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Fx Male Deviant damsels for the discerning dom


Feb 2, 2015

Hello there!

This is a request thread in which I've written far too much, but hopefully it will give you some idea of whether you might like to write with me. I know it's a cliche, but if you do read it all, it will save one or the other of us later stumbling across something that we find offputting, so please do take in as much as you can.

I'm fine with playing in threads, PMs or by email, but I don't get on with instant messengers. I have got more confident with Discord during lockdown, but I still find its character limit quite infuritating, actually I've found that somehow I just don't get on with Discord for ERP and probably won't use it. Sorry.
My preference tends to be:
PMs (Conversations) > Public threads > Email > Discord.
I don't stress too much over literacy or post length, but the more you are able to engage me, the more I'm likely to give back.
I am time poor and previous request threads have usually generated far too many offers for me to take up, which is very flattering, but led me to over-commit myself out of politeness and then get overwhelmed and stressed and drop everything. I am also recovering from almost a year off from RP with general malaise brought on by lockdown and many other things. So I am attempting to be discriminating in my choices. I apologise in advance if that means I say no. It's not you, it's me.

I am a journalist, based in London (UK). I am literate, but am subject to busy periods in the run up to regular publication deadlines. My reply rates suffer at such times, and I can only apologise in advance and ask you to bear with me. Likewise, once we get started I am fine with your own periods of absence, although it's nice if you can let me know so I'm not left wondering. I do try to be low maintenance, and I hope you can be too.
There used to be a line about unavailability due to overseas travel here. Sigh. Maybe one day.

My characters
- I play as female submissives or possibly switches if I'm in the right mood.
- I play humans or attractive humanoids (elves etc). I don't enjoy my characters having horns or tails or cat ears or other extraneous body parts. I don't do monstergirls.
- Otherwise, I'm open to a fairly wide range of body types, ethnicities, cultures etc, with the caveat that I have to find them personally attractive, so I can get a bit funny about BBW etc - again apologies for my own shallowness.
- I'll play 18-60 in age terms (so long as the upper age limit is more 'Hollywood 60' than grandma, like a different Liz H), but I'm frankly middle-aged, and I find playing teenage girls a bit of a stretch these days. I prefer to lean towards the MILF-ier end of the spectrum; I don't actually mind playing someone young, but if I do I'd rather she was sexually precocious - I am quite hard to persuade to play the innocent ingenue who you slowly corrupt (unless it's a historical scenario).
- I like to use real life faceclaims; it helps me visualise the character. If you find that odd, again, sorry. I find most anime and cartoons offputting unless they're fairly realistically drawn.
- That said, while I'm happy to play lookalikes, I don't often play actual real world celebs or canon characters. I'm not very interested in celebs and their lives, and there are a lot of canon characters I just don't know. But I never say never - I've enjoyed being alternate universe versions of Amber Heard and Emma Watson or a slutty Deanna Troi, so don't be afraid to ask.

Your characters
- Dominant, preferably male, but dominant women or transgendered characters are OK too if the idea is right.
- Human or humanoid. If there's a humiliation plot involved you can feel free to be as grotesque as you like, perhaps the more so the better, but I don't mind good looking ones as well.
- I'm not really interested in furries, vampires, werewolves, polymorphed dragons, unrealistic proportions or physically impossible body types (though I fully accept that in SF or fantasy games what is possible is a much wider spectrum).
- No male-female incest please.
- I'm not really interested in submissive men, sissies etc. If I'm playing a switch I prefer to play against a female (or possibly transgendered) sub.

The world
- While our characters will be the stars of the show, in any setting there will of course a huge range of other people out there in the wider world. How we divide up controlling these is a matter for negotiation. Some like to run everyone as a kind of GM, presenting the world to their player, which I'm fine with, but just to flag up that I'm open to burden sharing so long as the minor characters don't steal the limelight too much. Sometimes it can be a way for me to help drive the plot when my character is trussed up like a turkey.
- I default to modern/realistic settings, but I also very much enjoy playing in fantasy, SF, or historical worlds. I have a history degree and I can gen up on most eras, and I read and watch plenty of SF and fantasy. I'm a bit warier of superheroes - I never read the comics growing up, and it would have to be the low/no-powered Catwoman/Batgirl sort. If it involves aliens that can fly but who are scared of glowing green rocks, my willing suspension of disbelief disappears. But athletic ladies in skintight fetishy costumes are fine.
- My knowledge of canon settings is likely to be limited, especially for anime stuff, but there are some exceptions (I am quite a buff for some fantasy setttings, especially Robert E Howard's Hyboria, for example - I do love me a bit of Swords and Sorcery).
- In general I'm pretty flexible here - ask me.

