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Enchanting Thor (1x1 with Batman4560 and NightWitch)


Aug 16, 2019
Amora The Enchantress
Lady Sif

Thor and friends had just returned from a difficult battle with Surtur and his army. Thankfully, in the same condition as they left as well. This called for a celebration. Something they had little of recently with Odin’s health being what it was these days. Still Odin and Frigga attended and were seated at the king’s table, a long table at the far end of the room on a raised flooring. Beside them was a seat for Thor and Loki, and a few others. On the main floor there were too long rows of benches, one on either side. The center of the room was cleared for entertainment later in the night.

The party had just started by the time Amora arrived with Skurge in tow. She wore a floor length curve hugging sea green dress, with slits on either side showcasing her long legs. The neckline dipped dangerously low. The dress had sheer sleeves and a sheer cape that brushed along the floor. Her light blonde hair fell in gentle waves down her back. A soft clack of her heels could be heard as she moved across the room. Her eyes slowly scanned the hall as if searching for the right prey. It hardly took any time at all for them to fall upon Thor who sat not with his father but with his friends.

The handsome god was surrounded with people, all captivated as he and his close friends told stories of the battle field. By his side sat Sif. She wasn’t dressed up by any means, but had changed into a short dark red dress. Beneath the dress she wore black pants and tall black boots. Despite dressing so casually she still was beautiful with her long silky black hair and a smile that lit up the room. Every now and again as she laughed, Sif would place a hand on Thor’s shoulder. As always she sat so close to him on the bench, glued to his side.

Seeing the two of them together, so close and friendly, it made Amora’s blood boil. She kept a lid on it though. Amora was an expert on masking her emotions. The only person she really let them show in front of was Skurge and occasionally her sister Lorelei.

Scanning the remainder of the room her eyes landed on Lorelei. Already the red haired woman was seated at a bench in a casual conversation with the man beside her. She wore a deep green dress with a gold belt of vines. A matching gold strap held the dress up over one shoulder and from it a sheer green fabric draped over her arm. Her hair was in gentle curls, half held up by a gold floral clip.

Amora took a seat beside her sister on the bench and motioned for Skurge to sit beside her. Together they sat directly across from Thor, and Amora was able to watch him perfectly. She made no attempt to hide her glances, in fact she wanted him to know she was watching and admiring him.
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