Multiple Character Request


Mar 6, 2011
Hello everyone, this is loveraiden. Coming at you with a unique (I hope) request that I have been wanting to do for a while and have had stuck in my head recently. First off an huge apology to everyone for the fact that I have terrible attention swings when it comes to playing. If we played before and you are reading this, just know I am terribly sorry and hope you don't hold it too much against me, and if you do then know that I feel terrible for it.

Now for another apology, this thread will be kind of a work in progress as I want to get the idea out as fast as I can and will be trying to pretty it up as time goes on. So bare with me as I add flesh to this skeleton look.

The most basic way to some up what I am looking for is an episodic drama. A little action, adventure comedy or whatever other genres we want to mix in is perfect but I would like to have little “episodes” where we have a set beginning and ending that links to further ones. I have 5 characters that I want to inject into a world and build a grand story for them. The characters can be tweeked a little but for the most part I want to play them as is. Now, I am not requiring you to match me character for character, although that would be awesome, just as long as I am not playing them against one character I can be happy. I would like it if you played at least 3 characters, but the more the merrier if you want to go above.

I have 3 males and 2 females, and although I believe that I am a pretty good writer, know that I have little experience writing the female role in sex scenes, as I draw a lot of my sexual writings from personal experience and I am a male by nature. That being said, I am always open to hear any critisism and advice you may have.

Enough preface, time to get to the characters. Note that I have settings and the characters change a bit depending on which setting they are in but their personalities are generally similar.

Setting: Modern School
Genre: Slice of Life, Drama, Romance

This is simply a story of a moderately populated local school and the troubles that happen within it.


Mr. Rowen LaChance

Mr. Lachance is the newest addition to the school, him and his daughter Elyncia live just outside of the city and although he has a warm and caring nature he does have a stern side when his authority is challenged. A widower, he hasn't focused much on his social life, instead shifting his efforts on caring for his daughter and his job.

Elyncia LaChance

Elyncia is the young daughter of Rowen, and surprisingly naïve. She has a very 'girl next door' aura about her and she loves to help out whenever she can. Although she is sweet there is a fiery side to her when she gets pushed into a corner.

Aiden Leigh

Aiden is a senior in his hometown school. Plays on the football team, and although he isn't considered the star, he is still pretty popular round most of the social cliques. Your typical over-achiever, he tries to fill his schedule with whatever he can to keep busy. Between working out, studying, volunteering, he always seems to be doing something.

Rayd Funst

One half of the 'fun' twins, Rayd is much more reserved than his sister Jayd. He is your typical nerdy bookworm, more absorbed with the latest video game than trying to make friends. Although he is often seen in the library with a few other members of the CGC (Competitive Gaming Club)

Jayd Funst

The more talked about member of the 'fun' twins. Jayd is more of a wild child than her twin brother. She doesn't take her studies seriously, much her her parents anger. The rumor mill runs wild with fantastical stories of her actions at parties and dances, most of which seem to involve her promiscuous side.

Setting: High Fantasy
Genre: Adventure, Romance, Action

Please note that I would be fine cutting a character or two out if it seems that the party would be too large here.

These are the stories of a local Adventurer's Guild as they rid the world of the evils that seem to creep their way into the once peaceful land.


Urowen LaChance

Urowen is an experienced wizard, and the head of the adventurer's guild. Although he leaves much of the jobs to the younger members, it is not unheard of that he would accompany them on some of the more dangerous adventures when he thinks his expertise is required. He is always stone faced and refuses to show affection to anyone, even if his life was on the line. Deep down, however, he harbors much pride in his members, often seeing them as his children.

Aiden Leigh

Aiden used to find work guiding merchants through the local forest trails as they made their trips from city to city until he had come across the guild. His superior tracking skills, and almost perfect accuracy with his bow made him a fine addition to the team. Although he has had a few run ins with the local guards, he always tries his best to do right by the people. With the advice of Urowen, he has recently picked up swordplay, although he is not as good as Rayd is when it comes to dueling.

Jayd Lyzbeth

Jayd was an orphan of the capital city. With her twin brother often in tow, she found more than enough mischief to get into. She is often referred to as a thief, but she prefers the term master snatcher. She met Urowen in this manner as well, as him and Aiden were visiting the capitol for a small job. Jayd had attempted to lift a small trinket from the old mans satchel. Impressed by her skill, Urowen confronted the small thief and offered her a place in the guild. Her other alternative was time at the local jail, so she quickly agreed on the condition that her brother also come with them.

Rayd Lyzbeth

Often times referred to as 'the muscle', Rayd grew up protecting his sister when her curiosity got the better of her. He wasn't as sly, or cunning as she was, but he was able to hold a sword to almost anyone. It is unclear where he had learned his skills from, often joking that he was just born to be the best swordsman around. It wasn't hard to find himself a place within the guild when his sister dragged him into it and he often times would help train Aiden with the sword.

Elyncia Marie

Elyncia was working as an acolyte at the local clergy when she met with Urowen. Her kindness and gentle aura drew him in instantly as she spoke of her training. She had dreamed of having her own healing house, but with the laws forbidding women from doing such a thing, she knew that there wasn't much more her life could be offered. Until Urowen offered her a place in the guild. At first she was reluctant, now liking the idea of causing harm to anything; she eventually came around when he told her about getting to travel and heal some of the more exotic people of the world.

Setting: Science Fiction

Genre: Action, Adventure, Romance

Again, characters can be removed if you wish to play certain roles, or we can move and adjust their various jobs on the ship.

The stories of the USS Destiny and her crew.


Captain Urowen Funst

With his extensive military career, it was only natural for Urowen to be given the command of the newest spaceship USS Destiny. With the capability to travel farther than ever thought imaginable, it was now time for mankind to see what was truly on the edges of the universe.

Aiden Leigh

Aiden is the head of security and a well decorated soldier assigned to the USS Destiny. 'No man left behind' was his mantra as he fought in the first war with the Dredge. He takes his position seriously and is often criticized about an inability to 'turn off'.

Rayd Nathanial

Rayd is the head of engineering, with the help of his cybernetic enhancements. He played a pivotal role in creating the navigation systems that are within the ship itself, although he is quite modest about his actual achievements.

Jayd Elyzbeth

Jayd is the head of communications and probably the most outspoken of the crew. She has a background in psychology and is often treated as the ship's shrink. She is Rayd's half sister, and after years of him 'protecting her', she had forged a love/hate relationship with him.

Elyncia Marie

Elyncia is the lead doctor of the medical staff on the ship. She is also the only one (of the MC's) that didn't have any sort of military background. Ever since first contact, Elyncia continued to learn more and more about alien anatomy. Her knowledge of different species is what brought her to the attention of the government.

And there we are. My three main ideas. Now this is in no was conclusive. I may come up with some other settings, or even other characters. Feel free to bring your own ideas to the table as I love to work with my partner as we are creating something together. And without further ado I will send you of with one last thank you from your time. Feel free to message me with your thoughts or ideas, or even to just brainstorms. Hope to hear from you soon.

Happy Gaming.
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