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Scooby Doobie Doom! (kassyghost & ReyDan)


Oct 24, 2016
Six feet under the dirt
Velma Dinkley sat in the back seat of the Mystery Machine in between Scooby Doo, the large brown Great Dane and Shaggy the THC edible obsessed hippy, Norville 'Shaggy' Rogers. In the front seat driving was the handsome, athletic Fred Jones and beside him, his stunningly beautiful girlfriend Daphne Blake, usually upbeat and a happy couple, they were currently pouting after a small argument. The lover's spat had everyone in the van uncharacteristically quiet, like a road trip when your parents are fighting. The crux of the argument stemmed from a celebrity basket ball game that the gang had attended yesterday after solving a well publicized mystery involving the Harlem Globe Trotters. Appearently Fred thought Daphne was flirting a bit too much for his liking with the Globetrotter's star forward 'Money' Merriweather. She of course denied it, but that didn't stop Fred from using a racial slur which had subsequently brought on the uncomfortable silence in the van now.

"Jinkies Fred, It's 1969 have you heard of the term 'Toxic Masculinity'?" Velma asked, finally breaking the silence and drawing gasps from Scoob and Shag.

"Thank You Velma, apparently Fred isn't willing to join us in the twentieth century, for God's sake he's still wearing an ascot. Besides I wasn't flirting with 'Money', I was just admiring how snug his basketball shorts were. " Daphne added in, throwing shade at her estranged boyfriend's fashion sense and trying to make up an excuse for getting caught with her hand on the significant sausage-sized bulge of the well endowed African American basketball player .

"Okay guys let's stop this arguing and get our heads in the game. We got a mystery to solve and this could be a big one. Our Client is Camilla Bathory, she's a young heiress that inherited a sprawling mansion in the New England back country. Needless to say her attempts at renovating the property have run into complications due to the fact that every group of contractors she's hired have all left the job claiming that some unknown malevolent force is scaring them off. We need to find out what's really going on and solve this mystery posthaste, to which she will pay us a handsome fee, enough money to buy a nice new mystery machine because as I'm sure we are all aware this one's on it's last leg." Velma said, just as she finished the van clipped a pot hole and one of the rear leaf springs gave out, jumping the van violently and shuffling everyone around. Velma's glasses came loose from her face and dropped down onto the rusted van's floor.

"Jinkies Fred I know your nostalgic about the van but this is getting ridiculous, now where did my glasses go?" Velma complained dropping down into the compact space between the front and back seats feeling around blindly for her missing spectacles. "I can't see a thing!" She squinted pawing around for them, her big round ass sticking up and her dress sliding up to reveal her sexy orange panties to Scooby and Shaggy.
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''Wreah Fwred, Money wras wr'ok'' joined in Scooby Doo as the van bounced and jumped along the old New England road.

Fred Jones, set his jaw, ignoring the two women and the Great Dane in the back as he gripped the steering wheel and kept them on the road. He was convinced there was only so long Daphne would continue this ridiculous pretense that they weren't a couple, and the sight of his woman with her hands on another man's junk. A black man's junk no less. Not that Fred was prejudiced. No sir-ee. He personally knew three whole black people, for goodness sake.

Shaggy and Scooby swapped an interested glance across the top of Velma's had as she went on about the Bathory job. To be honest, neither of them cared that much, as long as the food kept coming. They were more intrigued by the exchange between the others - it wasn't as if Fred was squeaky clean. Before walking in on Daphne and Money, he'd been more than a little interested in the young members of the team cheer squad. Investigating their uniforms for traces of fake ectoplasm? Scooby and Shaggy raised simultaneous eyebrows, as they had at the time - yeah, right as Daphne would say.

As the van jolted and Velma hit the deck it was Fred and Scooby whose eyes met though. Fred, hand on the rear-view, subtly adjusted the mirror to get a view of the busty brunette on all fours on the van. Careful not to annoy Daphne more as she looked poutily out of the window, a smile played at the corner of his mouth as Scooby stretched out with a paw and ''accidentally'' flipped Velma's skirt up so that it bunched around her waist.

It was only Shaggy, sitting there with red-ringed eyes and a killer come-down this afternoon, who thought this was all a bit off. I mean, man, they were all young people with healthy libidos crammed together in a small van, sure, but had the gang always been this horny? Leaving aside the racial slur and argument it had provoked, it was pretty unlike Daphne to touch up another man. Just as unlikely as the conservative Fred creeping over cheerleaders. And Scoob right now? What the hell old buddy? It was as if everything had turned decidely odd since they'd left Boston and headed into the New England countryside.

