Fx Any Sexual themes , Cute characters, And story based roleplay

Aug 29, 2019
when it comes down to it when i role play with someone i try my best to have some sort of story or scenarios behind it.
I also enjoy introducing characters and people to my world and the many things unique about it. So you can learn a bit more about all the strange and weird things that go into all the things i write about.
I have plenty of female or female like characters, and well ill post in the non binary role play requests for characters i have that count as non binary as well. But either way I do have a large variety of characters that well might suit your fancy?
idk but ill describe them here. At least the completely female ones. And ill provide art of them as well. at least art that i have on hand for now. some of their designs are still in the concept stage but they will do for now. Sense i dont have to much time Ill try my best to make this quick and ill do just two characters for now.

ALSO NOTE- I do have more characters to add here im just unable to at the moment for lack of time.
Oh and if your interested, know i will only rp as my characters. And that the F-LISTS for each character contain their personal likes and dislikes for the character and what im willing to do with the character.
I dont want to disappoint someone here. And i think ive done that enough already, and its making me less motivated.
Also i work for most of the week and barely have time at home so please be patient with me alright.


So onto the first character
This out of anyone should be first, sense well she is one of my most sexual characters, even if she may not look like it

Her Name is Jezebel Fate Senote
Her screen name[Explained further down]/Nickname is- Seven.
She in cannon ranges from 19 to around 21
Her soul type is Life[ Ill explain further down.]
Her species would be and experiment. A humanoid with altered dna and enhanced with technology. This induces increased speed, with cheetah dna, and increased healing with axolotl dna, along with bio mechanical spine replacement. she also have a few more benefits but also has weakness due to these traits as well. As she prefers to be more wet places, and be in warmer temperatures and if not she will dress accordingly.
She was born in A country in my world called Spade[explained further down] And was raised in inhuman conditions of constant testing and being subject to physical and mental hardships because of it. When she however reached sexual maturity in my world she was put under test's involving her capability to breed and other sexual tests were administered as well.
She currently is the type to very very open to any sexual experience with just about anyone. As interment exchanges and physical pleasures are something she finds a base level of comfort in. Of course she also finds shameful excitement in things that bring fear and anguish out of her. As well can be reckless at times for the sake of having someone like her as quickly as possible. She however is a very kind an empathetic girl, who tends to see the good in even the worst of people at times, but due to this she can be vulnerable to them harming her or using her. She will catch on or eventually stop any abuse she might find herself in but not for long periods of time as she will let things linger, not wanting to deal with conflict.
Overall she tends to find herself in conflict with how she perceives the world and the world perceives her. people seeing her depending on who you ask as a , shy nervous but sweet girl who cares about others, While she sees herself as someone who is reckless, in dire need of attention and unable to keep a good balance between the things she wants in the now and the things she needs in the future.

Likes-[that don't involve sex.] enjoying sweet's, writing in journals. Exploring and freely persevering an environment. doing things that cause a rush of Adrenalin, such as being in high places, or other stunts that might involve some risk or possible danger. Learning new information,especially about things she is curious about. Getting to know people and befriending them. Dancing strangely when no one is watching. Or just going along to the beat of something when listening to music, like tapping on things with pens, or her hands. Going with the flow of things. Spending time with people she cares about, obviously, like the little family she has made so far. Trying to bake her own sweets[ she usually fails making them herself.] And telling and listening to jokes.

sexual kinks and more on the character here

[i mean the likes might sound kinda general here but its what came to the top of my head for her. putting in dislikes would be a bit more a of a spoiler for my characters so ill just do what they like generally.]


The second character for now would Be nearly as sexual a person as Jezebel openly.

Her Name is Zazu Yumi
Her screen name[Explained further down]/Nickname is- Zy
She in cannon ranges from 176 to 181[age immortal species.]
Her soul type is Death[ Ill explain further down.]
Her species is a type of werewolf. A kind that has some shape shifting ability to them that they can control mostly. Where though her form can depend on the cycle of the moon she can change from human to wolf and anywhere in between. However if she were to remain 100% human through the whole lunar cycle until the full moon she would be forceful transformed into a wolf by holding in the instincts. She if you are wondering dose have a natural heat she dose go through but can have an artificial heat induced by things with high amounts of sugar in them.
She was born in A country in my world called Heart[explained further down]Zy grew up In a faction that had a high amount of power in her country called Shadow. A faction that operated similarly to the mafia/Japaneses yakuza in ways. She was raised in an environment that was harsh and kept being harsh until she was an adult and able to buy her own home away from her life in Heart. Zy was forced to play the role as her fathers son for her earliest days, lieing about her gender as her father didn't have a son to take up his role of representing the family in shadow when he would eventually kick the bucket. Her father was somewhat abusive to his whole family for the pressures the faction put on him resulting in a very difficult home life for her. As she was given a male name and identity , her mother was ridiculed and harmed for being outside of what the father expected her to be, and his oldest daughter being a token of loyalty to someone higher than he was in power in the faction.Now zy has experienced sexual things sense she was of sexual maturity. However she wasn't all about having it recklessly with people before she started a singing career with her closest friend at the time years and years after she finally left her child hood home. She has been abused sexually many times in her life before and well it just eventually leading to her not seeing her body as something to be earned, she at most only will deny sex at times to tease someone for fun.
She Now can consider herself mostly a lone wolf, and laugh at how funny it is. She tends to not keep people too close these days due to how normally things end up going terribly between her and someone she cares about if she has been with them long enough. Seeing herself somewhat as a bad luck charm on some days. She feels able to be the most vulnerable when she is alone. But besides her quiet lonely life when not around others, when it comes to people she normally will find herself either really drunk or high on something, or both sometimes, At parties or risking life and limb on her most current little "adventure/ quest' she is on for cash.
Overall zy like Jezebel both have differences of how they see themselves compared to how the world sees them. Most will see zy as The fen party girl, someone who doesn't care to much for authority figures, a rebel that has the best kind of crazy life and lives on the edge. However zy sees herself as someone who is lost to the world, unable to protect the things she cares about and cant handle the memories of past trauma, so she drowns the thoughts in drugs and alcohol. Someone who really isn't that special but needs to act like she is in front of anyone she talks to.

