- Joined
- Sep 25, 2019
About me:
I'm a girl in her mid 20s, from Japan originally, but practically raised in Australia so I'd consider myself a native English speaker. I work as a literary translator (English and Japanese) and so I do spend a large chunk of my time writing overall. I'd say I'm online between 4pm-1am PT (since we have mostly US folk here!). I'm looking for partners who are fairly detail-oriented--that doesn't mean you need to be incredibly meticulous and churn out thousands of words, on the contrary, I actually prefer shorter posts and quicker back-and-forth, however I'm also fine with a more novella approach depending on the role. Developing our characters is hugely important for me; I've learnt over the years that I don't enjoy roles where we just half-ass our characters just as a means to jump into smut.
I really appreciate wit, creativity, and intelligence from my partner and aspire to provide the same. My ideal post length can range from 300-800 words per post. I'm not too fussed if your posts are on the shorter side, as long as the writing is concise and well presented; volume doesn't equate to quality! My preference is PM or Discord, although willing to do thread as well. Please provide me with a few writing samples! This is to the benefit of both our time and effort.
I usually have a preference towards playing an Asian girl, however this isn't mandatory depending on the role. She can be any age from 16+. Face-claims are a great plus, and I've even used myself in the past, basically any type of visual aid is a big bonus!
When it comes to roles and kinks, I can generally be fairly accommodating and happy to work with you if you have a specific kink you're interested in incorporating into the role as long as it isn't gratuitously violent. In saying that I've always had a preference towards roles that would be considered ethically dubious in real life. I'm not scared of playing the more dominant character either, although I can also play the stereotypical reserved and timid girl if it'll suit the narrative more.
Please keep in mind that the below roles are simply examples and ideas, and a lot of them I've actually played several times before so I'm not particularly looking for them again, however I leave them here as a sort of 'graveyard guideline' in order to give you an idea as to my writing style. I'm happy to discuss any type of role/scene that has elements of my above interests.
Random Plot Ideas:
Solo Traveler
MC is a solo traveler ready to break free from her mundane and predictable life by embarking on a backpacking adventure. Unfortunately (and fortunately) for her she tends to have the worst luck, and ends up in a multitude of vulnerable situations involving other guys. This could range from something as innocent as a wardrobe malfunction in a public place, a handsy tour guide, some rowdy bunk-mates in a hostel, or-- depending on your interests-- something a little more darker. In any case, this will skew more towards dub and non-con, however a few consensual one-night stands is certainly not off the cards.
In terms of her character, we can take her in any direction. We can make her a stereotypical Japanese girl who has been sheltered from the outside world the majority of her life and so is extremely trusting of people (even to the detriment of herself). Or she can be a bit more headstrong and feisty, even bratty, although that doesn't fit the narrative too much. Either way, this is also open for discussion.
For this to work you would essentially be playing the role of disposable characters. There isn't too much to the world building as this is set in modern times and we can both contribute to the direction of the plot. The reason I like this idea is that we're not really set on a particular trajectory and can put MC in a lot of diverse situations due to the nature of her trip.
Why won't he notice me?
MC is a typical, impressionable high-school teenager. One that is extremely infatuated with YC. He, of course, doesn't even know she exists. And why would he? MC is a short, geeky looking, ordinary Asian girl. All they care about is getting good grades, piano, and Anime, not white boys. His eyes are for the blonde bombshell of the class, Jessica, and all of his attention goes towards trying to score a date with her. Except MC has the upper hand. Unlike Jessica, she hasn't had a religious upbringing that forbids sex until marriage. And she's willing to do things no other girl in this preppy school would even imagine to win his attention.
For this role, I really want to replicate a school environment that is a little more sexually conservative. A student giving another student a hand-job would, for example, be considered a big deal. I see MC appealing to YC's teenage sexual desires--desires that have been supressed by a potentially religious upbringing. Desires that wouldn't be fulfilled by his crush anytime soon. So why not experiment with her? I really see this as an obsession from MC's perspective. She's by no means promiscuous, and has learnt everything she needs to get his attention through online porn. She's been fixated with this boy for years, but finally has the tools to earn his attention. Perhaps there's an event that is the catalyst for him finally recognizing MC--maybe she 'accidentally' reveals her tits to him in gym class? In any case, something that finally makes him notice her in a different way. And from there, she'll continue feeding his appetite, all the while YC hides his little sordid affair with MC. After all, he wouldn't want to hurt his chances of scoring with Jessica. There's no harm fooling around with this Asian chick for a bit, right?
Bubbly, sweet, naive Asian girl simply has the worst luck...:
I'm randomly craving playing this type of cliche Asian character again. She's bubbly, sweet, friendly, oblivious; all those kind of traits that create a perfect storm for pervy guys who happen to come across our silly girl. I don't really see you playing a specific character, but multiple characters that come across our girl in public or social situations. Whether that's at a beach, a train, maybe competing in some sport-- any type of situation that may lead to her having some sort of wardrobe malfunction. It may even be playing the "gentleman" at a bar as you help her get home. In any case, this might be more of a DM role for yourself, where we manufacture these situations and release her.
High Fantasy / Isekai (DM potentially required):
Again I'm really open with this genre at the moment, however I did read an interesting idea from another thread where the female character is plunged into a foreign fantasy world (typical isekai) and she gets herself swept up in a very delicate political climate. This would mean you might be more of a DM in this kind of role, however we could just flesh out all the world building between each other and simply pick whichever character you would enjoy to play. I'm also interested in building something from scratch.