If Shaggy had more presence of mind, if he hadn't been looking at this all through a haze of THC, maybe he'd have been more alarmed as the gang trundled towards the mansion in that otherworldly arcane landscape. Instead his fingers dug into the cheetos bag, his suspicions pushed aside by the more pressing need to quench his munchies, and the gang slid further towards their potential doom.
"Bad Dog Scoob, Jinkies!" Velma scolded Scooby for flipping her dress up and showing he and Shaggy her ample rearend. She was thankful she was wearing her normal panties which covered the majority of her large round ass and not the thong she'd recently purchased. It was more of an impulse buy than anything else, but the truth was she was a little more than tired of always having to play second fiddle to Daphne, who all the boys always seemed to swoon over. The thought that her conservative attire could possibly be the cause of her lack of suitors had struck her and so she'd walked into the mall and purchased some skimpy undergarments as well as some more provocative outfits. She hadn't worked up the nerve to actually adorn any of them yet, but she felt the time to start exploring her sexuality was fast at hand.

Velma found her glasses and returned to the seat in between the pesky great dane and the stoner she called colleagues just as the Mystery Machine began limping up the long driveway to the Bathory Mansion. The skies seemed to immediately darken but it was little more than a trick of the light created by the lines of oak trees covered in Spanish moss that blotted out the evening sun. "I didn't think Spanish Moss grew this far north." Velma stated, pushing her glasses up from the tip of her tiny nose and closer to her eyes, her gaze next falling to Shaggy with the firm expectation for one of his pot jokes at the mention of the moss.

"Hey gang forget the moss have a look at this..." Daphne suddenly interjected as the Mansion came into sight as well as the black clad vampy woman awaiting their arrival from the front stoop. Camilla Bathory stood, umbrella in hand as the dying light framed the silhouetted house. As the Mystery Machine came to a sputtering stop in front of the abandoned residence she stepped down and walked over to the van as the gang disembarked.

"Scooby Doo and the vorld vamous Mystery Gang I presume..." She said in a deep Latvian accent. "My name is Camilla Bathory and I am the current owner of this ouse. I've called you ere because I am in need of your services. I inherited this property from my vamily and it has bad neglected. I vas hoping to renovate it and resell it for profit but alas all the workers I've hired seem to be of the superstitious nature. They all zeem to think the ouse is haunted, although I myself don't believe in the paranormal I vill require proof before they will agree to return. Your reputation as the vorld's greatest solvers of Mysteries will be that proof. You may stay the veekend and in that time I expect you to get to the bottom of this." She said, reaching into her clutch and pulling out a ring of skeleton keys and handing them to Fred, her hand brushing his and lingering uncomfortably long, her eyes locked onto his.

"Okay Miss Bathory....I think we can handle it from here." Daphne said reaching over and grabbing the keys away from Fred, placing her body in between Camilla and Fred jealously.
'Hey man....Spanish Moss....Mexican Grass.....Canadian Prairie Weed...its all good stuff' Shaggy quipped, as if on cue.

As the van stuttered to a stop and they all piled out, a sneaking feeling of dread shivered its way up the stoner's spine. Even through the druggy haze that was Shaggy's normal state of being, he couldn't help but feel very uncertain about the edifice that stood before them. The Mansion was a mess, crumbling stone, dark windows, and eerie shadows even in the evening sun. But all that was blotted out as the host came down the steps to greet them. She was an eyeful and no mistake, thought Shaggy. Fred looked as though he needed to screw his eyes back in and....was that....was that a doggy boner he saw Scoob sporting? The great dane shifted as Shaggy shook his head in surprise and, when he looked again, it was gone. He chalked it up to a trick of the light.

Fred was in his element - creepy house, attractive woman, genuine mystery - perfect. 'Great - thanks Miss Bathory' he said, reaching out to take the keys. Her touch was like a little electric shock. 'We won't let you down. Mystery Inc is on the case.' Determined, he spun on his heel to face his crew.

'Ok - divide and check out the lay of the land. Scooby - you and Velma check out the basement - I think I saw a storm entrance or something that might be a likely way intruders got in. Daphne? Shaggy? Check out the Grounds. See if you can spot anything unusual before darkness falls. Miss Bathory? Would you mind showing me the inside of the house? Are any of the bedrooms ok to use?'

It was an unusual division, but he wanted to give Daphne some payback after all that stuff in the car. And, as he slunk his arm around Camilla's waist as they headed for the house, he knew she'd find the unresponsive Shaggy the most infuriating partner. Even Scooby had some tolerance for her rants when she was annoyed, but Shaggy had an uncanny ability to block her out, which only made her worse.
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