Andromeda's Little Corner [NSFW sometimes]


Sep 4, 2019
Hello! If you're reading this, you're in my little place here on Blue Moon. I'll post OCs, plots, anything that's useful to me here. If you have any suggestions, are interested in a plot I've made, or some such thing, don't be afraid to message me! I don't bite, but please don't post directly in here so I can keep all my things orderly.

A kidnapping scenario in which Judson, my OC, kidnaps a younger man from a bad situation and keeps him restrained for a while, to placate him and make sure he doesn't go back. He may experiment on him a bit, giving him injections and such to make him last longer during sex, or effects like that. He wants to make him feel better, to heal him and make sure he's okay. Eventually he'd like to turn this character into a vampire, so that they can spend forever together.​
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