Mx Female Dark Tidings


Sep 14, 2012
Random thought process conversion....

Long Time Role-player, grown more then a bit rusty And looking to explore and Polish my skills again.
40+ years old, and mostly one that Love's being in control, reflecting in some of my desired kinks.
I prefer 3rd Person, use PM, Discord, and if the play is ensnaring, even threads to play.
I HIGHLY value Submission and Obedience in female Characters, but I hope them to hold some Assertiveness, pure obedience alone does not hold the attention forever.
If your looking for plots, I'll add them in additional posts below, and I might add pairings and further Idea's over time.


Craving: In a dark mood so: Degradation, Verbal Abuse, Humiliation, Non-Consensual etc
: Also highly craving a Non-Consensual Scene with an unwilling, but meek and Obedient girl that will say No, but obey nevertheless under pressure.

Stranger / Reluctant, First time Prostitute
DM / Adventurer/'s
Monster / Prey
Boss / Secretary, Employee
Pimp / Whore
Older man / Student
Male group / Female group ( See Big Brother )

- Non-Consent
- Master/Slave
- Master/Pet
- Humiliation
- Degradation
- Sexual Pain
- Stockholm Syndrome
- Human
- Anthro ( Furry )

- Affection
- Romance

No !
- Anything Toilet Related
- Permanent Damage

Do check page 1 for plot suggestions.
What are you standing there for ? Contact me with your own twist if interested. I'll even be quite Happy to hear out other suggestions.

Added new Suggestion....
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Turmoil Upon thee

The wide span of Rnaska, bountiful land of forests and meadows, a Granary of sorts for three different realms that have settled farming villages within the area. Generally a serene place to be, chaos has come knocking as of late, starting with reports of travelling merchants being robed and murdered on the roads. Three month have passed though since then, and what was thought the work of bandits, has now revealed itself as a panicked invasion from the Demonic Plains up north, monsters and demonic spawns akin in a violent retreat of whatever had unsettled them, though wise man already proclaiming the rise of a new Demon Lord, the first in over two thousand years.

DM setting prefferably for me putting someone playing one, preferable more characters through the wringer. Will you Defend Rnaska against the invading hordes ? Will you Side with one of the three realms, sacrificing the others for your gain ? Will you protect them all ? Or will you fall to corruption as beast defeat and ravage the spoils to proclaim their victory. The choice is yours, and the ending up to choice and success. Will the hordes be countered ? The suspected Demon Lord be felled ? Or, will your party succumb and cherish their new Masters when they drag their slaves along to the next village targeted for pillage and rape. Or perhaps, will you find another way ? After all, a Demon Lord would unite his people in common evil....
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He Who Rules

N'khar, He who rules, He who carries the burden, He Who Protects. The N'Khar was a Title, once, long ago, bestowed upon a kind of strange beings that seem to have come from beyond the stars, described as a Ruling class with no true power, singled out to protect their kin. Nowadays though, the N'Khar is a forgotten Concept, and their Kin, the Symarion, seem to have long since perished. They have been re-dubbed the Elders, beings of vast power that could raze nations with but a thought, and create magical items of inconceivable power.

Though rumours say, not all of them have perished to whatever fate had thrown upon them, for there is the tale of Argorin, calling himself Argorin N'Khar, a being that, in appearance, strongly Resembled a mere High-elf, though taller still with a frame that foretold fragility, belying the power this being would hold. And truly, where his white Crystal tower was Discovered, now stood the Capital of Heavens Teeth, a small nation State devoid of ruler or realm to lord over them, though renown for their Neutrality, Trade, Mages and even their Slave trade.

Little as the self-proclaimed N'Khar cared to rule, this bristling nation still would bend to his every whim, it's wealth and power sourced through his Catalysts and Mage's interests to study his arts, traded for by the cruel art of enslaving a young women to serve, as many would call him, The Pale elf. A thriving business as a single young woman could be paid for with a fist sized Catalyst, a Crystal that could secure a Small families lifestyle for years to come, spawning the current model of trade, and one or the other Community that would give away a girl for it's future to be secured.