A few random themes I enjoy in this genre:
Playing a character fighting for a cause. This could be something along the lines of 'Princess Mononoke,' fighting a war against an evil empire or organization who is trying to take her land and enslave her people.
Playing some kind of priestess.
Playing some kind of goddess.
Final Fantasy (VII, VIII or X):
I don't particularly have a plot idea in mind per se, however like I mentioned above I do have a strong affinity towards VII, VIII and X worlds. You could twist my arm into XIV, however I would really be leaning on you for lore and history for that one. We could also simply build on my below sample, if you wanted to go with VII.
Fish out of Water:
This is a bit of a weird one. MC is a foreign college student who has been living abroad(perhaps a random American town) for a few months now. She had no friends, no colleagues, and the few family she has is in a completely different country. On top of that, she's naturally reclusive, awkward, and has shockingly low self-esteem. So low, in fact, that it's simply impossible for her to interact with anyone in any kind of meaningful way. The language barrier doesn't necessarily make things any easier.
One night, walking through a bad neighborhood, she is approached and subsequently molested. Or, she is at a bar, having finally decided to put herself out there, and is inappropriately molested. Whatever happens here is up for discussion; but the main takeaway is the event is a major catalyst in her life. At the time, it was of course a terrifying experience for her. She has no one to turn to, she's too scared to go the police, and the guy simply gets away with it. After the dust has settled, however, the girl finds herself--to her own dismay-- fantasizing about the experience. It was the first time in her adult life someone had ever given her that sort of attention, even though it was the wrong type of attention at the time. In any case, MC's new goal is to try to replicate that experience. She finds herself deliberately going to horrible bars, bad neighborhoods, walking through dark alleys; essentially offering herself up as bait. In some twisted way, dealing with sleazy, one-dimension men is simply so much easier than the intimidating process of building a healthy relationship. These are very broad strokes, however I'd really like to delve into her psyche for this one.
Also, for this all to work, I imagine this perhaps set in the 90s, before smart-phones, tinder, etc. You would essentially be playing these men. I kind of like the idea of them being really creepy, gross, unattractive guys.
Noticed for the first time:
I see MC as a 16-17 year old high-school girl with fairly low self-esteem and a lifetime of being sheltered by overly controlling parents. YC is her best friend's dad, still married(happily or otherwise). He can have whatever kind of personality you prefer to play as, whether it's a lewd, aggressive drunk or someone a little more relaxed and conniving. In any case, one day he comes in and notices MC in a way he has never noticed her before. Maybe he finally notices her breasts, or maybe she's in an exposed position. Something that triggers a sudden desire for her. He suddenly doesn't see MC as his daughter's Asian friend anymore, but as a sexual object. MC also picks up on this. She has never been looked at or admired at like that before, and it feels...nice. She starts craving it more, coming over more frequently, doing things 'accidentally' to get his attention, attention she's never received from her own parents. And things snowball from there.
Beauty and the Pest:
I like the idea of playing a kind of "older sister" role to YC who would be in his teenager years and undergoing some struggles. Perhaps he's bullied, has no luck with women, has abusive parents, or simply a combination of things that led to him having a tough upbringing. MC would be highly sympathetic to him, perhaps to the point she metaphorically "looks the other way" when he wants to cop a feel from her, or maybe more. MC would try to rationalize their interactions considering what a horrible time the poor boy has been having recently. I can play any number of people in this scenario, from a friend's older sister, babysitter, family friend, etc. I'm not super into incest so essentially anything other than his sister can work. YC would of course be making the most of it once he realizes what he can get away with. You can really play him however you want. From a sweet, innocent boy to an outright deviant who manipulates MC's good nature.
'A' Student's Revenge:
So for this I had two separate ideas:
1) MC is the student. Perhaps she has always been a model student(in both looks and behaviour) and incredibly smart, but one fateful day, a teacher decides that her most recent assignment isn't so crash hot. He ends up failing her--her first F ever-- and she really doesn't take to it. Perhaps she starts plotting for his downfall, and finds the most appropriate way to get back at him would be to seduce him and either get caught or record the experience. For this to really be believable (one of my core rules) we would have to come up with a reason for MC to really hate her teacher. Going to those lengths are of course very extreme, so I'd like for them to be fairly justified.
2) We could also do the reverse. You play a really troubled student who has a real vendetta against MC (the young teacher) because she failed him or embarrassed him in class. He plots to somehow expose her and get even. He could perhaps stalk her and try to take inappropriate photos of her in her own house (if we go with him exposing her). Or we can make him a lot more unstable and he could flat out sexually assault her.
None of the above is by any means set in stone! I love me some collaboration.
F-List is here!
I'm a girl in her mid 20s, from Japan originally, but practically raised in Australia so I'd consider myself a native English speaker. I work as a literary translator (English and Japanese) and so I do spend a large chunk of my time writing overall. I'd say I'm online between 4pm-1am PT (since we have mostly US folk here!). I'm looking for partners who are fairly detail-oriented--that doesn't mean you need to be incredibly meticulous and churn out thousands of words, on the contrary, I actually prefer shorter posts and quicker back-and-forth, however I'm also fine with a more novella approach depending on the role. Developing our characters is hugely important for me; I've learnt over the years that I don't enjoy roles where we just half-ass our characters just as a means to jump into smut.