- I am pretty kinky, and over the years the limits of what I'll explore in a RP have expanded dramatically. There's an f-list in my signature. Favourites are what I'm looking for, Yes means go right ahead and don't bother asking, Maybe means we discuss it first, and No means definitely no.
- I like cruelty. I like humiliation. I like bondage, and spanking, whipping and caning. I like tormenting gags and nipple clamps and so on.
- I like symbols of dominance and humiliation - body writing, tattooing, branding, being forced to wear certain clothes (especially revealing or demeaning outfits, fetishy clothing etc), chastity and orgasm/toilet control, butt plugs, being 'made' to have sex with strangers, verbal or behaviour control, all of that and more.
- So sadly, nothing too vanilla, please. Sex is good, but unless there's a significant BDSM and/or humiliation element my interest is going to flag.
- I've done plenty of non-con, but I'm a bit fed up with it for the time being; I want my characters to perversely enjoy what is happening to them. Dub-con is fine, but you are more likely to find a favourable response via some kind of consensual proposal, including consensual non-consent (if you see what I mean - the plots probably explain this more). My consent stretches quite a long way (see the f-list).
- Re: mind control. Drugs, aphrodisiacs, pheremones that alter inclination are all fine up to a point, but I find that hypnosis and the like that take direct control of MC can be fun to read in a story but takes away too much player agency for it to be much fun in a roleplay.
- No vore. No excessive gore or mutilation unless we've discussed it first. It would be fantastically demeaning to have MC's arms and legs amputated and her used purely as a device for gratification, but I'm not sure where the RP goes from there on my end.
- Pregnancy and birth - risk of pregnancy is fine, but there my maternal instincts end. I'm not interested in roleplaying giving birth, thanks.

Things that not many people seem to like, but I do and so it'd be great if you did too
- Pee. I know, I'm weird. But you will help sell me on a RP if you're willing to go there.
- Clothed sex. Smart clothing getting really messed up with sexual activity, bodily fluids and so on. Again, I know, weird, but what can you do? Also getting clothes dirty with mud, food, whatever. Like I say, I'm strange.
- Breathplay. Not all the time, but it's nice as an element now and again.

Tread carefully
I am ok to include the following elements, but absolutely they need discussion with me first:
- Bestiality. In small doses. Horses are ok, maybe dogs, other animals need to convince me. It's odd, I know, but this is *my* request thread.
- Scat or vomit in small doses to accentuate humiliation. If it becomes the main focus I will get squeamish and bail. Again, absolutely talk with me, because I may well accede to your request, just don't take it for granted.
- Objectification (ie being used as/turned into an inanimate object, furniture etc) - fine for an isolated scene, but not on a permanent basis (see mind control).

