Mx Female Prince Saladín's future bride.


Aug 14, 2019
Hello there beautiful BMR!
So, I've had a craving for a bit now that I figured I'd put a thread out for.
The general idea is that MC is a bachelor prince that is being forced to settle down. He is, however, not going to settle for just any woman. He is holding a bachelor-style sex competition, where each week he puts the girls through sexual trials and eliminates those he feels don't perform until finally the most beautiful and sexually talented woman is left to become his queen.
I'm looking for someone willing to play multiple characters with face and body claims. I enjoy illustrating the RP with photo/art references, so if you are into that, that's a plus.
I like to do 1-2 paragraph responses and don't enjoy (like most) one sentence replies. Unless our characters are having a quick conversation, try to be detailed and descriptive.
Kinks that are a NO for me:
Furries or beastiality

All other kinks are on the table. If you're not sure if I'd be into it, just ask!
I'd like to explore a fantasy element as well! So, if you want to play a fairy, nymph, elf, or whatever, that's great!
Hmu through pm or discord if you're interested
Discord: DMsupreme#1470
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