I really appreciate wit, creativity, and intelligence from my partner and aspire to provide the same. My ideal post length can range from 300-800 words per post. I'm not too fussed if your posts are on the shorter side, as long as the writing is concise and well presented; volume doesn't equate to quality! My preference is PM or Discord, although willing to do thread as well. Please provide me with a few writing samples! This is to the benefit of both our time and effort.
I usually have a preference towards playing an Asian girl, however this isn't mandatory depending on the role. She can be any age from 16+. Face-claims are a great plus, and I've even used myself in the past, basically any type of visual aid is a big bonus!
When it comes to roles and kinks, I can generally be fairly accommodating and happy to work with you if you have a specific kink you're interested in incorporating into the role as long as it isn't gratuitously violent. In saying that I've always had a preference towards roles that would be considered ethically dubious in real life. I'm not scared of playing the more dominant character either, although I can also play the stereotypical reserved and timid girl if it'll suit the narrative more.
Dub/Non-Con - I would say these are my two big favourites, with a slight tendency more towards dubious consent. I LOVE having MC tricked or talked into doing something she's uncertain with.
Age gaps & Contrasts - Always enjoy this. Usually with this my partner plays the much older character, but I'm also open to the reverse (although I don't like playing a character over 30). Different body shapes, race, attractiveness; all this is fun for me too.
Humiliation/Degradation/Objectification - I enjoy situations where my character is humiliated or degraded. This can include stuff like voyeurism & exhibitionism. Being objectified for being an Asian girl is also fun for me.
Accidental/Malfunctions - Anything involving wardrobe malfunctions or situations where our characters are accidentally forced into an interaction.
Boundaries - I like the idea of setting limits and boundaries to the situation. What I mean about boundaries is that MC would reluctantly agree to either agreeing to give YC a kiss, or a hand-job, or letting him feel her breasts, etc. Perhaps our characters are friends and for whatever reason MC helps out YC, either out of pity or friendship or something along those lines.
Wages/Bets - Perhaps MC has lost a bet in some kind of game, and with great reluctance needs to perform an act she may consider unpleasant.
Hate-fucking - This again is something that can tie in with the above themes -- for whatever reason, our characters don't like one another, perhaps even hate each other, yet circumstance has lead to them having to be intimate.
Oblivious/Naïve/Jovial- This kind of fits into the the dubious consent category. It's always fun playing the oblivious, happy-go-lucky innocent little Asian gal who is in someway preyed upon by the scary white man. There are endless roles we can come up with this dynamic, usually something involving MC being in a new environment which leaves her vulnerable.
Vengeful/Headstrong - In contrast to the above, I also love the idea of playing a girl on a mission. I think this fits in well in a more fantasy setting.
Age gaps & Contrasts - Always enjoy this. Usually with this my partner plays the much older character, but I'm also open to the reverse (although I don't like playing a character over 30). Different body shapes, race, attractiveness; all this is fun for me too.
Humiliation/Degradation/Objectification - I enjoy situations where my character is humiliated or degraded. This can include stuff like voyeurism & exhibitionism. Being objectified for being an Asian girl is also fun for me.
Accidental/Malfunctions - Anything involving wardrobe malfunctions or situations where our characters are accidentally forced into an interaction.
Boundaries - I like the idea of setting limits and boundaries to the situation. What I mean about boundaries is that MC would reluctantly agree to either agreeing to give YC a kiss, or a hand-job, or letting him feel her breasts, etc. Perhaps our characters are friends and for whatever reason MC helps out YC, either out of pity or friendship or something along those lines.
Wages/Bets - Perhaps MC has lost a bet in some kind of game, and with great reluctance needs to perform an act she may consider unpleasant.
Hate-fucking - This again is something that can tie in with the above themes -- for whatever reason, our characters don't like one another, perhaps even hate each other, yet circumstance has lead to them having to be intimate.
Oblivious/Naïve/Jovial- This kind of fits into the the dubious consent category. It's always fun playing the oblivious, happy-go-lucky innocent little Asian gal who is in someway preyed upon by the scary white man. There are endless roles we can come up with this dynamic, usually something involving MC being in a new environment which leaves her vulnerable.
Vengeful/Headstrong - In contrast to the above, I also love the idea of playing a girl on a mission. I think this fits in well in a more fantasy setting.
I don't think I need to elaborate too much with this. If it is modern, I'm really not a fan of overly vanilla or romantic pairings.
Think From Software games, which I'm a huge fan. Berserk also comes to mind.
Medieval / Fantasy:
This can be Tolkienesque, or D&D, or simply any kind of generic fantasy setting. I don't have a particular idea that I'm picturing for this as of yet, however I might update this in the future. For now, I welcome any of your own ideas and roles that may be grounded in this kind of setting.
Stormlight Archive / Mistborn:
Another series I'm a big fan of, and there's a lot of potential pairings here as well. I do however have a preference of playing original characters versus existing ones-- although that doesn't mean our characters couldn't interact with the others. In saying that, I wouldn't be totally against playing Shallan or Vin.
Final Fantasy:
I'd be up for something set in one of these worlds as well-- preferably either VII, VIII, or X.
Avatar(The Lasts Airbender):
This is a really fun setting. I'm open to playing canon characters for this as well.
I don't think I need to elaborate too much with this. If it is modern, I'm really not a fan of overly vanilla or romantic pairings.
Think From Software games, which I'm a huge fan. Berserk also comes to mind.