Plot elements
- Firstly, I do want a plot. It doesn't have to be as convoluted as The Big Sleep, but something that gives context to the sex that is a bit more involved than: "so I live next door and think you're really hot and we fuck". I like there to be an unfolding narrative that lasts beyond one sex scene. Have an idea? Let's discuss it. I'm always very happy to brainstorm ideas and plot directions, and I don't want to be one of those subs who just wants you to write a nice story for her. People seem to do percentages these days, so let's say I aim for at least 50-50 plot: smut or thereabouts.
- Pacing. I like the story to unfold, for the plot to have space to develop. A personal bugbear with this is scenes, especially sex scenes, that go on for too long. Unless there's something else going on (S&M, humiliation is fine), there's only so much thrusting one can write before it gets a bit monotonous. If we spend 10 back and forth replies just describing one scene, my attention may wander. "Yes, but what happened next", I want to know. "How did she deal with what just happened?"
- A degree of consent. This is a tricky area, as a lot of my plots involve women consensually placing themselves in situations where their consent may be removed, or otherwise stray into dubcon territory. But straighforward abduction and rape and 'breaking'/torture scenes doesn't really interest me much. I like my character to have a degree of agency. I am happy to explore all kinds of shades of consent, from just a nice couple who enjoy that kind of thing, a cheating partner who seeks what she can't get in her main relationship elsewhere, a consensual blackmail situation, my character voluntarily placing herself in a hazardous position, and all points in between. I'm very open to discussion on this, but if you just want to use MC as a punchbag, forgive me if I titpoe away.
- I like to play an educated, well to do, rich, noble, or professional woman who ends up being put through the wringer. It's nice if she starts in some position of authority or otherwise on a pedestal, and gets dragged off it and into the dirt. Teachers who fall victim to their students, Mistresses at the beck and call of their servants, executives who end up the playthings of their staff, princesses who are captured by bandits or orcs, noble ladies falling into the clutches of pirates, politicians blackmailed into servitude, sexy lawyers caught in a prison riot, society ladies whose car breaks down in the wrong part of town.
- But - what I like even more is if the fall is not permanent, but there's a kind of tension between her prim and proper public facade and the filthy things she does in private - trying to balance that facade with what she does when she's with the dom is a very sexy thing for me. Trying to keep her husband/family/work colleagues from finding out, but she's currently wearing a vibrating chastity belt and having to sneak off to suck off homeless men in her lunchtime because her dom demands it... you get the idea.
- I enjoy my character deliberately putting herself in a situation where something bad may happen to her (getting drunk in a seedy bar, or leaving herself leashed, cuffed and blindfolded where she could be taken advantage of, for example).

tl;dr - I like playing sophisticated kinky women who are willing participants in their own debauched downfall.

Sample plots and starting situations
So, you can feel free to pitch me just about anything based on the above constraints, but if you'd like more of an idea as to how they translate into actual fantasies, and would like something to work with, I've put together a collection of a dozen or so plots that offer potential jumping off points for our discussions. You might spot that a couple of these I've borrowed, magpie-like (we journalists like to call this 'research') from some long dead request threads on the forum, in particular someone who I think is one person who seems to join, post a single request post full of wonderful ideas, then leave, and rejoin weeks or months later as a new persona and do the whole thing all over again. If they read this I hope they recognise my borrowings as sincere homage. I do feel less guilty about my plagiarism since the two or three ideas I have borrowed have been dormant on accounts that haven't visited here for 2-3 years or more, but nevertheless still guilty enough that I feel the need to confess it.
Anyway, those plots...

Breaking the Domme [f switch, con to dubcon]
MC is a professional woman whose out of work life revolves around her position as a 24/7 dominatrix. She is either lesbian or at the very least bisexual, and has one or more live-in female slaves. She is renowned for her cruelty, loving the sights and sounds of women in pain and distress - many dom(me)s in the scene will not allow her near their subs because of her over the top punishments, and her own submissives often leave - she may even have to resort to exerting other kinds of pressure, financial or otherwise, to keep those she has. But deep within she is not punishing these poor women, she is punishing herself. And somewhere between the guilt she feels at the way she gets her gratification, and her own fevered imaginings of what it would be like to endure such torments, her dominant persona is a brittle one, and could shatter at any time. All it would take would be the right dom, the right inducement, and she might find herself the victim of the same cruelties she loves to inflict on other women. Enter YC.

Comment: I am potentially open to playing her female slave(s) in this one as well as the dominatrix.

Variant - The Servant [f switch, con to dubcom] - corsets and crinolines are a bit of a craving right now
MC is the lady of the house in Victorian/Edwardian times, or possibly the 1920s. Aristocratic and entitled, she is merciless with her staff, who must endure birchings and other physical punishments as well as many petty humiliations. But all of this is of course a sublimated sex urge. Her husband is either dead or perhaps, like Lady Chatterley, bedridden, impotent or crippled in some way. Finally, one of the servants - perhaps a stern butler, or an earthy gardener or stable hand, or even just a maid with a strong sense of justice - stands up to her bullying, and MC finds herself cowed by his or her authority, and perhaps submitting to a taste of her own medicine. Perhaps she is forced to pleasure the staff, to serve them as though she were the servant, not they.

