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Dominating Westeros (RoleplayMaster x Wveth)


Jun 26, 2013
Charles Frey, known to his friends as Charlie, was the outcast of his family. While most of them were smaller in frame, both in terms of build and height, Charlie was the opposite. Standing at six feet, five inches, somehow his larger body made him stand apart from his brothers and sisters. His father, Walder, also did not look too fondly upon him, giving him all the menial work that the old man usually reserved for the girls. Thankfully, sex not included.

So he was busy in the stables, grooming the horses, unaware of the commotion happening in the dining hall. There was a meeting called, he of course knew that. But he was not invited - he never was. Hell, he would be surprised if any nobles knew he existed, if he was honest. But they were family, and he supposed he still cared for them. The dark haired man had a stubble upon his cheeks, having shaved somewhat recently but deciding to let it grow. He was a terrible monster of a man in terms of size, his face only half matching that descriptor.

Sighing, he heard the door to the stables open, hoping that was one of his many sisters coming to relieve him.
Arya Stark was an arrogant girl. Not even eighteen years old yet, but she already considered herself far above most people. Far enough above them, in fact, that she could kill whoever she wanted. She had the skills. But, as much as she sometimes wished otherwise, she would only kill to avenge her family. Maybe if Eddard Stark, her father, hadn't been so honorable and kind to her, she would have turned out even worse. But he had been, and perhaps it was the only thing keeping Arya even remotely heroic. She certainly could be terrifying. But family was everything for her and it always would be. Nothing would ever be more important.

Unfortunately, it was her hubris that got her humiliated, broken, disgraced and ultimately killed. It all started after she had nearly finished her first major bit of vengeance against the Freys, who had murdered her brother and mother at the Red Wedding. The entire Frey family lay dead in their main hall. All but one. One she was lucky to have even heard about. And perhaps, if she hadn't been arrogant enough to announce herself, she would not have been destroyed.

"I killed your family," she said with a small smile and eerie, staring eyes. "Your father. Your brothers. All of them."
Charles looked up as a foreign voice began to speak, not recognising who it came from. His eyes fell on a much smaller girl, with a tom-boyish style to her, and a thin sword to boot. He looked unimpressed, but it soon turned to a mild anger as she confessed to her crimes. "And now you feel guilty and decided to turn yourself in?" He asked dryly, grabbing the metal tool nearby that was used to de-shoe the horses. It was long and had a point to the end of it, so he knew it could be lethal. Especially in his hands.

Approaching the girl, he could see she would be a quick opponent, yet one full of arrogance. Swinging his weapon at Arya, he brought his foot out in the opposite direction, so as she attempted to dodge, his unexpected foot would get her off balance. The hand holding his weapon came back to her again, this time with his fist making contact with her face, backhanding her with weapon in hand. The sheer force of this hit would knock Arya to the ground, and a chokehold would soon knock her unconscious.


When Arya awoke, she would notice a few differences. She was naked, head absolutely pounding from the defeat she just received. A tight collar was around her neck, with a chain going from it to the wall. It was a choker chain, meaning if she tried to move from the wall, it would choke her more and more. It was adjusted so it would never kill her (didn't want an easy suicide on his hands), but would hurt and knock her unconscious. Her nipples stung too, as if they had been played with relentlessly while she was unconscious. And finally, a strange feeling in her ass. It was wet and slippery, almost as if it had been lubed up with something. It was an uncomfortable feeling, as she's never done anything in that entrance.

Charles sat nearby, watching his victim as she awoke. "Wakey wakey, Stark bitch." He said in a singsong voice, evidently learning her identity from the surviving sisters.
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Arya slowly came to, her concussion having taken away some of her memory exactly what had happened. She remembered going out to look for Charles, she remembered finding him, his back turned to her. And then, nothing. Her small hands reached up to feel the chain as she realized her situation. What had happened, though? There was no way he was the one to beat her. No, surely someone else had snuck up on her before she'd delivered the killing blow. Already her mind was racing to find escape attempts, but as she was feeling her collar and chain looking for some way to remove it, she noticed the strange sensations.

Her nipples. He'd touched her. The strange feeling on her rear end. What disgusting thing had he done to her?

