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Sexting Siblings (HonourableNorth x Sinclaire)


Temptation is a beast.
Sep 29, 2019
Rose sat at the dinner table but didn't pay any mind to the people seated around her or the food in front of her. Her eyes were glued to the cell phone in her lap as it buzzed endlessly with incoming messages.

Kyle: wat r u wearin rite now?

The question sent a thrill of pleasure through her system and her fingers danced over the phone's surface in a fast reply.

Rose: Just a bra and panties.

That was a lie of course. She was currently seated at the table with her parents and older brother in a large tshirt and comfy sweats. But she couldn't help placing the image into his mind.

She'd thought that Kyle had been hot all throughout high school and it seemed he had finally started to notice her too when yesterday, at their graduation ceremony, he asked for her number.

She had been a bit of a late bloomer. Her breasts had finally come in early senior year to fill a c cup and her hips had curved out, giving her a womanly figure to replace the lean boyish frame she thought she'd be stuck with forever. Just in time to go to college.

Kyle: that sounds hot. wish i could see. send me a pic?

She bit her lip nervously. In the back of her mind she had known this is where the conversation had been leaning but she was still nervous about going that far. Her eyes peeked back up at the people around her and she had the irrational thought that they knew what she and Kyle were talking about.

Yet her parents showed no indication of noticing her, still eating and talking to her brother, Kade, about how college was going and blah blah blah. She was usually interactive with her family during dinner, however, her hormones had her entirely focused on her current private conversation.

Slipping the phone into her pocket she stood up to take her plate to the sink.

"Rose honey, are you okay?" her mother asked as Rose walked to the sink, "You hardly ate a bite."

Rose smiled over her shoulder in reassurance, "I'm fine mom. Just a little bit tired. It's been a long day so I'm gonna go read for a little while in my room." The lie felt forced and obvious on her lips and she was grateful she could face the sink while she said it. She moved from the kitchen before the conversation could continue.

"Well good night!" she heard her dad call after her sarcastically, no doubt from her strange hurried exit.

"Night!" she threw over her shoulder, her mind already turning back to the cell phone that was burning a hole in her pocket.

When she reached her bedroom she shut and locked the door behind her, then moved to her dresser. Her mind already knew what she was going to wear. She only had one set of lingerie that had been an impulse buy a Victoria's Secret. It was white and lacy and once it was on she realized she had outgrown it a bit since buying it last summer.

Yet, looking at herself in the mirror the tight fit only made her feel sexier. Her breasts were straining against the cups and her round ass swallowed some of the panties when she turned. Her fingers combed through her long rich brown hair and she let it fall over her shoulders and into the swell of her breasts enticingly.

Part of her wondered if she should put on makeup but decided against it. That would look like she was trying too hard. Besides she could just not have her face in the picture. Her heart was racing in anticipation as she opened her camera app. She lay out on her soft purple comforter on the bed taking picture after picture, trying to capture herself at the perfect, most tempting angle. Finally, she settled on a shot that was taken from her neck down. In the picture, she was lying on her back with her knees up and the fingers of her free hand creeping under the front of her panties. Her tits looked even larger at this angle against her flat stomach.

A moment of indecision hit her as she stared at the pic. Could she really send this out? It was entirely unlike her. But graduating high school had put her into a new mindset. She had a chance to reinvent herself into a whole new person for college. One that was bold and sexy and daring. Before she could rethink it she clicked to share the picture as a message and quickly attached Kyle as the recipient, hitting send in a rush.

Air she didn't realize she'd been holding in escaped her lips in a rush with a nervous giggle as she tossed her head back on the pillow. She could only imagine the look on Kyle's face when he saw it. Would he be hard? Would it make him touch himself? She sure hoped so. It made her soaked just thinking about it.

Idly waiting for his response, her fingers drifted down to reenter her panties, sliding between her folds for a light caress just to prove to herself how wet she was. Her smile widened and she flipped over onto her stomach, bringing her phone to rest on the pillow in front of her. Impatiently, she unlocked her screen to check to see if he'd looked at it yet.

Holy fuck.

The realization hit her like a bucket of ice water to the face. In her hurry, she hadn't sent the picture to Kyle. She had sent it to the next person in her contact list.

Kade. Her brother.

And he had definitely opened it. Fuck, fuck, fuck! She was frozen in time, staring at the screen, trying to wish the image away.

What was she going to do?!
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Rose felt as if she'd swallowed a ball of lead and it was sitting in the pit of her stomach, slowly poisoning her.

Ugh... life was so unfair. The one moment she had decided to live a little and be spontaneous, she had ended up sending a sext pic to her own brother. He probably thought she was a total freak.

Rose sat up in the bed and stared at her phone's screen for a long moment. Finally she began to type out a response.

Rose: That was supposed to go to someone else. Please don't tell mom and dad.

Another moment of nervous lip biting and she erased all the text with her backspace. First off, she didn't think Kade would stoop so low as to tell their parents. It just wasn't like him to be a snitch, even if he thought she was a perv. But secondly, she didn't want him to think that she was some sort of floozy who sent out random half naked pictures to every guy in town.

A frustrated groan left her lips and she flung herself forcefully back down on the bed. This was just too complicated for a single text. It would be easier to just go talk to him. Yet, she didn't know how she could bear to face him. Letting out a resigned sigh she slowly lifted herself from the bed to face her fate. She walked to the door on autopilot, pausing when her hand touched the doorknob.

As if a picture hadn't been enough, you wanna just waltz on out with all your goods on display?!

Shaking her head at her own chastising thoughts, Rose moved back to her dresser and pulled out one of her extra large sleep shirts. Roughly pulling it over her head she looked down to see a print of Sleepy, the dwarf from Snow White, yawning on the front. Her mirror was used to make sure she was presentable, causing her to center her neckline when a white lacy strap peeked out and ensure the shirt's hem reached mid thigh all the way around.

Sexy to frumpy in 2.4 seconds.

Sighing once again, she returned to the door, opening it and peering into the familiar hallway. Looking to her left she saw that Kade's bedroom door was shut with the light shining out from the bottom of the door. Well it would make him easier to catch alone. This was in no way a conversation she wanted her parents to ever hear. Perhaps she should wait for them to leave, she thought, remembering they were supposed to head out soon.

Before she could muster the courage to decide one way or the other, her mother came down the hall. "There you are," Mom spoke, pulling her daughter in for a hug. Rose felt even guiltier and was glad her mother couldn't sense her inner turmoil.

"Your father and I are about to leave and we wanted to say goodbye," Mom continued, pulling away as she continued, "The number for our hotel is on the fridge and we left some cash for takeout if you two need it."

The voice of her father echoed down the hallway as he approached, "They'll be fine, won't ya sweety? It's only for the weekend" he assured, giving Rose a fond hug. "Where's that darn son of ours?" Dad asked playfully. "Kade! Come on out, we're about to leave!" he called.

Rose's stomach was now doing full on somersaults and she swallowed hard, wishing she could shrink into the walls.
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