Fx Male Wanderlust & Lust | Mo's RP Shenanigans


Peach Princess
Aug 28, 2019
First row, popcorn at the ready.
Thanks for visiting my request thread.



The name’s Momoiro, Momo or Mo for short. I'm a woman, I'm in my mid-twenties, and I'm a huge aesthetics whore. Aside from Bluemoon, I've been writing on a few other forums in the past too, namely on Mangafox, RP Nation and Tumblr, to name a few, especially the latter. Sadly, most of them don't exist anymore, or have started to bore me to death. For far too long now, I've been on the hunt for a place which would allow me to combine my love for storytelling with tasteful and delectable erotica. While the latter is never the actual focus of my stories, I enjoy to include it, and to read about it. So here I am!


  • Please note that I write to escape reality. Consequently, I thrive in fantasy and/or medieval story settings the most, and they're my absolute favorite. Above all and before anything else, however, I'm looking for intriguing characters and spicy character dynamics. I'll give you an example: I genuinely enjoy writing as idividuals, who have clashing personalities (or who are straight up each other's archnemesis). I'd like to see sparks fly as a result, encounters that leave them breathless, frustrated even, until they decide to fuck each other silly. That said, I'm capable of and interested in playing as both male and female characters. You'd like to see a scheming and renegade warlord? Fine with me. A seemingly prude librarian, who's in truth an awfully naughty vixen? Sure. A cunning and devious princess, who would do everything in order to quench her thirst for power? Fuck yes. I'm craving to play interesting main characters, flawed main characters, and perhaps an array of colorful side-characters, too. I have a soft spot for sass and banter, angst and drama, romance and happy endings. The whole nine yards, really.

  • I‘m primarily looking for long-termed stories that I can immerse myself in, though I wouldn't say no to a select few One Shots either.

  • I don't care about your gender at all, nor about how old you are or where you're from. What I do care about though, is that you're willing to explore and contribute to our story in equal measure. Don't make me storytell by myself. I'd consider myself a decently descriptive writer and more often than not, this leads to rather lengthy posts on my part. BUT - I don't require you to match me in length at all, nor do I support writing for the sake of writing (purple prosers, this one's for you). Literacy is important to me.

  • I'll only roleplay through threads and PMs. I've tried other platforms in the past as well, and they make me feel iffy. Additionally, I write in third-person and past tense only.

  • Truth be told, I'm a slow writer, so whoever ends up writing with me, should have patience. I won't be able to give you daily replies. In return, I won't pressure you for replies either. If I haven't heard from you in over a week, what I'll do is gently drop you a message.

  • I‘d welcome and would love some friendly OOC chatter between me and my partners. Communication is key. It will be necessary and essential, at least in regards to our roleplay and the brainstorming thereof. Share your thoughts and opinions with me, let me know if you'd like to see changes along the way! I'm here and willing to discuss about anything and everything with you. Don't be silent about your wishes.


  • World settings such as Sci-Fi and Steam Punk. They've never been my cup of tea.

  • IC approach: If you'd like to message me about an idea, please do so Out Of Character.

  • Futa, furry or anthro character ideas.

  • Passive writing partners, whether OOC or IC. Nothing is as frustrating to me as a post, which merely depicts my partner's character reacting to what I've written previously.


Now this - they're largely dependent on the characters and the type of roleplay we'd be engaging. I do have a basic F-list, but I'd prefer it if we talked about this topic more thoroughly in private.

I'll leave this appetizer for you here, though: I like it rough as much as I like it vanilla.

PLOT IDEAS: And themes that I enjoy, in no particular order.

  • Humor
  • Banter between our characters
  • Star-crossed lovers
  • Fairytales
  • Greek mythology
  • Plots involving upcoming wars or greater enemies to all
  • Magical worlds and characters (e.g. dragons, elves, shifters etc.)
  • Stories about soulmates
  • Power struggles (switchy dynamics, in a sense)
  • Strong men and women
  • Knights
  • Pirates! Two rivaling ship captains? Now that's hot
  • Tribal settings
  • Consent of all types (including non- and dub-con)
  • Most anime/manga fandoms
  • Modern plots which are packed with action and excitement! Meaning: I won't be interested in writing e.g. mundane high school affairs
  • Being on the receiving end of a dubious arrangement (e.g. a kidnapping/capturing or a forced marriage/partnership)

If you happen to like any of my plots, yet would like to change an aspect or two about them, then please don't hesitate to message me about it! I'm very open-minded and flexible in that regard. I've learned that already established plots tend to be a bit difficult to approach. Instead, I've decided to implement plot snippets that will require more fleshing out from both you and me.

Also! My interest is not limited to my plot ideas only. If you have ones of your own, or even just a concept that has captured your fancy, please send them my way!

Plot 1: Against All Odds

Muse A is celebrated as a hero for saving their lands from a great threat. And yet, they're the only one who isn't very happy about their achievements. Their journey to greatness came with countless of losses along the way: Lost friends and comrades, specifically. Fast forward a few months or years later, the foe they'd thought to be dead, or an entirely new one, returns to wreak havoc. A is either too weak to face the enemy on their own, still recovering from their wounds (both physical and mental), or is simply not willing to fight anymore, having grown weary of it all. Enter Muse B. B can either be an already powerful individual of their own right, or B seeks A out in hopes of getting them to train B for battle (and to eventually persuade them to join B for their cause).


B wishes to train under A merely because they admire them for their accomplishments. The enemy would conveniently pop up at some point after B managed to get A to train them.

The settings for this one don't have to be fantastical at all, and entirely medieval, with no magic and the like.

Muse A could be: Non-human, the king or queen of the said lands, a famed knight or adventurer and so much more.
Muse B could be: Non-human, the monarch of the said lands, a brave and/or naive adventurer seeking fame and honor, a fan of A, the monarch of a neighbouring region who seeks to form an alliance etc.

Plot 2: The Pact

Muse A is a being, which was sealed off and damned to live far outside from civilisation. Perhaps on a lonely island, a cursed piece of land, inside a mountain or dungeon, have your pick. The reason is entirely up to us: Was Muse A evil and too powerful to get killed for good? Did they commit a heinous crime? Or was A the victim of a back-handed scheme? Whatever it is, to the outside world, A is depicted as dangerous and a threat. Enter Muse B. Muse B is in a position which forces them to seek A's help. The two could end up facing a common enemy, or A simply agrees to help B out in exchange for their freedom.

Muse A could be: A dragon, a powerful wizard or sorcerer, a warrior with impossible strength, a werewolf or vampire etc.
Muse B could be: A monarch, or a knight/ally thereof.

Plot 3: On the Road

For this one, I don't have an overall plot idea in mind yet, but I love the idea of our characters travelling together, for whatever reason. Think of lively nights at taverns, passing through various towns and villages, and so on and so forth. Perhaps our characters are forced to work on a mission together? Possibly as spies, tasked with collecting information?

CURRENT STATUS: Looking for one more partner!
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