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Mx Female Put on a happy face!


Sep 28, 2019
Hello fellow roleplayers. After seeing the new Joker movie, I have a craving to play a Arthur/Sophie pairing, or a pairing with OC equivalents. Whichever my partner prefers is just fine with me.

Haven't seen the movie? No problem. Here is a summary of what I'm looking for, but be warned it will contain a bit of a spoiler:

MC is mentally ill man who lives with his mother and works as a clown to help take care of her. He is viewed as a loser by everyone that ever knew him, the only exception being his mother, who is also mentally ill. YC is a neighbor, someone he sees on the subway, whatever you'd like, and MC becomes obsessed with her. MC is delusional and imagines tender moments between himself and YC, and he eventually convinces himself that YC is in love with him.

How things progress from there can be discussed. My preference would be that MC forces himself on her, maybe even holding her hostage in his apartment and hiding her from his mother, until YC eventually starts to have legitimate feelings for him.

I write anywhere from one to three paragraphs per reply, and right now I would prefer not to write anything more than that. I simply don't have the time to write more than three paragraphs, though from time to time my muse will take over and I may write more. Also, I roleplay exclusively in private messages or Discord.

The primary kinks I would like to include in this pairing would be non-consensual, force, rough sex, and risk of pregnancy/pregnancy. Here is my f-list if you care to take a look.
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