Fx Male A little temptation - one on one search

Oct 7, 2017
The Hello there; welcome to my thread. I hope you can spare a minute or two to browse through what I have written. I know some of you naughty people skim through hunting for keywords. If you could read the words between pussy and cock I would be grateful.

A little bit about me
I am a real life female. My time zone is GMT. You can call me an English rose if you like. My length of post varies between 300-1500 words. I like detail, little furniture accents and little feminine details. I don't mind faceclaims or descriptions for characters. My roleplay mediums are thread or PM. I don't mind handling multiple characters.

The infamous kinks list.
Many of you might have come here purely to see if we kink match. Generally I have an open mind and flexible nature. Don't be afraid to ask. I don't bite. I don't have a full F-list. For me that is like going into a sweetie shop and coming out with a stomach ache. Here are a few things I like:
Nipple stimulation
Erotic massage
Vanilla sex / different sexual positions standing, kneels, on top.
Wax play
Kissing - anyway and everywhere


Slice of life /holiday romance/affairs/forbidden desires


There she stood; an angelic silhouette adorned in a stunningly beautiful cream, pearl and diamanté belly dance costume. Her expression was masked by a beaded veil , only her piercing green eyes were visible. They were ablaze as they gazed across the room at her lover. The romantic gloom of candlelight created shadows swaying as they looked over them. Each flickering flame seemed to dance as if possessed by unheard music. A slight crackle of age could be heard as the old record ignited into life. The low doom beat of the dumbek created the perfect sensual rhythm to start the voluptuous rocking of her hips. Slow, flowing, sinuous movements followed the melodic lines of the music. As the strings of the kanan oozed like grain of sand through the fingers she draw a seductive lemniscate figure of eight with her hips designed to enchant and channel her warm feminine energy.

The floaty layers of chiffon were like waves of fabric as she turned and chasse; softly sparkling in the dim light. Snaky wave that travelled down and up the body possessed her allowing her breasts to softly bounce as they threatened to overflow from her exquisitely embellished top. Beckoning, teasing fingertips sent out her love with the chime of cymbals upon each. Refined but effective thrusts of the ribcage created a beautiful and juicy movement, her little cup of a belly button was the hypnotic centre of her sultry temptation. Her shoulders melted as they rolled in time with the rest of her body.

The distance between them was vast. Vastness was unacceptable foreign an intimate dance. Small feathery steps drew her closed as her arms weaved a tapestry of desire. She swung her body away from him, placing her tight bottom in his line of vision. Like the arch of an temple she leant backwards, her hair draping into his lap momentarily before she sucked her body upright again. The intricate movements of her hands resembled a sorceress performing a forbidden spell. Magic wasn't necessary w hen the body was capable of being so captivating.


Brief moments to treasure was all they seemed to managed; little moments of heaven to make the mundane routine of every day life bearable. Drawing ever nearer was the sound of stilettos as they clipped the concrete of the path. Inside her heart quaked as both the rush of discovery and dread poured ice through her veins. This ice froze her like a sculpture and silenced her breath. She pulled the comforting cashmere jumper around her slender silhouette letting her daddy's jumper engulf her in luxury. If only she could hide within it and remain unseen. Hiding was not an option. What she needed was time to remove the amorous sweat that glistened in her skin and the rosy tint upon her cheeks.

The march of stilettos stopped to be replaced by the clumsy fumbling of keys. She fought back tears of fright despite red framing her eyes. It was time for a goodbye kiss. Her lips brushed against his, softly, delicately, like feathers falling from angel wings, a fleeting kiss that only lasted long enough that she could inhale his breath, feel the heat radiating from his skin, and to leave the taste of her lipstick which would linger after she had fled. There could be no glancing back, no hesitation, and no time to collect the crumpled pile of her clothing from the floor. With the same mannerisms as a deer fleeing a wolf she dashed from her parents bedroom and barricaded herself in the bathroom. She pulled the lock across and forced the taps to maximum strength. Pure panic immobilized her as she released her naked body was draped in her daddy's jumper. All rationale and clarity was abandoned in favour of tearing the garment off and launching it out the window.
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Plot 1
MC is cheating on her husband and he knows it, he hires a professional hitman to bump her off. Instead of killing her YC starts having an affair. They decide to fake MC's death so that the husband pays for the hit. The money can then be used to start a new life.

Plot 2
YC tries to impress a girl he meets online with an embellished profile, but he finds himself in a real mess when she falls for him and he has to keep up the act. He has to turn to criminal activities.

Plot 3
MC starts writing letters to a man in jail. He escapes and comes to find her. The pair go on the run.

Plot 4
MC came to him with blood on her dress and trouble in her eyes. She had just murdered her husband. They were strangers but she insisted on needing his help. All he had to do was pretend to be her husband.
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