Mx Female That 60/40 Grind (WIP)

Apr 25, 2019
Oh! Hello friend, I didn't see you there! You must be here searching for some motherfuckin' smut, and I'm going to kick this shit off with a bang and tell you all the reasons you might wanna Alt + F4 right now.

-Bad Ends
-Mind Control
-Non-Sentient partners
-Unrealistic Body Proportions

And just to be sure, here's that f-list. I like to say that none of my sexual kinks are 'required', but if you don't see much you like this probably isn't going to work out.

Now I know what you're thinking: "Shit this guy is boring, I'm going to go checkout one of the constantly amassing RT's pertaining to my interests." Have a great day! Live the dream! Do all the things! Free fist bump on the way out you kinky person you!


Wait you're still here?

Huh. That doesn't usually happen. Better get on with the useful information then!

Introductions are in order!

I'm Unknown, and I've been brought into Bluemoon because I needed to find a good active roleplay hotspot. I've been roleplaying for about fifteen years and good at it for I dunno five?

I'm hoping to find new partners (and friends!) for story-based long term roleplays or (preferably multiple) shorter term roleplays. My characters are typically dominant or switch. I always try for 2+ paragraph posts and at least a few posts a week (often more, I'm just online a lot) with the occasional slip ups or busy work week. I strongly prefer roleplaying over PM or discord because it's less embarrassing for me personally. I can reluctantly be dragged kicking and grumbling to a public thread for a really ace plot (that doesn't mean ask me what it would take, that means impress me). I like to communicate ooc to brainstorm ideas and future scenes with partners, chat, inform of expected prolonged absences, and let you know if I have a day off I'm expecting to spend a lot of time writing on! I'm also a fucking dork and tend to enjoy making ooc goofs about our characters/fanning over them (in good fun and in an non-disruptive way to the plot/smut, naturally).

What do I expect from my partners?

  • OOC Communication! It's nice to hear if you're enjoying things or I shouldn't expect you for awhile. Also hearing about things you aren't liking for course correction!
  • 2+ Paragraphs! 1+ Paragraphs during action/heavy dialogue.
  • Stability in Posts! I prefer a post a week or more, but I'm very patient if you are dependable with your post schedule (post every other day, once a week, ect.) and/or communicate
  • Sense of Humor! I enjoy goofs at our characters expense ooc or ic! (Granted this might be dark humor depending on the rp)
  • Reading! Reading is fundamental. Include fundamental in your pm for bonus points.
  • Literacy! You probably write better than I do it's not that hard.

So what kind of roleplays are we talking here?
Ageplay (15+)
Dark Stories (
Surprised? Me too)
Forbidden Romance ( Including Incest!)
Forbidden Romance ( Excluding Incest!)
Foreplay! (
Spicy, I know)
Light-Hearted Stories (I swing both ways!)
Master / Pet

Did you notice Romance?
Story Driven!
As a quick reminder before we break out the pairings and plots and all that jazz -- I'd like to reiterate that none of my sexual kinks are 'required', but let me know the ones that interest you the most! After all, you know an increasingly uncomfortable amount of information about what makes me tick and I haven't even talked to you yet!
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Still WIP, but bumping to stay relevant!
A special thank you to everyone who has responded so far, and I really appreciate the compliments! 🥰
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