Medieval / Fantasy:
This can be Tolkienesque, or D&D, or simply any kind of generic fantasy setting. I don't have a particular idea that I'm picturing for this as of yet, however I might update this in the future. For now, I welcome any of your own ideas and roles that may be grounded in this kind of setting.
Stormlight Archive / Mistborn:
Another series I'm a big fan of, and there's a lot of potential pairings here as well. I do however have a preference of playing original characters versus existing ones-- although that doesn't mean our characters couldn't interact with the others. In saying that, I wouldn't be totally against playing Shallan or Vin.
Final Fantasy:
I'd be up for something set in one of these worlds as well-- preferably either VII, VIII, or X.
Avatar(The Lasts Airbender):
This is a really fun setting. I'm open to playing canon characters for this as well.
Please keep in mind that the below roles are simply examples and ideas, and a lot of them I've actually played several times before so I'm not particularly looking for them again, however I leave them here as a sort of 'graveyard guideline' in order to give you an idea as to my writing style. I'm happy to discuss any type of role/scene that has elements of my above interests.
Random Plot Ideas:
Solo Traveler
MC is a solo traveler ready to break free from her mundane and predictable life by embarking on a backpacking adventure. Unfortunately (and fortunately) for her she tends to have the worst luck, and ends up in a multitude of vulnerable situations involving other guys. This could range from something as innocent as a wardrobe malfunction in a public place, a handsy tour guide, some rowdy bunk-mates in a hostel, or-- depending on your interests-- something a little more darker. In any case, this will skew more towards dub and non-con, however a few consensual one-night stands is certainly not off the cards.
In terms of her character, we can take her in any direction. We can make her a stereotypical Japanese girl who has been sheltered from the outside world the majority of her life and so is extremely trusting of people (even to the detriment of herself). Or she can be a bit more headstrong and feisty, even bratty, although that doesn't fit the narrative too much. Either way, this is also open for discussion.
For this to work you would essentially be playing the role of disposable characters. There isn't too much to the world building as this is set in modern times and we can both contribute to the direction of the plot. The reason I like this idea is that we're not really set on a particular trajectory and can put MC in a lot of diverse situations due to the nature of her trip.
Why won't he notice me?
MC is a typical, impressionable high-school teenager. One that is extremely infatuated with YC. He, of course, doesn't even know she exists. And why would he? MC is a short, geeky looking, ordinary Asian girl. All they care about is getting good grades, piano, and Anime, not white boys. His eyes are for the blonde bombshell of the class, Jessica, and all of his attention goes towards trying to score a date with her. Except MC has the upper hand. Unlike Jessica, she hasn't had a religious upbringing that forbids sex until marriage. And she's willing to do things no other girl in this preppy school would even imagine to win his attention.

For this role, I really want to replicate a school environment that is a little more sexually conservative. A student giving another student a hand-job would, for example, be considered a big deal. I see MC appealing to YC's teenage sexual desires--desires that have been supressed by a potentially religious upbringing. Desires that wouldn't be fulfilled by his crush anytime soon. So why not experiment with her? I really see this as an obsession from MC's perspective. She's by no means promiscuous, and has learnt everything she needs to get his attention through online porn. She's been fixated with this boy for years, but finally has the tools to earn his attention. Perhaps there's an event that is the catalyst for him finally recognizing MC--maybe she 'accidentally' reveals her tits to him in gym class? In any case, something that finally makes him notice her in a different way. And from there, she'll continue feeding his appetite, all the while YC hides his little sordid affair with MC. After all, he wouldn't want to hurt his chances of scoring with Jessica. There's no harm fooling around with this Asian chick for a bit, right?
"Emiko? Hello, Emiko!"
The young girl suddenly sprang up and straightened her posture, "Oh, umm, 1967, sir." The teacher, Mr Jones, gave her a slight frown before continuing on. "Correct... But please don't lose focus in my class."
"Yes sir, sorry sir." Emiko could feel her cheeks reddening as the attention of the class shifted towards her, a large red oval spread across her cheek where her palm previously held up her head. Oh god, please look away, she pleaded to herself anxiously as her eyes stared down at the textbook. She was, of course, daydreaming about Trevor. History was the one class where she had an actual line of sight towards him, his seat being near the front of the class. It helped inspire her imagination, more-so than usual. Today, they had bought their first house together; Trevor of course wanted a bigger garage to store all his wood-working tools and his boat, while Emiko got the pool she had always wanted. Finally, she was able to break the shackles of her parents and live a life with her new husband!
"Anyone? Anyone?" Mr Jones' next question pulled Emiko out of her reverie again. She knew the answer, of course, but always gave others the opportunity before answering. The teacher sighed, his eyes finding Emiko again as they always did when everyone else failed to give a response. "Um, six days sir," she responded before clearing her throat, her high voice slightly cracking. Mr Jones gave a nod of satisfaction before returning to the board and continuing his lecture, a few of her classmates making scoffing sounds as if to imply, 'Typical'.
Emiko's infatuation of Trevor started off innocently enough. They were paired up together during a science class back in middle-school, and at the time her science grades were beginning to lag behind a bit. Well, relative to her other subjects. She was still at the top end of the class. But Trevor was, not only unbelievably funny and witty, also surprisingly familiar with the content. He fixed a lot of the mistakes she had made, and treated her with an easy-going nature that made her feel like a regular, cool girl. Not some geeky Asian nerd with braces. Unfortunately it was a one-off occasion, and since then there's been little, if any, interaction between the pair. Well, real life interaction that is. But plenty in Emiko's imagination.