Well, what ?
Open setting that can go any way, although it presets Argorin's role as the Dominant persona. Your Character might come to learn from him, or be sold to him as a slave, possibly even be picked of the streets by himself to entertain him with. Though it matters not if your Character is on Equal footing with him, or merely a slave, to him, all but his own kin are merely Animals, and there is only one redeeming factor to be taken from them, it is the only means one may garner his intention to be given the chance to learn from him, or the sad fate befalling you when he carelessly lays claim. Though perhaps, you might just surprise him and change his mind, least to a degree.
Maiden In Peril

A young woman, curious about the the Master Slave scene, joins her friend and her Friends Master to a Sort of, Slave Convention, where Masters and Mistresses show of their lovely Slaves and Pets, talk business and exciting practices, and have a good time presenting how depraved and desirable their property can be. Said young woman herself believing she is submissive, and craving the idea to give up control over herself now and then to a man, though she is shy, even perhaps a hint Insecure, seeking to learn more before she commits. However, she would not have wanted to do so to the Master of her dear friend as it would have felt awkward seeing her best friend in that light, and so instead, is convinced to attend this convention.

Little does she know though that the raffle held at this Convention, to which she is suggested to participate in by her friends Master, is little more then a Random partner swap of sorts, naively to enter her name into it, just to find out that she will be given a far more close up experience about her own desires.

By the cooking book
-Dub-Con with a breeze of Non-Con
Big Brother

Spin on the Big Brother genre. YC is one, or multiple girls in a setting where they have been tricked, or kidnapped to be placed with a bunch of Men within a locked down building, much like the Big Brother house. The women being forced to wear chastity belts as the goal is for them to remain Virgins, or least without penetration till the end of the game. While the men are supposed to Claim the women and break them into mere Sexual tools for them. There are occasional games held for each side to gain an advantage for each side, and a weekly challenge that will grand the Victor immunity, or the use of a device that can open up one woman's protection, leaving her Vulnerable to be ravaged before the eye's of everyone by the victor.

Surely the girls will band together to ensure their own well being, or even entrust themselves to a man that promises her Safety while working to ruin the others. And while men that loose during a weekly challenge may be thrown out, the Women are usually thrown, after the initial abuse, into the VIP Suit, where they remain as the current VIP's plaything and tradeable favours for the other Male participants. And worst of all, participation is mandatory as failure to comply, may result in immediate loss, or worse, death. It all accumulating into a game of Rape, Deception and perversion to entertain the wealthy that brought the game to life, hidden before the gaze of a commoner.
The Neighbour

YC has just recently moved to the big city, a big step for you as you as you leave so much behind. But you made it, you have the chance to visit that University you always hoped for, or are looking for that big job opportunity, and surely, you can make it.
Though everything starts small, you only have a small budget, can barely pay the rent for that, less then stellar flat you gotten your hands on, and that annoying neighbour next door, he's driving you nuts.

The first week or two, everything was still fine. But then the Neighbour showed up, terrorizing your nights with the sounds of beds knocked rhythmically against the wall that connects to your bedroom, and the loud moaning of his as, seemingly near every night, he has someone he simply has to enjoy.
At first it may have been funny, somehow, maybe even shameful for you, but over time it's become a nuisance as it tears away at your concentration which is desperately needed for you to make it in this world.

So, eventually you might try to approach him. Though when you do, you might find the gaze of someone, attractive or not, that was of an intimidating nature, and added on-top, the sight behind him, of a young woman, naked and in chains, left you to feel uncomfortable too, pushing you to distance yourself from the idea to confront him.

Though, what now ? Will you endure, and find deep down that your loneliness and disappointment drives you to make a stupid mistake and let him take advantage of you, only to realise he is moving much to fast, and wont accept a NO ?

Maybe you will send a noise complaint to the Police, or the Land lord, and realise the cruel truth that your living right next to him, or rather, that the place besides yours is a means for some of the other young women living here to, work of their rent after being pressured into it.

What I am hoping for.
- Favourite course of action is YC having a moment of weakness, horny and Desperate, only to realise to late that it was a stupid mistake.
- Dubious-Consent / Non-consent
- Master / Slave
- Possible prostitution ( Not a Must )
- Abuse of power dynamics
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Sorry to anyone whom had contacted me in the past few month. To much work and to little time. Getting back into things however, so, here's a Bump to that..
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