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Fx Female No Penises allowed


Jul 8, 2019
Please read the following to know if we will be good writing partners:
-I'm looking for a female/female scene.
-Not wanting to RP with guys willing to play as girls.
-Be able to write no less than 200 words per post. Please do not expect me to write more than 400 words per post.
-Be willing to brainstorm ideas. It's a real drag having to be the one coming up with all of the ideas and it gets frustrating fast.
-Be active on the site. If you only drop by to make a post and then log off for a day or two then we wont make good partners.
-Build up is a must, constant smut is a no no. I like a little bit of story and drama to go on between our characters.
-I type fast and I read fast. If the spell checker fails to find mistakes then I will probably miss them.
-I use descriptions and face claims (anime and real). Please let me know what you prefer.

As for pairings that I enjoy they can be same age, or older/younger (I'm fine being older or younger). Older doesn't have to be in charge either. I can play either role in these pairings. If you have other pairing ideas please feel free to share them.

-runaway/older woman
-Incest pairings
-room mates
-curious friends

As for kinks I enjoy:
-Body transformation
-Playing cute girls
-Playing sexy girls
-Non con
-Dub Con
-orgasm denial

As for things that I don't enjoy
-snuff (unless it's in a horror type setting)
-stomach bulging
-god modding
-Playing as or against real life celebrities.
-Fandoms, nothing outside FF7 females.
-cheating kinks

As for plots. I don't have anything concrete at the moment. When you message me let me know the age ranges you want for our characters, and the pairing/pairings you want us to run. This will give us a good baseline on how to construct the story.
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