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Eyes Wide Open (SinCat x Wander)


Jan 31, 2015
Common sense would have suggested that Konohagakure, the village that's been recently destroyed, was out of commission - however, the neighboring lands, as it appeared, were not graced by such understanding. With the Fifth Hokage still in a coma and the majority of village forces being focused on rebuilding the life they had once had from the scratch, missions were...Pretty unexpected. From young to old, ninja and civilians, the villagers were all contributing to the restoration of their home; but not everyone was keen on putting a pause on the maintenance of Konoha's image.

Soon, a man named Danzo has taken over the duties of the village leader. Under his leadership, the incoming missions, previously put on hold, had all been accepted. Some of them, however, have not been commissioned and were originating from Danzo's personal interest, and such was the one they were summoned for. The team chosen to execute the mission was thought through with a scary and cold calculation too - sure, Naruto might not have caught up on it, but her insides were filled with lead. To the heiress of the Hyuuga, the wielder of Byakugan, the idea behind such a setting was clear.

Both, Naruto and Sakura, were previously teammates of Sasuke, and the head of the Foundation had a thing for setting people closest to one another against each other. While this was presented as a 'return mission' to keep Naruto's rebellious nature intact, everyone but him knew the underlying meaning of this. Elimination of the Uchiha. Hinata observed them both; Sakura was under no delusion unlike Naruto, but played along rather well. The kunoichi had sure grown a lot under Lady Tsunade, Hinata couldn't help but admire how strong and mature she's gotten. Her own development... Was nowhere as great nor drastic, or so she assumed.

As for her being the third person on the team, Hinata tried to stick to the version she was there solely for her sensory abilities. However, the feeling that kept on nagging her was that it was Danzo's subtle message to Hiashi, hinting the role of the Hyuuga clan not as important as it's once been. Ultimately, Danzo knew if they failed to eliminate Sasuke, they were the ones to be eliminated; had they succeeded, this would be a no-brainer. Had they failed, his message consisting of intentionally sending the heiress of the clan to die would be crystal clear. The thought gave her a shudder and Hinata chased it away like many times before.

"Gee, Naruto! You'd think one would mature up at least a little after all these events!" Sakura grunted as she dragged her teammate by the collar away from an improvised Ichiraku Ramen stand.

There were meant to set off half an hour ago, but after the hero of Konoha failed to make it to their meeting point on time, Sakura insisted on fetching him herself. Without much to say, Hinata quietly tagged along, which led her to be the key witness of this rather unflattering situation.

"Um... We're not this terribly late." She tried to argue in his defense as Sakura carried on dragging Naruto through the mud, but the other kunoichi seemed to give it no mind whatsoever. Hinata sighed in defeat. If only she had such temperament.
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