Mortician's Bible


I ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴀ ᴄᴏғғᴇᴇ, ᴀ ᴄᴏʀᴘsᴇ and ᴀ ᴄɪɢᴀʀᴇᴛᴛᴇ.
Sep 1, 2019
The Funeral Parlor
The darkness between..

Affixed between the blinding twilight of dying black suns, where no physical laws that govern the rest of the universe applies lays the endless voids. Home to grotesque creatures of the ever night, this place lays nested within one of the few voidic wombs, scattered among the carved out carcass of fallen devourers. It exists in a constant change of nightmares and has become a place where the dwellers come to feast and socialize. It's eerie music can sometimes be heard down dark hallways, or behind the walls in the homes of the mortal worlds beyond. It is a violent vicious place, governed by things that redefine fear in those who dare to traverse through the barriers. It knows not the hand of time, but it crawls with dark monstrosities and alluring sinister beauty that is hungry for interaction.
"True darkness requires a certain depth of character."
In this journal of mine, you will come to understand that I am quite the dark persona. I like speaking of things that are downright immoral or taboo. You know the things society would rather sweep under the rug and pretend you didn't know what you were talking about. On my current menu, is the topic of serial killers. I've always been fascinated by them as I'm sure many have. It's more about what makes them tick. What makes them take such measures to the extreme. Intro one:

"I killed her. Strangulation. I watched the light fade from her eyes and I felt nothing. No remorse. No anger, sadness, or happiness. Then I did it again, thinking maybe I did it too fast the first time or maybe that was the wrong method. But I wanted to savor the moment. So I doused her in gasoline and lit her on fire.. Alive. I was really satisfied with her screams. If only she had performed like that when we were having sex, then maybe her death could of been a little less violent. I would have liked to have seen her hanging from the rafters. She was a real beauty and I bet she would have made an attractive display."
"Clinical vampirism, more commonly called Renfield's syndrome or Renfield syndrome is the obsession with drinking human blood --"

The sound of a well versed Doctor speaks aloud from a television in the distance. Soon shutting off rather abruptly, the corpsely fingers of Mortician are seen -- Wrapped around a nearly spent bottle of 'blood', the symbol on the label is that of TheFuneral Parlor. "Team work.." Burps
"Blood, fresh blood.. the sweetest of Wine.
Warm. Soothing. Pleasing the palette of those Undead. More than corpse lurk amongst you flesh bags, Oh yes. We keep the local vampire covenant rather happy, business dear child.. and you our dear cattle, valuable cannon fodder, make it possible. "​
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