Fx M or F Living to Serve Interests


Sep 25, 2017
singing in the shower

Lately, I have been wanting to write fluffier plots (with smut, of course) filled with service and care. I have a few basic pairings/scenarios in mind and hope someone wants to join me! In all of these, I will be the one doing the serving/being submissive. I can definitely write more than just those kinds of characters but that's the itch I need scratching right now. I want my characters to be taken care of while serving. Power dynamics are sexy.

In general, I like to reply a few times a day when I can. As it stands Tuesdays and Saturdays are difficult for me to pump out responses but I'll be doing my best!

My characters will be over the age of twenty and I would prefer your character(s) to be older than mine. These scenarios, in particular, will probably lead YC to be a chunk older but we'll see!


Maid to Serve:
MC has answered an advertisement put out by YC for a new house servant. She knows what she's getting into with these specific requests. She won't just be dusting and tending to hearths but also tending to her master/mistress's other needs. I see YC being an incubus, succubus, vampire, or something similar. MC knows that more will be expected of her but also knows she'll be cared for afterward. It is expected by this society that those who need to feed on others will care for those who donate their services and resources. If a mess is made they are cleaned. After being fed upon they are given sweet foods and drink and bundled off to rest if they need it. Again I'm looking for fluff but also like my smut.

Yes Sugar Daddy: MC has stumbled into YC a few times now. Invariably MC is always in some sort of trouble. Maybe they're in the ER for the fifth time that month with an asthma attack. Maybe they're trying to live out of their office as a graduate student because rent is too high. Perhaps they are seen falling asleep on the bus home every night going to a less savory part of town. YC decides they're going to take care of MC with a few stipulations. YC wants MC to not just survive but thrive. We can discuss arrangements as this could go so many ways. Again I want fluff with my smut.

You're Safe Now: YC has been sent on a mission to rescue MC. She was kidnapped and ransomed by a notorious crime syndicate for long enough to have lasting damage. MC is scared of the world even after YC has delivered her to a hospital to be cared for MC is having a hard time adjusting. YC takes MC home to help her recover as they wait for the trials against her kidnappers. I see this one being pretty dark at times which can make the fluff a little different.

Noble x Servant
Knight x Damsel in Distress
Soldier x Civilian (in a warzone likely)
Daddy Dom x little girl (but still over the age of twenty)
Beauty and the Beast
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