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Fx Female Wonder Croft! Long Term! Adventure is out there!


Sep 1, 2019
Hello! I totally forgot about this comic, but I came across it once again and its one of my absolute favorites I've ever seen.

I want someone to play my Wonder Woman on the adventures that she goes on with her lady love, Lara Croft.

I think the comic is perfectly sweet, and the two encapsulate so much of one another. Plus the way that Diana looks at Lara, and the way Lara is just floored with Diana makes me swoon.

I was thinking we can start with them already knowing one another? Lara finding her? Diana approaching Lara after she learns that Lara is an expert in adventure and antiquities and she has come across something rare?

Let me know! We can also discuss kinks when we talk, so how about it? Someone be my Wonder Love?
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