Videodrome [fsub, dubcon]
I don't normally do mind control scenarios, but I love the character of Nikki (Debbie Harry) in Videodrome, a gorgeous TV psychologist who admits to being "overstimulated" and who turns out to be into masochistic sex as well. So for those who haven't seen the movie, it's a slice of Cronenbergian weirdness involving a sleazy Canadian TV exec (James Spader - so yes, very sleazy) who stumbles across a secret very hardcore S&M channel on satellite (this was the 80s...). It purports to be broadcast from somewhere in Asia, but there turns out to be a deliberate delay built into the satellite signal, and actually it's coming from much closer to home.
Initially he thinks it's all make believe, stage blood and special effects, but it turns out it's not faked at all, and may even include real snuff scenes. It also turns out to be part of a strange transhumanist cult led by 'video prophet' "Brian O'Blivion" who wants... well, that really doesn't matter. The point is, the channel carries a subliminal signal that gradually 'reprogrammes' viewers. Spader's fantasies become more violent and sadistic, and, after he shows it to Nikki one evening, she too becomes fascinated by Videodrome, then obsessed, and finally seeks out where it is being filmed (Philadelphia, as it turns out) and offers herself up to the 'programme's'/cult's torturers as a willing 'star'/victim.
So in a modern or near future iteration of the plot this would involve a Dark Web broadcast that carries the Videodrome 'signal'. Viewers find themselves becoming more and more overwhelmed by the darker side of their desires. My character, like Nikki, would start to find her most masochistic fantasies screaming for release, perhaps getting into kinkier and kinkier sex in her real life, and trying to locate the source of this programme so that she can experience for herself what the women in the videos do. What is behind Videodrome? Foreign psyops? As in the movie, a transhumanist cult? Mobsters? Slavers?
YC can be up for discussion - her boyfriend, a sleazy TV exec, or maybe part of the organisation that is operating Videodrome? All three at once?

Comment: I don't mind if this gets quite dark and unpleasant, and I'm open to the possibility of character death.

The Tribe's New Pet [fsub, con to dubcon]
This one is set in a generic fantasy universe that includes the usual menagerie of humanoids - elves, orcs, what have you.
MC is a noble warrior or sorceress of the elven people - perhaps even a drow/dark elf - I quite like that in D&D they have an explicitly kinky master-slave society, with the females as dommes. MC has made her name in wars against the forces of <insert evil race here - ogres, orcs, goblins, whatever> and achieved fame and glory. Who could guess, then, that beneath her silver filigreed armour beats the heart of a submissive, starving to be conquered. On a routine mission into the territory of $EvilRace, she finds she can no longer control her concealed nature. No one is more surprised than her prey when the legendary, undefeated adventuress lays down her weapons... and surrenders.
Once they realise it isn't a trick, they take full advantage. Here is a chance to avenge every humiliation they've ever suffered at the hands of her kind a hundredfold, and bolster their tribe's pride with the glory of turning a renowned heroine into a tamed and humbled slave. She could be their plaything, their pack-animal, a living throne for their chieftain, a war trophy to demoralise the villagers who once looked up to her, anything they desire. And as she serves and suffers in their squalid, filthy lair, she's going to get all the degradation she's ever dreamed of, and then some.

Professional Whore [fsub, con to dubcon] - currently taken
MC is a consummate professional - a lawyer, perhaps, a doctor, or a high-flying executive. But, yes, you've guessed it, her immaculately tailored suits conceal a hidden passion for submission, one she works very hard to conceal. Her outlet is a succession of sleazy bars, strip clubs, adult movie theatres or truck stops; the kind of place where no-one who knows her would ever be found dead, where she lives her double life at weekends, sucking cocks at the glory holes and getting gang-banged or being used as a urinal in the toilets, or prostituting herself to passing truckers for a few dollars.
It all seems to be working fine for her - she may even had a deal with a local pimp. But one day, something happens. Maybe someone from her work shows up, or an important client. And they recognise her. Now YC knows who and what MC is. Perhaps he has photographs to prove it. What happens from there? Will it begin to leak into MCs professional life? Will she be pressured into taking a lesser-paid, lower-powered job? Will she be serving men in her office behind closed doors all afternoon long? Forced to dress in skimpy outfits and serving coffee in the meetings she used to lead before providing relief to everyone present, reduced to the company fuck-toy, slave-girl and plaything?

