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Sep 25, 2019

Hello! Very detailed role player here--A Novella writer, if you will. I enjoy detailing the tiny things when I write a character, like the smells they smell, the individual sights they and eye catching details such as clothing, skin texture or physical stance. I don’t expect anyone to match me all the time, as that would be very rough on the fingers, but I do desire at least more than one paragraph from my partners. On the less steamy side of things, I do enjoy a little world building in High Fantasy, or perhaps the far reaches of the space for a Sci-fi setting. I also enjoy Historical settings, Superhero plots and slice of life thingies! Despite one of my kinks saying otherwise, romance is something I'd enjoy doing as well! Can't say I have any ideas currently, but I'm open!

On the steamy side of things, love pretty much anything involving hypnosis, snake(or snake-related ilk) and an unsuspecting lady! (I almost always play the snake role) I enjoy the writing behind usage of hypnosis/magical control along with heavy descriptions of slithered body movements and of course the more steamy events involved. That said, an entirely human character with hypnotic themes about his or her head isn't something I'm opposed to either and I'll gladly go for that option to get with a good roleplay partner too!

I'm currently brainstorming a few plots, but if you have literally ANY plot you believe I'll be remotely interested in, please PM me with it! Have a great day!


(Took time, but I do have a less steamy plot planned out!)

Character A was living a rather healthy, if not morally sound life. An Elf thief traveling in secret from one kingdom to the next in a neverending quest for more expensive things to steal and trade off for food to live by, often times easily fleeing the law enforcement of said kingdoms. Not a life where she can easily sleep and watch her back at the same time, but she forces herself to be used to it. Her lick hasn't run out...until one night it does.

Thieves already operating in one kingdom have a trap set for her, and Character A barely escapes into the neighboring woods with a massive wound. Her plans to swallow her pain are derailed when she stumbles upon Character B: an adolescent MoonGleam dragon with a disagreeable attitude and injuries far worse than A's. As opposite as they are, they are both equally stubborn and don't plan on giving up a perfectly good resting spot to the other.

(I kinda like the idea of a sort of survival story, with just two grumpy injured characters relying on each other.)
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