stories with a twist. I'm looking for a descriptive, slowburn rp.
Bold is the role I'd want to write as, however I can be flexible.

1) 16th Century Girl x Time Traveller
(The era/century can be subject to change, I also don't at all mind what role I play). This story would be very slowburn. One day a young girl finds someone she wasnt supposed to, in a time they aren't supposed to be in. Fascinated by each other, they teach each other about the ways of their respective times, and realise they can teach each over a lot more (wether you want that to be a sex joke or a romance joke is up to you! lol).

2) Greek Goddess x Greek Woman
(The dom and sub could be either role in this rp, we can discuss which you'd rather be). A young maiden catches a Goddess' eye (can be a real one or one you made up). She's an unmarried farm
girl, who feels like there's more to life than the card's shes been dealt. Is the Goddess in love, or just searching for fun among the mortals?

might edit with more ideas later, sorry if these are a bit shit, I havn't rped in a while haha
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