Variant - The Black Pearl Club - currently taken
I picture this in a fantasy or historical setting, where the social mores are much stricter than in our world, and women's freedom of action is far more constrained, but with some tweaks it could easily work for the Corporate version above as well. So the Black Pearl is a brothel, catering to the inhabtants of roughest part of the city, but one with a unique secret. Many, perhaps most of the 'prostitutes' are actually high born ladies of the land - noblewomen, the wives and daughters of wealthy merchants or politicians, and those otherwise in positions of impeccable probity. But beneath their elegant and chaste exteriors burn darker passions, and they have the money to indulge them. And so they have collaborated in founding and operating the Black Pearl.
They meet regularly of an evening at a women's institute in the better part of town, ostensibly dedicated to charitable works - this is where their money and donations have ostensibly gone. But in fact the institute is merely a front, and in its cellars the high born ladies change into their harlot outfits and enter the secret tunnel that leads from the basement of the institute to the cellars of the Black Pearl, and from there can enjoy an evening as the willing sex slaves of the roughest and most common dockers and workmen.
My character is one of these noble ladies, and has been freely whoring herself in secret for some months. But somehow YC discovers her secret. Is he - or she - one of her own servants who begins to suspect their mistress and secretly follows her one evening? Or perhaps a high born man of the city, a friend of her father or husband who was slumming it one evening, and who is sure that he recognises MC? Is he a slaver who sees a potential moneymaker in selling a high born woman? What will he do with her secret?

The Fall [fsub, con to poss non- or dubcon] - currently taken
[Very loosely inspired by the Gillian Anderson UK police procedural series of the same name].
MC is an attractive lawyer or prosecutor (or even as in the original a senior police officer), an outwardly very professional, in-charge woman in a responsible job, who is also, in her non-professional life, a heavy duty masochist and pain and humiliation freak. Even in the BDSM community she finds it hard to find partners who are willing to treat her as roughly and badly as she wants them to. YC is an offender of some kind - a serial violent sex offender, possibly even serial killer who has managed to so far get away with it. There was an investigation, which MC was a part of, but there wasn't enough proof to go to trial. But gradually MC has started to become slightly obsessed with YC. She has come to convince herself that YC could be the man she has been looking for. The rational side of her knows that it is a stupid, dangerous and self-destructive idea, that she risks permanent injury, even death, but the fantasy has taken hold and she can't get it out of her head. And so, one day she presents herself to YC, telling him she wants to put herself in his power, for a period of two weeks, and let him do whatever he wants to her. Her only stipulation is that nothing must happen to permanently harm or disfigure her or prevent her from returning to work at the end of the two week period. Would YC obey? Would he release her at the end of it? And if he did, would MC find herself desperately presenting herself back to him again?

Comment: I don't mind if this goes to some fairly dark places, potentially even the death of MC.

A Traitor to the Sisterhood [fsub, con to dubcon] - currently taken
MC is a professor of women’s studies at a prestigious university. She spends her days teaching young women to be strong and independent. But her evenings are spent indulging her secret shameful kink. Her fetish began innocently enough; she’d go home after teaching classes, log on, and post on her own blog. She would scroll through <Tumblr/Insert replacement Dubious Social Media Site here>, and find instances of extreme misogyny to fight against, posting about how damaging the things she found were towards women. She was too slow to realise that the posts she was commenting on also made her very, very wet.
There were so many things to post about; it was a vast cornucopeia of men saying that all women were whores, and cunts, and should be treated like objects. She maintained the facade of her original blog, always reblogging the most demeaning posts with a comment about why it was anti-feminist, or destructive thinking. But she’d also masturbate thinking about those men, shamefully wanting them to see her solely as a sex object, secretly craving their attention.
She started privately chatting to the people running some of the misogynist blogs, telling them (anonymously) about the effects their posts had on her. But somewhere along the line she got careless. Too many references to her job, the patriarchy etc. One has taken a more serious interest in her. He initially framed it as a game, setting her little tasks, how she dressed, what porn she masturbated to, gradually growing more controlling. She agreed to follow his commands to the best of her ability - it turned her on immensely to follow his orders. She was ashamed of it; he constantly demeaned her and told her it was only natural for a cunt to submit to the far superior male. But now she is beginning to worry that he may have put the pieces together - that he actually knows who she is. What if he were to actually turn up on her doorstep for real?