As the years went by her imaginary thoughts started veering into more... R rated territory. The girl inside her mind suddenly didn't only want to go on a date with Trevor, or be his lab partner, or play board games with him. She craved something more physical. Emiko tried keeping those kinds of thoughts from surfacing during the day, however, and kept them contained to the evenings. After her parents had gone to sleep.
The school bell suddenly rang, and the monotonous routine of clearing out desks and packing up bags sprang into life. Emiko brushed a few strands of her off her fringe before making her way to the next class, walking a few metres behind Trevor and his friend as she watched them chuckle and carry on.
The young girl suddenly sprang up and straightened her posture, "Oh, umm, 1967, sir." The teacher, Mr Jones, gave her a slight frown before continuing on. "Correct... But please don't lose focus in my class."
"Yes sir, sorry sir." Emiko could feel her cheeks reddening as the attention of the class shifted towards her, a large red oval spread across her cheek where her palm previously held up her head. Oh god, please look away, she pleaded to herself anxiously as her eyes stared down at the textbook. She was, of course, daydreaming about Trevor. History was the one class where she had an actual line of sight towards him, his seat being near the front of the class. It helped inspire her imagination, more-so than usual. Today, they had bought their first house together; Trevor of course wanted a bigger garage to store all his wood-working tools and his boat, while Emiko got the pool she had always wanted. Finally, she was able to break the shackles of her parents and live a life with her new husband!
"Anyone? Anyone?" Mr Jones' next question pulled Emiko out of her reverie again. She knew the answer, of course, but always gave others the opportunity before answering. The teacher sighed, his eyes finding Emiko again as they always did when everyone else failed to give a response. "Um, six days sir," she responded before clearing her throat, her high voice slightly cracking. Mr Jones gave a nod of satisfaction before returning to the board and continuing his lecture, a few of her classmates making scoffing sounds as if to imply, 'Typical'.
Emiko's infatuation of Trevor started off innocently enough. They were paired up together during a science class back in middle-school, and at the time her science grades were beginning to lag behind a bit. Well, relative to her other subjects. She was still at the top end of the class. But Trevor was, not only unbelievably funny and witty, also surprisingly familiar with the content. He fixed a lot of the mistakes she had made, and treated her with an easy-going nature that made her feel like a regular, cool girl. Not some geeky Asian nerd with braces. Unfortunately it was a one-off occasion, and since then there's been little, if any, interaction between the pair. Well, real life interaction that is. But plenty in Emiko's imagination.
As the years went by her imaginary thoughts started veering into more... R rated territory. The girl inside her mind suddenly didn't only want to go on a date with Trevor, or be his lab partner, or play board games with him. She craved something more physical. Emiko tried keeping those kinds of thoughts from surfacing during the day, however, and kept them contained to the evenings. After her parents had gone to sleep.
The school bell suddenly rang, and the monotonous routine of clearing out desks and packing up bags sprang into life. Emiko brushed a few strands of her off her fringe before making her way to the next class, walking a few metres behind Trevor and his friend as she watched them chuckle and carry on.
Bubbly, sweet, naive Asian girl simply has the worst luck...:
I'm randomly craving playing this type of cliche Asian character again. She's bubbly, sweet, friendly, oblivious; all those kind of traits that create a perfect storm for pervy guys who happen to come across our silly girl. I don't really see you playing a specific character, but multiple characters that come across our girl in public or social situations. Whether that's at a beach, a train, maybe competing in some sport-- any type of situation that may lead to her having some sort of wardrobe malfunction. It may even be playing the "gentleman" at a bar as you help her get home. In any case, this might be more of a DM role for yourself, where we manufacture these situations and release her.
High Fantasy / Isekai (DM potentially required):
Again I'm really open with this genre at the moment, however I did read an interesting idea from another thread where the female character is plunged into a foreign fantasy world (typical isekai) and she gets herself swept up in a very delicate political climate. This would mean you might be more of a DM in this kind of role, however we could just flesh out all the world building between each other and simply pick whichever character you would enjoy to play. I'm also interested in building something from scratch.

A few random themes I enjoy in this genre:
Playing a character fighting for a cause. This could be something along the lines of 'Princess Mononoke,' fighting a war against an evil empire or organization who is trying to take her land and enslave her people.
Playing some kind of priestess.
Playing some kind of goddess.
Thwack! The bullet missed her head by a few inches as it blasted the tree, sending splinters of bark raining down on her shoulders. The girl ducked as if another bullet would follow the first, and continued darting through the forest in haste. The noise that weapon made was simply unnatural in this forest. How dare they!? To infect our land with such foul things!
"This way!" called out one of the pursuers in a thick Kallechian accent, "Don't kill her unless you must!" a harsher, more commanding voice boomed into the forest. There was no time to brood over such things. More footsteps started to thud towards her, forming a wide arc. She had to escape the same fate that befell her house, and warn the rest of her country. Fractured though they may be, these were still her people. Even though hers was a mere fringe province, this aggression simply must be considered an act of war. Why did father have to deal with those people?
Tossing her delicate shoes aside, the girl swiftly took off again, this time with an abnormal haste. Her long, dark brown hair streamed in the wind of her speed, like a wraith wrapped in white silk floating through the air. "There!" KABOOM, another shot fired, followed by the sound of a branch snapping then falling. "STOP SHOOTING!" the voice boomed again.
