Fx Male A friendly little request thread.

Oct 7, 2017
The Hello there; welcome to my thread. I hope you can spare a minute or two to browse through what I have written. I know some of you naughty people skim through hunting for keywords. If you could read the words between pussy and cock I would be grateful.

A little bit about me
I am a real life female. My time zone is GMT. You can call me an English rose if you like. My length of post varies between 300-1500 words. I like detail, little furniture accents and little feminine details. I don't mind faceclaims or descriptions for characters. My roleplay mediums are thread or PM.

The infamous kinks list.
Many of you might have come here purely to see if we kink match. Generally I have an open mind and flexible nature. Don't be afraid to ask. I don't bite. I don't have a full F-list. For me that is like going into a sweetie shop and coming out with a stomach ache. Here are a few things I like:
Nipple stimulation
Erotic massage
Vanilla sex / different sexual positions standing, kneels, on top.
Wax play
Kissing - anyway and everywhere

Underground city
This has a definite Lovecraftian inspiration. Two rival treasure hunters stumble across the vast ruins of an underground city. The more they discover the more frightening the truth becomes. Eventually they realised they are trapped and are only left with each other for comfort.

The world has imploded and started anew. The only remnants of humanity are a man and a woman. The two humans are trapped in a garden of immense natural beauty. However the two humans remember the world before the implosion and are determined to discovered what caused the implosion and who is keeping them trapped in Eden.

Protection (incest)
After rejecting the advances of another man MC fears for her safety. There is only one place to turn and that is to Daddy. He hasn't seen her in ten years and she has filled out nicely. The rejected man has military and police connections putting the father and daughter in immense danger.

I welcome your ideas. I am looking for a little bit more of a plot than just pure smutty fun. I won't give a ratio because maths and role-playing should be kept apart.
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