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Fx Any Post Apocalyptic RP


Oct 8, 2019
Hello BMR. My real name is not important, you can call me Blissy. I’m an 18 year old girl (I will turn 19 in a couple of weeks) and I’m from Europe. I’m passionate about military themes, both in video games and in movies. I also have a thing for Wrestling Roleplays but Efeds are taking care of that for now. I’ve been roleplaying for a couple of years, mostly in videogames servers but now I’m looking for something forum based.

I’m looking for RPs set in a Post Apocalyptic/World War scenarios. Here’s some of the Video games and Fandoms I referring to:

The Long Dark
The Division
The Walking Dead
Metro series

It can also be something completely new and original. My Favourite Apocalyptic scenario is a snowy abandoned city, like in Telltale’s Walking Dead Season 2, Metro or The Long Dark. I also like big Cities scenarios such as New York, Paris, London etc.





This is my F List F-list - Warning

I am fairly open minded when it comes to likes and dislikes so if there’s anything you wish to include we can find a way to do it, as long as it’s not one of my hard nos.​


Scavenging Run gone wrong
MC is sent to explore an abandoned location, in hopes she can bring back food and supplies to her camp. Needless to say, things will go wrong and she will end up hurt, injured or worse. YC could be a random bandit passing by or a member of a rival group of survivors who are looking to ambush MC and her team. What happens next is negotiable.

Prisoner of War
MC and YC are part of rival groups of survivors. They could be military teams, bandit groups or just average survivors. YC’s squad attacks MC’s camp with the intention of killing most members of her clan, raid their supplies and take her captive for whatever reason. This could also work the other way around, with MC leading the assault but failing and ending up captured along with her squad. YC heavily despises MC because of their different factions and is going to make her pay for what her faction has done to his in the past.

MC is a skilled medic and is currently scraping by with her group of survivors. YC and his group are in desperate need of medical supplies and will do anything to get what they want. They then decide to attack her safehouse and take her captive back to their camp. MC will then be forced to provide medical assistance to YC’s friends and save their lives. If she refuses, well, something bad is going to happen. This could work even better if MC is a military survivor and YC is a bandit.

  • I don’t have a Discord for Roleplaying but I can make a new account if needed. I have a personal one but I only give it to people I trust.
  • OOC chat is important but, friendly reminder, I’m not looking for a boyfriend. I want to have some chat here and there because I’ve noticed that it leads to less ghosting.
  • I will reply once a day. Sometimes more, sometimes less (once every two). I will always let you know if I want to take a break from the RP
  • I don’t write a lot. 2-3 paragraphs max. Because of this I don’t require you to write a lot either. Quality over quantity.
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