Fx Female Lexi's Humble Search Thread!

Sep 14, 2019
Heya~ Thanks for stopping by, hopefully I’ll have something that’s interesting for you! I’ve never made one of these posts before so hopefully this is formatted properly!

General Stuff~
Since my full username is kind of a mouthful, you can call me Lexi! As with most of these threads, I’d like to establish a few things:
  • I’m only looking for F/F rps. Not looking for futa anything, I prefer any penises involved to be detachable.
  • I'm either pretty quick to respond or I'll go a couple of days before I can get back to my rps. I'm periodically away from my computer and would rather avoid rp'ing on my phone if at all possible. Usually though I'll get back to you within a day/a few hours.
  • That being said, I do put a fair bit of effort into my posts. Usually I’ll write 3-5 paragraphs. Sometimes more, sometimes less, all depending on the context of the situation and how much I think that particular reply needs. I do expect any potential rp partners to not necessarily match, but at least give me a good paragraph to respond to. One-liners make me lose interest faster than anything else.
  • As far as smut goes, I do like to have some story in there somewhere. I’ve had smut-only rps, and those get boring quick. I like to have something to do in between all the sex as well. I prefer multiple quicker erotic scenes as opposed to one long, dragged out one! Keeps things fresh~ 50/50 or 60/40 either way is the most I’ll go in terms of ratio. I do like having a good story to accompany any lovemaking.
  • Doesn't matter to me what you are irl, so long as you can play a convincing female.
  • As far as kinks go, i'm not gonna list those here just cause I'm pretty open to a lot of stuff. If there's something you want to include in the rp don't be afraid to ask for it! Worst I can do is say no~

Bad Stuff~
With that out of the way, here’s a few things I’m definitely not interested in doing:

  • Rape/Non-Con (Consent is sexy~)
  • Scat/Watersports
  • BDSM (Never really got into the whole leather/latex thing. Also applies to tying/gagging/etc.)

I forgot about this section for a long, long time, but I suppose I should put one here somewhere. Note: I don't have an f-list. No, I won't make one. They're incredibly unnecessary and a giant waste of time to me. Just tell me what you like, I don't bite~ Everything I like isn't necessarily represented here, as there's a lot more than just this I like/i'm willing to do. Just ask!

  • Group Scenes! Three or more girls loving up on each other at once? Big fan~
  • Oral! Tongues are quite useful as well as fingers, plus the taste is wonderful.
  • Toys of all sorts! Anything you can think of I'd probably be about~

Now onto the fun things, here’s stuff that while I might not necessarily have a plot for, I’ve certainly got a hankering to rp:

  • Incest themes (Sisters/step-sisters especially, a personal favorite of mine, would have a hard time saying no to one of these messages lol)
  • Polyamory (For this I’d be willing to play two characters if you only want to play one. This is something I’ve tried soooo hard to find somebody to rp with and it’s fallen flat/fizzled out every time. Definitely craving this!)
  • Supernatural themes? (Vampires and Werewolves and Mermaids, oh my! I don’t have much experience here but I’m definitely interested in branching out!)
  • CYOA's! Super craving this at the moment! Interested in playing anything in the section below, check it out!
  • Nerdier characters! Definitely a craving right now!
  • Straight girls turning gay!
  • Pornstar/Amateur or Pornstar/Pornstar. Never done an rp in the porn industry so I'm intrigued~
  • Something that takes place in an incredibly sex-positive setting/world. Casual sex out in public and nobody bats an eyelash? That kind of thing could be fun!!
  • A college-aged girl sold into slavery who enjoys being a slave far more than she should.

  • For the past several months, a supposedly straight woman has been having the same recurring dream: Mindblowing sex with the most attractive woman she's ever seen in her life. What happens when she suddenly runs into a woman who is eerily similar looking- or perhaps even identical- to the girl in her dreams? (Can play as either.)
  • An individual, who from the moment of birth up until now- in his senior year of college, has been biologically male- and loving every minute of it. What happens when- through some supernatural means unknown to him- he wakes up as a woman? A complete overnight transformation, but to make matters even more complicated, nobody ever remembers that she was a guy in the first place. His peers, friends, even his girlfriend, have always known him as a woman. How does he handle this? (I imagine this would have a bit of a larger cast. Totally down to discuss pairings/characters on this one!)
  • A college freshmen with a passion for, but not necessarily the talent for, a particular sport/activity (Super open to what this is exactly, message me with ideas!) signs up for the club/team during her first week on campus. As it turns out, the girls in the all-female organization use it as a front for their polyamorous relationship/weekly group sex sessions. How does the girl respond, especially when they made her take a vow of secrecy beforehand?
  • Generations of vampire hunters have fought against the immortal predators encroaching on their lands, searching for sexual partners as well as a food source. What happens when a young girl is taken by a female vampire, but not as a sex slave or food source, but as a true lover? (This one probably needs a bit of worldbuilding, message me with your ideas!)
  • Two college-aged girls meet on a hookup app of some kind and go out on a date. There isn’t much chemistry between them past decent friends. However, the sex was absolutely incredible. So instead of dating the two decide to be friends with benefits, but what happens when the two start to develop feelings for other women? Do they drop their casual hookup partner for the sake of monogamy or do they continue sleeping with each other even after getting girlfriends? And how do said new girlfriends react? (This would be one where we’d end up playing two characters each in some combination.)
  • A woman fresh out of college gets asked by her roommate to play wingwoman for her at the local watering hole. Not being much of a party person herself, agrees nervously. To her surprise, she's taken to a lesbian bar. To even more surprise, she finds herself having a good time there, despite being/thinking she was straight previously. (Very open-ended, currently just a flicker of an idea in my head. Totally down to brainstorm~)
  • MC's and YC's parents are getting married, and the two don't get along so well. To make matters worse, neither parent makes all that much money so they're moving into dad/step-dad's house so they're forced into the same room. Not only that, but upon one of them relocating schools, the administrators decide to put them into the same classes. 'They're step-sisters, she'll show the new one around.' Despite the negative feelings about their new living arrangement, there's a spark of some kind. I'm imaging this taking place in a high school setting within site rules, but could be aged up for college!
  • A down on her luck young woman living in the big city in the mid/late 60's meets up with an old friend from high school and offers to take her in. With nowhere else to go, she accepts, quickly finding that she's been taken to a free love hippie commune. This one i'm leaving broad and vague on purpose because there's a too much brainstorming that can be done with it to suggest one path now. Hmu~

One of the things I'm looking to branch out into more is fandom rps. I'll list a few things i'm interested in doing here:
  • Disney/Crossover rps! Ever wanted to see Belle and Ariel meet? What about Jasmine and Anna? Give me two Disney princesses and chances are we could work out what their relationship would be like. Also open to single-universe rps!
  • Harry Potter! OC/OC and Canon/Canon are what I'm looking for here. Preferably Golden Trio era! Definitely high on my cravings list right now~
  • Madoka Magica! Cute despair-induced magical girls loving cute despair-induced magical girls. Girls can love girls, Sayaka!
  • Marvel! Sure if we go with the canonically female characters are options are sadly limited, but I'm totally down to genderbend some of the guys!
  • Magic: the Gathering! The cast is pretty diverse, even with a couple of canon WLW pairings if you're up for that sort of fantasy feel~ OC/OC could be fun here too.

Also looking for people to GM worlds based on the following CYOA's for me! Also willing to double and GM one for you in return, provided I can stomach the kinds of things you want hehehe~

Harem Party~
Otherworldly Patron~
Princess~ (Especially this one!)

Looking forward to hearing from you~
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