As she ducked under branches and weaved between thickets, the girl's footing was suddenly lost to her. A low branch fast approached her as she stumbled, when suddenly the branch bent inwards towards itself, as if to avoid her. The girl then regained her feet, and kept steadily forward. Even this close to civilization, the tree spirits have influence... Thank you.
The forest continued to aid her; branches would part as to clear her path, tree roots would recoil as to avoid catching her feet, leafs would wither as to assist her visibility. The opposite were true for her pursuers, who continuously stumbled in their chase as the forest spirits tried weakly to delay them. Unfortunately, due to the small nature of the forest, this was the extent of its spiritual energy. If this were the Költra forest, they would never find me...
Her effort, the girl knew, was perhaps all in vain. For she knew that she was being herded towards the sea, giving her no hope of escape, the sea spirits having abandoned her people long ago for the Kallechians. If I can flank them from the north, I may be able to circle back around. The girl abruptly stopped, her fair face flustered with exertion, and she turned to her right--towards the north--but the leaves shook aggressively as soldiers approached from that direction.
That's it then, she thought in despair to herself. Leaving her no choice, she ran for the glittering blue sea to the west. The trees gradually began to give way to the soft, moist ground that was the shore. The further the distance from the forest, the more fatigue the girl began to feel. The dominion of the forest spirits weaken. The little help she had been receiving from the tree spirits would soon end, and she would be abandoned to her own wits. As her bare feet touched sand, her feet began to sink deeper and deeper with each step, more so than physically possible for a girl of her stature, as if the sand were hindering her run. "Curse you traitor spirits," she spat aloud as she tried to pull her legs away, turning herself back towards the harder surface.
"You struggle in vain, Vulaar slut," a fierce looking soldier suddenly appeared from the forest, looking haggard and desperate. "You'll come with me, or your life will soak this shore." The girl frantically made for the forest again, her legs feeling heavier and heavier as the energy seemed to sap away from her. As she turned a bend, she came across a man seated on a large rock, and two soldiers barring her way further. It was all over. Without turning, she could hear the arriving men panting heavily behind her, their equipment shuffling, as they surrounded the provincial heiress.
"How dare you! Cowards!" snarled the fierce girl in Vulaarian, her shoulders slumping in exhausted defeat.
"This way!" called out one of the pursuers in a thick Kallechian accent, "Don't kill her unless you must!" a harsher, more commanding voice boomed into the forest. There was no time to brood over such things. More footsteps started to thud towards her, forming a wide arc. She had to escape the same fate that befell her house, and warn the rest of her country. Fractured though they may be, these were still her people. Even though hers was a mere fringe province, this aggression simply must be considered an act of war. Why did father have to deal with those people?
Tossing her delicate shoes aside, the girl swiftly took off again, this time with an abnormal haste. Her long, dark brown hair streamed in the wind of her speed, like a wraith wrapped in white silk floating through the air. "There!" KABOOM, another shot fired, followed by the sound of a branch snapping then falling. "STOP SHOOTING!" the voice boomed again.
As she ducked under branches and weaved between thickets, the girl's footing was suddenly lost to her. A low branch fast approached her as she stumbled, when suddenly the branch bent inwards towards itself, as if to avoid her. The girl then regained her feet, and kept steadily forward. Even this close to civilization, the tree spirits have influence... Thank you.
The forest continued to aid her; branches would part as to clear her path, tree roots would recoil as to avoid catching her feet, leafs would wither as to assist her visibility. The opposite were true for her pursuers, who continuously stumbled in their chase as the forest spirits tried weakly to delay them. Unfortunately, due to the small nature of the forest, this was the extent of its spiritual energy. If this were the Költra forest, they would never find me...
Her effort, the girl knew, was perhaps all in vain. For she knew that she was being herded towards the sea, giving her no hope of escape, the sea spirits having abandoned her people long ago for the Kallechians. If I can flank them from the north, I may be able to circle back around. The girl abruptly stopped, her fair face flustered with exertion, and she turned to her right--towards the north--but the leaves shook aggressively as soldiers approached from that direction.
That's it then, she thought in despair to herself. Leaving her no choice, she ran for the glittering blue sea to the west. The trees gradually began to give way to the soft, moist ground that was the shore. The further the distance from the forest, the more fatigue the girl began to feel. The dominion of the forest spirits weaken. The little help she had been receiving from the tree spirits would soon end, and she would be abandoned to her own wits. As her bare feet touched sand, her feet began to sink deeper and deeper with each step, more so than physically possible for a girl of her stature, as if the sand were hindering her run. "Curse you traitor spirits," she spat aloud as she tried to pull her legs away, turning herself back towards the harder surface.
"You struggle in vain, Vulaar slut," a fierce looking soldier suddenly appeared from the forest, looking haggard and desperate. "You'll come with me, or your life will soak this shore." The girl frantically made for the forest again, her legs feeling heavier and heavier as the energy seemed to sap away from her. As she turned a bend, she came across a man seated on a large rock, and two soldiers barring her way further. It was all over. Without turning, she could hear the arriving men panting heavily behind her, their equipment shuffling, as they surrounded the provincial heiress.
"How dare you! Cowards!" snarled the fierce girl in Vulaarian, her shoulders slumping in exhausted defeat.
Final Fantasy (VII, VIII or X):
I don't particularly have a plot idea in mind per se, however like I mentioned above I do have a strong affinity towards VII, VIII and X worlds. You could twist my arm into XIV, however I would really be leaning on you for lore and history for that one. We could also simply build on my below sample, if you wanted to go with VII.

