Fx Male Egotistical Teenager x Independent Woman Next Door


Jul 21, 2017
You're a teenager with a sky high ego. You believe your own hype. You've given yourself a ridiculous, larger-than-life nickname and in certain moments you even refer to yourself by it in the third person (usually when implying to a girl that you want her to start using it as well). You have a "thing" that you like to do - a "calling card" that you leave on the girls you hook up with after you've left them starstruck - a facial with your nickname written on her face, and a picture of it for your collection. You're extremely picky about which girls you'll really try and make moves on, but any girl you've ever tried to get has wanted it just as much, until you met me - the independent woman next door.

I'm the first female you've ever tried to hit on who has just brushed it off. My expression when I see you is unchanging. Not cold. Just dismissive. Like I couldn't care less who you think you are. I even roll my eyes at your "calling card" talk. You've never been after an older woman before, but you see no reason it should be any different than the success you've had with girls your age, and it puts a giant bullseye on my back. Now it's become a mission of yours to see me added to your collection. To show me that I can play hard to get all I want, but all your girls fall into rank once you've left your calling card. And whether or not they're "your girl" isnt up to them - it's up to you. Unfortunately for me, I'm now "your girl" even if I don't know it just yet.

I live alone. I'm 20 years older than you. How far are you willing to go to show me just who you are?
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