Her hands continued to explore, looking for options, but now she glared daggers at her captor. It couldn't be over. Her revenge was not complete. No, she had to find a way out. "If you know who I am," she began, in that soft, childish and smug voice of hers, "then you should know that I'm valuable. Trade me to the Starks and I won't come back to kill you." That was a lie. And her voice, normally so smooth and confident, was just slightly shaky due to her concussion.
His eyes followed Arya as she touched herself, feeling for any damage and looking for any way to escape. As she suggested he trade her to her family, he couldn't help but laugh. "Trade you? You're kidding, right? Everyone thinks you're dead. Whether I traded you to whatever's left of your pathetic family, or the highest bidder, no one thinks you would be the real deal." He had doubts himself, but the fact that she was so devoted to the role, made him think she had told the truth about her family name.

"No. I like my stark naked Stark bitch. You're going to be a bit of a pet for me, I think. Bark when I tell you to bark. Sit when I tell you to sit. Plenty of rewards will come, or plenty of punishments." He suggested. "And trust me, you won't like the punishments.

Standing up from his chair, Charlie walked over and placed a bowl of water on the ground near her. "Drink up if you need to. But no hands." He ordered. A minor order, but it would be good to see how difficult she would be to corrupt and convert.
Arya's face twisted in anger as Charles laid out his plan for her. She knew, immediately, that it was never going to happen. Nobody would ever hold her down like that, especially not as some sick and twisted pet. She didn't even bother to respond to his generous offer of water, except by kicking the bowl away. "My family knows me. Are you stupid? Do you really think they're going to make a mistake?" But she was too angry now; it showed that she was scared. The chain had clicked a few times when she'd kicked the water away, and she realized it was a choker, and what the consequences of trying to run would be. It was the first time in a long time that she'd been this scared. Killing the Waif had made her feel invincible. Now some stupid stable boy had caught her? It was humiliating.

Ad this was the first time she noticed that Charles was actually an attractive man. She shook her head. Where had that come from? But maybe she could use it to turn the power dynamic around. Still, she knew nothing about seduction.
The man simply rose an eyebrow as she kicked away the water. "Hey, I was trying to be nice. No need to be so rude." He said innocently, walking over. He did not see Arya as a threat at all, able to push her away if she tried coming for him. Reaching for the chain, Charlie gripped it and lifted, choking Arya suddenly. He kept her like this, raised and hanging in a kneeling position, letting the air leave her for a few moments, before releasing and letting her fall roughly to the ground.

Pushing Arya over, the large man placed his knee on her back, pinning her to the cool concrete. And a moment later, a loud slap echoed around the room, as he hit her ass. And a second. And a third. "That's three. I want you to count these out loud. If you count them, there will be less." He promised, hitting her ass a fourth time, and waiting for her to say the number 'four'. If she complied with his instructions, only twenty slaps would connect. If she didn't, it would be fifty.
"Hnngk!" Arya made a soft strangled noise as he held her up. Immediately she thought he might have already grown bored of her and decided to kill her. But that was part of the reason she pissed him off anyway; he'd be more likely to kill her immediately. It was better than staying alive and being humiliated or tortured. She was ready.

But of course, she was released, falling over the ground with a sharp inhalation, holding her throat. Another strangled noise came out of her mouth as she recovered, like a little growl. A moment later his knee was on her back and she cried out. The spanks were humiliating, of course, but she was used to pain. So used to it, in fact, that the little tingle after the slap wasn't entirely unpleasant.

She shook the thought away, breathing more normally after the first few spanks. She didn't make any noise from the pain, and instead reached back with her arms, her hands finding whatever part of his leg they could and clawing at them hard and mercilessly.
He sighed in annoyance as she clawed at him, gripping one of her wrists and pinning it behind her back painfully. "I guess you won't make it easy on me." He said aloud, slapping her ass and counting it out for her. His hand targeted the same spot every time ensuring that even if she had a resistance to pain, fifty slaps later, she'd definitely feel it.

Knowing that it was likely this would happen, Charlie had kept rope in his back pocket. So after the spanking had finished, Arya's hands were quickly bound behind her back. Finishing, the man rolled Arya onto her back and spat in her face, before getting up and moving back to his chair. "The sooner you come to grips with your position, the better." He warned.
When he grabbed her wrist and twisted her arm painfully to hold it, it reduced the maneuverability of her other arm. Arya grunted with frustration as she realized that she could no longer fight back, even as she longed to tear the bastard's hip to ribbons with her nails. The spanking continued, the first real torture Arya was subjected to. Each already painful slap made her ass more and more tender, until she was bright red, tears in her pretty eyes, her body shaking from the pain as she tried not to sob, not to give him the satisfaction.