sexual kinks and more about character here- F-list - Warning

Likes-[that don't involve sex.] drinking and drugs an partying[obviously]. Hunting, weather sober or not, also likes to fish and kinda survive on her own in the wilderness. Camping.Singing and writing songs. Sculpting[be it would clay ice or whatever. Racing on her motorcycle. Cooking[shes pretty good at it, not chef quality, but pretty good from years of experience.] Trying out different kinds of meat, and sometimes cooking with them. Preforming in front of others. Watching shows and movies when she gets the time to. Going on adventures for money. Hanging out with her family she has gained recently for short periods of time. To look cool[yeah kinda silly but its one of the reasons why she acts the way she dose around others.] hiking. exploring the world and life when on drugs or alcohol.

Notes on characters here[DISCLAIMER]- Zy and jezebel are together in a polygamous relationship so if you want you can have both around at the same time or have one or the other show up in the role play sometime.
Jezebel has a daughter she adopted who calls themselves Hoodie. This daughter tends to stay with Jezebel most of the time but usually as jezebel's jacket, She is a shape shifter, a type that can be various objects, including a gun that can fire bullets. If and when things get sexual in the rp with Jezebel, jez will tend to leave her jacket close by but not in the same room as what is happening. Not wanting to involve her daughter in such things like a good mom would normally.

Screen Name- My world operates a bit on the rules of games as law. each person has an ID that is easily accessible to read by anyone. And the id is tied to the player, the player is the soul of a person who is currently living in a body,outside of where souls go when they no longer have a body.

Souls- Their official name is called metronomes. They are called this because they are celestial beings who live moment by moment in different frequencies and wavelengths. Metronomes are made from parts of the universe and tend to be at the mercy of gravity, so in order to inhabit any world they must inhabit a body first. Else they will disperse into energy, or harden and become crystallized. They have four states of being, Liquid, Solid, gas and plasma. And of course if part of the soul is absorbed into a body, they body can be affected by its properties, this including the types of souls like life and death, altering their biology to hold the soul better.[i could go on and on about this but ill leave you with this for now about souls.] Also they are a physical thing in universe unlike souls in other worlds.

Countries and factions- In my world their are four main large countries. Each in the shape card suits. Club, Diamond, heart, and spade, Of course their are other locations that tend to not be dragged in as much in wars and controversies. Such as countries that are under the oceans.[as well there are humanoids that are aquatic in my world.] As well as a large space station that orbits around their planet, Solitaire.[Yes their planet is called solitaire.] Each country has their own faction, which is a large group and organization that tends to have a lot of power within their nation. Factions also usually are the ones to start and fight wars in their country's name [jezebel's birth country's faction is called Broken btw.]

NOW Finaly just a few more things about roleplaying with me and such. I like my characters here are pretty open to most roleplay, i dont like to limit the possibilityies of creativity when it comes to non sexual and sexual roleplay. I justtttt have a few things id like to avoid.
No Underage children please, i wont role play children or anyone underage in sexual or promiscuous manners. Its just wrong.
No sexual stuff with creatures that can not consent, humanoid or otherwise. I dont want to deal with that sorry.

Also one more thing. I prefer to write on a paragraph by paragraph level. no one liners or i wont respond back. I like things to be descriptive, and i like the characters and things going on to fit the effort i put into my characters and world, whatever the rp will involve. Also I do work often and due to not having a car i have to wait till midnight most days to even get back home and use this sight, so dont expect me to reply every single day when we start alright? If you understand this Then I hope you'll consider messaging me. And i hope we can enjoy writing together. Weather it be sexual or not.
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Here is some bumping fuunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnna
Why bump when you feel sick, why bump when it all feels pointless, you just want to rest, you just try to reclaim a joy you've lost, no other person can fill that hole.
And yet you bump anyway.
I guess im still bumping, however i think i wont take many more rp partners sense well i can only handle so many at once. ehhhh Unless you have something really interesting in mind.
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