Fx Any Seeking multi-chara player for specific craving (incest, orgies, military, silly drama)

Dec 27, 2014
I had a rather awesome dream last night that I'm really interested in playing out. We'd each be playing multiple characters - and please note this will only work if every (or at least most of) our characters are bisexual, so please only reply if that interests you.

I don't want to explain my dream too much, since... who wants to hear about other people's dreams? But essentially imagine a family of 8-10 siblings, all of whom have served in the military and are good-looking, fit, young adults (think late twenties/early thirties). They're all out of service now and are basically party animals - like the kinds of people you'd see in a show like The Real World. There's a lot of drunken antics and incest going on: steamy hot tub parties, nude sunbathing on yachts, clubbing late into the night and fucking in hotel rooms, etc. There's also a lot of drama, but it's silly drama like the kind you'd see in a dumb Bravo show where people have screaming matches over stupid shit and then make up by the next episode. Basically these young adults have super easy lives and spend a lot of it flirting and playing (and occasionally fighting) with each other - and they all happen to be gorgeous and related. (The fact that they're all military doesn't have to be integral to the plot, it just happened to be a fact in my dream so I figured why not throw it in there for good measure.)

I don't care what gender you are in real life, as long as you're willing to play multiple people who are all very interested in playing with their brothers AND sisters. It's fine if a few are mostly straight or mostly gay/lesbian, but again the fun part of this is that any number of them could hook up at any time. I could play all the ladies and you play all the men, or we could each play some of both. Let me know!
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