Wish i may, Wish i might, I Wish That..


Jun 14, 2011
A dark place


Nice to meet everyone! You can call me Wish. Here's a few things about me to get us started. I usually write from two to 6 paragraphs depending on what is needed of the rp. I usually tend to match whatever I am given, so please no one liners. If we are in the middle of dialogue that requires some back and forth I can understand one paragraph. Otherwise please make sure you detail out what is going on or I will quickly loose interest. When writing I like to write with people that are literate in the sense that they can tell when they are making grammar and spelling mistakes. If I'm constantly having to mentally fix all the mistakes it starts to fell like I'm an editor and while that could be fun it's not what I'm looking for. I'm 29 years old and would like to play characters at least somewhere around that age group. 24 - 40 is usually what I will play. That doesn't include side characters. If you've read all of this and want to message me, put your favorite animal in your message somewhere so I know you read this part. I own multiple business' so sometimes I have no time to rp but I tend to give responses at least once a day, usually more. If not I usually make sure to keep my partners up to date on what's going on and whether I can respond or not. If you haven't heard from me please make sure to hit me up! Just make sure it's been longer than a day before you do so. If it's only been an hour please give me at least some time to get myself together. I might be somewhere knee deep in work. Who knows? I will also do the same for you. I'm usually a rather patient person. And pretty laid back about responding. I have partners I've rped with for years. Doing multiple stories. So I'm looking for another one that's just the same. Someone that clicks and is willing to rp with me for a long period of time. Speaking of which, I've been rping for over 14 years, started back in my old subeta years. If anyone can remember that. I play both male and female roles. I have no preference, though if it matters i am female. I also do both submissive and dominate roles. Though you should know my dom's can be rather aggressive and so are my subs. I do Male X Female, Male X Male, Female X Female, and pretty much everything between. I usually rp over Email, Threads, and Pms. If there are any other questions you can always message me and ask! I don't bite that hard.

DragonXDragon (That can shift from human to dragon and back again)
ModelXregular person
Wolf's Rain
Now If you skipped past the first paragraph to this one make sure you go back cause that's the important part.

Do Nots!
  1. Anything that belongs in the bathroom, stays in the bathroom.​
  2. Tentacles.​
  3. Loss of limbs​
  4. Overly submissive characters​
  5. Humiliation of mine or your character​
  6. Bestiality in the sexualization of an animal that can NOT transform into a human. Shifters are ok in my book.​
  7. Age play. No one under legal age. I don't find a 16 year old going out with a 30 year old sexy.​
  8. Incest​
  9. Controlling my character. It's mine, thank you. I can react for it.​


I usually like to build plots with my rp partner. I rather enjoy action filled rps. I'm a world builder, so usually I don't like to use an already existing place in my roleplays. Mainly because it takes away from the story and imagination of it all. I do have a few plots in mind that i will list below but for the most part i would like to choose a pairing and a time period and build a story around that. Here are just a few plots that we could either use or build off of. Of course, if you have your own plot in mind I would be more than happy to discuss and build that world with you too.

{gender Bender- PrinceXPrince}
Two kingdoms are at war, what's new. Both have become tired of it however and have decided to come to an agreement. One king has lost his wife, leaving him with his only son and he doesn't want to have to raise him through a war. So he tells the other king that he will join the two kingdoms, have his son marry the other kings daughter. Of course it is agreed upon instantly. The two kingdoms decide to put it off until both children have reached their 18th year and until that time the war is put to an end. During those some odd years the other kings wife and daughter are killed, a disease or something, leaving him with also his last remaining child. A boy, born two years before his daughter. There is only one thing to do. Dress him up and teach him to be a girl. Telling the truth will only cause the war to start again. He can only hope that his child will be able to keep the act up long enough for the wedding to take place. Once that is done the kingdoms will be joined and all will be at peace. Or so he believes. Years pass and now both children have turned the right age. What will happen? Will someone find out the truth and what will the prince do when he finds out his princess is really a prince as well

(Dragons Hold - Dragon shifter - Prince)
Dragons and humans have been at war for years. Finally the war has come to an end! The humans have finally killed the dragon king. Chained the dragons into slavery, torn their city apart and taken their spoils of war. The human prince hates what he's seeing though. He remembers a time that dragons and humans had bee friends. Before man kind had been given the gift of technology. What will he do when he's faced with having to kill the dragon prince/princess? Wil he kill him/her? Or will he free them and try and bring the human empire down and help in freeing the dragons once more?

I'll add more as i think of them.

In Closing

Thank you for reading! I hope to hear from everyone really soon!
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