Queen of Sluts [fsub, con to dubcon]
A chaste and virtuous queen harbors secret, unfulfilled desires: the feeling of a man's muscular body against hers; a hand gripping her hair, forcing her to her knees; a hard cock pressed to her royal, untouchable lips. Too much pent-up desire and too much wine leads her to confess her desires to the captain of her royal guard; maybe she even suggests she could put on a special, private show for him and his men, to show her deep and passionate appreciation for their protection.
Of course, no matter what she thinks, her little adventure won't end with one ill-advised night. Now that her guards know she's a wanton slut under her royal finery - one who craves harsh treatment, worse than a dockside whore - they're not going to let her go that easily. She's surrounded by men who know they can have her anytime they want, any way they want, and her sexual downfall is only just beginning.

The Timebomb Challenge [fsub, con/dub-con] - currently taken
When I had first read about the Timebomb Challenge I had been convinced that no one had ever actually done it. Some people claimed that they had actually gone through with it, but I doubted it. As time passed however, the idea just wouldn't leave my mind, and eventually I started to think about what I would add to my own Timebomb; a USB stick with all of the material on it that would be needed to blackmail me so completely that I would be totally in the power of whoever got hold of it. The thought of actually creating one grew stronger with every passing day, and eventually I decided to actually do it. Of course I would leave it on my own computer and never actually do anything with it, but just knowing that it existed would still be a thrill!
I added a couple of pictures of myself in everyday situations, anything from a party with friends to bikini pictures. I took a couple of nudes in different states of undress and added them as well. Next I took pictures of myself naked holding my drivers license, my ID and my passport. I hesitated for a moment before I brought out my credit card and did the same. I also recorded a video of myself explaining the entire thing and made sure to say that whoever had control of this content would have complete control over me. At that point I was so committed to the idea that I continued to masturbate to orgasm before I ended the recording, and ended up posting a coupole of photos of me with a collar and leash and 'WHORE' written on my forehead in lipstick. Finally I added a document with all of my usernames and passwords to my email, social media accounts and my phone number.
A few weeks passed, and just the thought of having that folder on my computer was more than enough to feel a thrill every day. But eventually I decided to actually put it on a USB stick - a nice bright pink one so it would easily be noticed if it was lost - and put it in my purse. Carrying it with me was an even bigger thrill - just thinking about what could happen if my purse was ever lost or stolen. I carried it for at least a month before I realised that there was loose stitching around the edge of one of the pockets of the purse. The thought of actually losing the USB was utterly horrifying, but also incredibly arousing at the same time, and so, after some hesitation I moved it to the damaged pocket. All that day I kept obsessively checking whether it had fallen out or not, over and over again, but as it stayed where it was for a couple of days I decided not to check the purse until I came home every night.
It took over two weeks, but when I came home last night, it was gone. Did it fall out in the street, and end up just being swept into a drain? Or did someone pick it up? And if they did, were they a man or a woman? Would they throw it away? Or use the details on it to send it back to me, or... decide to actually blackmail me for real?

Comment: So, I'm envisioning that this involves MC in a series of humiliating tasks, perhaps with us splitting the work of playing the rest of the world, but if you want YC to make himself known in person, or have some ideas where you might want to take things, I'm all ears.

Beneath the Hijab [fsub, con or dubcon] - currently taken
AKA Liz does Cultural Appropriation. This one is a bit less developed as an idea, but essentially I love the idea of playing an outwardly conservative hijab-wearing Muslim woman in a western country, who has absorbed the culture (perhaps a second or more generation immigrant) and who is secretly addicted to pornography and who has bondage and submission-themed sexual fantasies. She only still dresses as she does to avoid the censure of her parents (if she's younger) or husband (if she's older). How she strays from the beaten path is negotiable. An online master? An affair with a colleague at work? Perhaps she's a stay at home housewife who dallies with a workman or uses her free time to arrange clandestine meetings with someone she's met over the internet. It would work for the Timebomb Challenge plot above as well.
Either way, I'd like her to be involved in some kind of BDSM relationship, but for whatever reason (just because YC enjoys the look) continue wearing her hijab during it.