"One, two, and...three," the girl with the binoculars said out aloud as she surveyed the front of the Shinra building. "Three victims for the beguiling ninja to take down. No problem!" She sprang up, the few materia she brought with her jiggling in her pouch. The plan was to take down the three guards that were lingering in front of the side-door, which would hopefully lead towards down towards the basement where the prisoners were being kept. Or perhaps it lead to the parking garage. She wasn't completely sure, but she knew that that was the door for her!
"I'll show you what I can do without any backup!" Yuffie said, making a tight fist with her gloved hand.
Sonon had flat out refused to accompany her on the mission. "This isn't our fight," he explained to her earlier in the hideout, "they have their own thing going on, and so do we."
"But I'm your boss!" Yuffie insisted, "and my orders are: rescue these people!"
Sonon shook his had gravely in response. "We've...decided to fall back. There's too much heat because of this AVALANCHE thing," he waited a few moments, "and you're coming with us."
"Psh! Like heck I am!" Yuffie said to herself as she flung the binoculars around her neck. Recalling the conversation boiled her blood even now; they had basically forced her to stay in the hideout. Luckily for her, she knew exactly how to escape. A mischievous grin spread across her face. "I'll save those prisoners, and be back before those cowards even realize!"
The young ninja suddenly leapt up from her crouching position, her tattered cloak fluttering in the cool evening air as she darted down the stairway towards the side of the colossal tower. The glare from the copious amount of lights emanating from the building assaulted her vision. This building is such a waste of energy! she thought to herself in disgust.
As she neared the guards, Yuffie cast Protect on her self; a transparent blue layer suddenly enveloping every surface of her skin temporarily. She then spread out her hand and cast Slow on the soldier furthest away from her. His movements now resembled someone walking slowly underwater, however his fellow goons were suddenly alerted to her presence. Before the closest soldier could lift up his machine gun, Yuffie pulled out her 4-point Shuriken and jumped at him, stabbing him straight through his unprotected torso. Leaving the Shuriken impaled in the man, she pushed off the ground and leapt in the air, avoiding the bullets being shot at her by the third man as she cast Thundara. Two lightning bolts shot down from the sky and ripped through the man as if he were paper, leaving him writhing and twitching on the floor.
The last man--the one who was comically slowed--snarled at the girl, his three red eyes flaring as if reacting to his anger. "Can you guys really see out of those things?" Yuffie asked, as she nonchalantly ripped her Shuriken out of the dead man's torso, the artificial light from a nearby street-lamp reflecting off the dark blood stained on the edge.
"Ewww, there's no chance your blood is nice and clean, is there?" the ninja flashed a cheeky grin before launching herself at the man. Unfortunately for Yuffie, the soldier's movements suddenly returned to normal, and he quickly brought his machine gun up and sprayed at the approaching teenager. A few bullets pierced her cloak, and some even bounced off her Protect shield, causing the spell to illuminate in blue flashes until eventually... *click click click* went the empty gun barrel, just as the Shuriken swept across the soldiers unguarded neck, painting the concrete floor with his crimson life. The cocky ninja knelt down and wiped her blade with the soldiers shirt, then returned it the slot attached to her back.
The surrounded area was now surely alerted to her presence. Yuffie yanked off the ID-badge that was attached to the soldier and used it to swipe through the inconspicuous side door--*beep*--the light flashed green and a clicking sound followed. She pushed open the door which led to a narrow stairwell that she quickly descended. It led to an underground garage sprawling with beasts, soldiers, and even a large tank. Yuffie slapped her forehead and shook her head in a pantomime gesture.
"This... is going to take some effort."
"I'll show you what I can do without any backup!" Yuffie said, making a tight fist with her gloved hand.
Sonon had flat out refused to accompany her on the mission. "This isn't our fight," he explained to her earlier in the hideout, "they have their own thing going on, and so do we."
"But I'm your boss!" Yuffie insisted, "and my orders are: rescue these people!"
Sonon shook his had gravely in response. "We've...decided to fall back. There's too much heat because of this AVALANCHE thing," he waited a few moments, "and you're coming with us."
"Psh! Like heck I am!" Yuffie said to herself as she flung the binoculars around her neck. Recalling the conversation boiled her blood even now; they had basically forced her to stay in the hideout. Luckily for her, she knew exactly how to escape. A mischievous grin spread across her face. "I'll save those prisoners, and be back before those cowards even realize!"
The young ninja suddenly leapt up from her crouching position, her tattered cloak fluttering in the cool evening air as she darted down the stairway towards the side of the colossal tower. The glare from the copious amount of lights emanating from the building assaulted her vision. This building is such a waste of energy! she thought to herself in disgust.
As she neared the guards, Yuffie cast Protect on her self; a transparent blue layer suddenly enveloping every surface of her skin temporarily. She then spread out her hand and cast Slow on the soldier furthest away from her. His movements now resembled someone walking slowly underwater, however his fellow goons were suddenly alerted to her presence. Before the closest soldier could lift up his machine gun, Yuffie pulled out her 4-point Shuriken and jumped at him, stabbing him straight through his unprotected torso. Leaving the Shuriken impaled in the man, she pushed off the ground and leapt in the air, avoiding the bullets being shot at her by the third man as she cast Thundara. Two lightning bolts shot down from the sky and ripped through the man as if he were paper, leaving him writhing and twitching on the floor.
