On vacation but i will return.


Mar 17, 2012
This is to those partners whom i haven't really kept in the loop.

I haven't written a post during August. Partly because im dealing with my mothers terminal cancer but on top of that was my own medical and health issues.

I am 28, im in the best shape of my life i run miles every day, walk dogs. I work and I like to consider my diet as not complete garbage.

So it was a bit of a shock when i had a heart attack brought on by stress and exhaustion. Fatigue and being unable to cope with my mothers failing health.

During work about 3 days ago i collapsed unable to breath, cause i was having a stress induced heart attack.

Plans were already in place for me to go out and leave town for the week and thankfully i was cleared to fly, but yeah to say that was terrifying is an understatement.

Basically thats why i took august off over stressed and not taking time to self care which is what this week is for.

I promise that i will be back... eventually.
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