Her Daughter's Master [fsub, con]
- currently taken
MC is a beautiful trophy MILF wife to a well-heeled businessman, probably many years his junior, and now that their daughter is grown, their love life, never much to write home about to begin with, is essentially non-existent. He has some young tramp of a personal assistant to suck his dick and MC is left bored and on heat, and desperate to experiment with some of her kinkier fantasies. And then YC comes along - the boyfriend, possibly slightly older, to MC's teenage/college age daughter. Young, assertive, good looking, and with a commanding presence, a man who MC finds herself dreaming of obeying, of crawling to. That would be bad enough. But then MC finds those pictures on her daughter's phone. The ones with her stripped half-naked, kneeling, a dog collar buckled around her throat as she begged for YCs attention.
A good mother would be alarmed, perhaps caution her daughter, even step in and try to break up this relationship. But MC is not a good mother; she is a submissive slut who needs a real man's commanding hand. So shemakes a move on YC, offering him a more experienced plaything; an adult woman who will submit to his every sadistic whim and cruel fantasy, and then some. A woman who craves humiliation and discipline at a younger man's hands. And of course, just because YC has MC on a leash, it doesn't mean he has to let her daughter go. A creative man could come up with all sorts of degrading pastimes for a slut mother and her daughter.

Comment: I am happy to play both mother and daughter on this one.

The Wager [fsub, con to dub-con] - not currently looking to play
[Loosely inspired by the not very good Mel Brooks movie Life Stinks, but don't let that put you off].
Our characters are ultra-wealthy business rivals, 1%-ers, and there is a bone of contention - a famous painting YC has that MC would like to acquire, a business transaction that MC's share of the company is blocking YC from signing off on, or a fabulous property MC was promised in a will but which YC is disputing legal title to. During a conversation about this, MC, a rich, assertive, corporate bitch, lets slip her opinion that most poor people are simply lazy, and that they are in the position they are because they lack drive and squander their money on drugs. YC takes this as an opportunity to bet MC that all of her money and privilege has softened her - that in fact she couldn't survive for 30 days on the streets on her own, with no access to her bank accounts, apartments, contacts and the other appurtenances of her privileged existance, abandoned in the roughest part of town with nothing but the clothes she is currently wearing. If MC manages to stick it without giving up - the McGuffin will be hers. If she doesn't, it falls to YC.
The bet is taken up. Lawyers draw up a contract. An electronic tracker will make sure MC doesn't leave the city, at the penalty of forfeiting the bet. If she caves and uses her 'I'm a rich bitch, get me out of here' call, she forfeits the bet. How much does MC want the prize, and the knowledge she has beaten YC? Enough to prostitute herself to the homeless for the privilege of eating a tin of dogfood? Of course, YC wouldn't deliberately try to make life tough for MC, would (s)he? (S)he certainly wouldn't hire the nastiest gang of thugs in the city to drag my coiffured heiress along on a journey of debauchery, degradation and hard, demeaning sex just to win the bet, would (s)he? (S)he wouldn't have MC surreptitiously filmed the whole time to use as leverage? And surely MC wouldn't find herself actually enjoying it?

Comment: I like the jeopardy angle here. I think this might involve you playing pimps and thugs as well as whichever well-heeled opponent is setting MC up.

Stranger in a Strange Land [fsub, con to dubcon]
This can work as a fantasy or science fiction setting. MC is a visitor from afar to a land where, unlike in her more enlightened home land/world, slavery is legal, an absolute patriarchy, where men rule and women are either submissive – willingly or unwillingly - or outright owned as slaves. As a foreigner, she is not bound by these rules, of course, nor subject to the restrictions that native women are, but perhaps her curiosity is engaged. What might it be like to be forced to live in such a way?
She finds a local partner who she trusts to help her experience her hidden, masochistic daydreams. But can she trust him? What if she finds herself enslaved for real, sold upon the auction block, and bought by... who?
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Going my way?


I've been away for a while, because of... <gestures vaguely at the world> oh, everything. But with the dark days of winter starting to lighten in these northern climes, the Trump presidency imploding, and the vaccines offering some hope that I may one day be able to leave my apartment, the black dog that paralysed my writing for most of 2020 seems to be finally heading back to its kennel. I've reconnected with some old partners, and I may have one or two slots open for new ones.
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I'm looking for trouble again.


Oh, and I also may have space for one or two more RPs.
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