The last man--the one who was comically slowed--snarled at the girl, his three red eyes flaring as if reacting to his anger. "Can you guys really see out of those things?" Yuffie asked, as she nonchalantly ripped her Shuriken out of the dead man's torso, the artificial light from a nearby street-lamp reflecting off the dark blood stained on the edge.
"Ewww, there's no chance your blood is nice and clean, is there?" the ninja flashed a cheeky grin before launching herself at the man. Unfortunately for Yuffie, the soldier's movements suddenly returned to normal, and he quickly brought his machine gun up and sprayed at the approaching teenager. A few bullets pierced her cloak, and some even bounced off her Protect shield, causing the spell to illuminate in blue flashes until eventually... *click click click* went the empty gun barrel, just as the Shuriken swept across the soldiers unguarded neck, painting the concrete floor with his crimson life. The cocky ninja knelt down and wiped her blade with the soldiers shirt, then returned it the slot attached to her back.
The surrounded area was now surely alerted to her presence. Yuffie yanked off the ID-badge that was attached to the soldier and used it to swipe through the inconspicuous side door--*beep*--the light flashed green and a clicking sound followed. She pushed open the door which led to a narrow stairwell that she quickly descended. It led to an underground garage sprawling with beasts, soldiers, and even a large tank. Yuffie slapped her forehead and shook her head in a pantomime gesture.
"This... is going to take some effort."
Fish out of Water:
This is a bit of a weird one. MC is a foreign college student who has been living abroad(perhaps a random American town) for a few months now. She had no friends, no colleagues, and the few family she has is in a completely different country. On top of that, she's naturally reclusive, awkward, and has shockingly low self-esteem. So low, in fact, that it's simply impossible for her to interact with anyone in any kind of meaningful way. The language barrier doesn't necessarily make things any easier.

One night, walking through a bad neighborhood, she is approached and subsequently molested. Or, she is at a bar, having finally decided to put herself out there, and is inappropriately molested. Whatever happens here is up for discussion; but the main takeaway is the event is a major catalyst in her life. At the time, it was of course a terrifying experience for her. She has no one to turn to, she's too scared to go the police, and the guy simply gets away with it. After the dust has settled, however, the girl finds herself--to her own dismay-- fantasizing about the experience. It was the first time in her adult life someone had ever given her that sort of attention, even though it was the wrong type of attention at the time. In any case, MC's new goal is to try to replicate that experience. She finds herself deliberately going to horrible bars, bad neighborhoods, walking through dark alleys; essentially offering herself up as bait. In some twisted way, dealing with sleazy, one-dimension men is simply so much easier than the intimidating process of building a healthy relationship. These are very broad strokes, however I'd really like to delve into her psyche for this one.
Also, for this all to work, I imagine this perhaps set in the 90s, before smart-phones, tinder, etc. You would essentially be playing these men. I kind of like the idea of them being really creepy, gross, unattractive guys.
Noticed for the first time:
I see MC as a 16-17 year old high-school girl with fairly low self-esteem and a lifetime of being sheltered by overly controlling parents. YC is her best friend's dad, still married(happily or otherwise). He can have whatever kind of personality you prefer to play as, whether it's a lewd, aggressive drunk or someone a little more relaxed and conniving. In any case, one day he comes in and notices MC in a way he has never noticed her before. Maybe he finally notices her breasts, or maybe she's in an exposed position. Something that triggers a sudden desire for her. He suddenly doesn't see MC as his daughter's Asian friend anymore, but as a sexual object. MC also picks up on this. She has never been looked at or admired at like that before, and it feels...nice. She starts craving it more, coming over more frequently, doing things 'accidentally' to get his attention, attention she's never received from her own parents. And things snowball from there.
Beauty and the Pest:
I like the idea of playing a kind of "older sister" role to YC who would be in his teenager years and undergoing some struggles. Perhaps he's bullied, has no luck with women, has abusive parents, or simply a combination of things that led to him having a tough upbringing. MC would be highly sympathetic to him, perhaps to the point she metaphorically "looks the other way" when he wants to cop a feel from her, or maybe more. MC would try to rationalize their interactions considering what a horrible time the poor boy has been having recently. I can play any number of people in this scenario, from a friend's older sister, babysitter, family friend, etc. I'm not super into incest so essentially anything other than his sister can work. YC would of course be making the most of it once he realizes what he can get away with. You can really play him however you want. From a sweet, innocent boy to an outright deviant who manipulates MC's good nature.
'A' Student's Revenge:
So for this I had two separate ideas:
1) MC is the student. Perhaps she has always been a model student(in both looks and behaviour) and incredibly smart, but one fateful day, a teacher decides that her most recent assignment isn't so crash hot. He ends up failing her--her first F ever-- and she really doesn't take to it. Perhaps she starts plotting for his downfall, and finds the most appropriate way to get back at him would be to seduce him and either get caught or record the experience. For this to really be believable (one of my core rules) we would have to come up with a reason for MC to really hate her teacher. Going to those lengths are of course very extreme, so I'd like for them to be fairly justified.
2) We could also do the reverse. You play a really troubled student who has a real vendetta against MC (the young teacher) because she failed him or embarrassed him in class. He plots to somehow expose her and get even. He could perhaps stalk her and try to take inappropriate photos of her in her own house (if we go with him exposing her). Or we can make him a lot more unstable and he could flat out sexually assault her.
None of the above is by any means set in stone! I love me some collaboration.
F-List is here!
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