Fx Any Sci-Fi Shipboard Life RP


Sep 4, 2019
Looking to find RP partners to explore life on board a space ship on an interstellar mission.

Perhaps exploring the friendship/relationship between the ship's captain and one of her officers.

Other possible things to think about: Alternative command structures, single/multi-species crew, single/mixed sex crew, the conflict between personal commitments and the burden of command, possible stigma attatched to homosexual/heterosexual relationships, Conflict resolution in a confined space.

Think Master and Commander meets Star Trek Voyager meets The long way to a small angry planet.

I'm open to suggestions with regards to how much and what kinds of sex to include in these RPs. Although I'm keen to explore all aspects of the shipboard experience. The relationship between the characters needs to feel authentic and needs to function within the context of the mutually created story and setting.

I do have personal trauma around sexual assault but if it makes sense within the context of the story and I find the right RP partner I might be willing to write scenes involving this.

If in doubt, hit me up and ask. The worst that can happen is I say no :p

Love and hugs to everyone.

Alice <3
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