She writhed as he turned her around and spat on her, her ass flaring up if it touched anything at all. She didn't look at him, repeating her list of names to herself, escaping into it. Adding Charles Frey's name. Still he could see her tears, her red face, how she moved to not let her ass touch anything. Arya picked at the rope with her nails, testing it.
He simply waited and watched her in silence, before deciding to leave her be. It was not to stop punishing her, but instead to challenge her. See how long she could go without needing anything. He began to check on her every few hours, ensuring the rope was still nice and tight, and sweetly asking if she needed anything (while ensuring he stayed out of range of spitting or anything.)

By the time he had Arya reach her breaking point with no water or anything, he had opted to enter the room with one of his sisters, the smaller, yet more curvaceous girl wordlessly dropping to her knees and sucking his cock, the member completely hidden from view to Arya the entire time. "So bitch... still going without water?" He asked
Arya was meditating, or something close to it. She kept thinking of her family, repeating her list to herself. She wanted to be unflappable, to be able to take the torture and the deprivation. But after two days, the thirst had become unbearable. Her body was thinner, eyes exhausted, cheeks more hollow. Even her ass hadn't completely recovered from the hardcore spanking she'd received. Arya sobbed quietly when he wasn't around, but she was still determined to die. Just to die. No matter what he dangled in front of her, she wouldn't give in.

When he came in with one of his sisters, Arya watched and blushed heavily when she dropped to her knees to service him. In her weakness, she noticed her attractiveness again. She lamented that she had never gotten to lose her virginity. With someone she loved, not like this. Never like this.

"You're disgusting," she said weakly. "Get out of here and let me die."
He rolled his eyes. "I figured I could wait you out, make you realise that you didn't or couldn't die." He sighed. "For once, you have proven me wrong." He announced, before smiling. "I have to give you something to live for."

Approaching the girl, she was far too weak from her lack of food and water to fight him. His cock wet with his sister's saliva, it was soon pressed against her pussy lips, Arya pushed into the doggy style position. Her hair was longer now, almost back to how it had been back in Winterfell. That turned out to be a curse (or perhaps a blessing), as he gripped onto it roughly, forcing Arya to look forwards at his naked sister. And finally, Arya would feel her virginity taken away from her. His cock seemed massive, but she had nothing to reference it to. It stretched her impressively, his thick girth spreading her, his large balls roughly slapping against her pussy. He was not gentle with her, despite it obviously being her first time. And as she stared ahead, Arya would see the completely devoted look Charlie's sister had, staring at the two of them jealously, her fingers rapidly pumping in and out of her own cunt.
Arya felt her face pressed into the cold floor, struggling to turn her head enough to look at Charles, to see what he was doing. Her head was jerked forward and she was forced to look at the naked woman. A wave of disgust washed over her naked body as she shut her eyes. "You pig," she whispered harshly, "you fucking pig!"

A strangled cry came from her lips as Frey began to steal her virginity. She didn't want to make any noise for him, but the sudden invasion was utterly overwhelming. Intense, painful, and something else. Arya tried to pull away but it was no use. She was trapped and his cock was pushing into her small body. She bit her lip, forcing herself to be quiet as tears formed in her tightly shut eyes. "Ngh... you rapist bastard..."
He laughed quietly, slamming his hips into hers as he fucked her virgin cunt. She was nice and tight, the perfect size for him. "Hey... It might be rape now, but soon, you'll learn to enjoy yourself." he promised, his hand reaching down between her legs. As much as he did not care about her pleasure, he wanted to corrupt Arya, make her see that his way was the only way. And that through him, she would feel things she'd never felt before.

So his fingers deftly played with her clit in ways she thought unimaginable, undeniable pleasure coursing through her thanks to the double headed pleasure coming her way. "Imagine what will happen when I finish. A disgusting Stark baby, one born with a Frey. Our houses were to be joined with your traitor brother and my sister, but they can be joined through us instead. My family name will live on through your sons. Doesn't that sound like fun?" He asked rhetorically.
"I'll die before that happens!" Arya shrieked, and boy did she ever mean it. "And I'll die before I enjoy anything you do to me!" It was easy to cry out now, since the sex was still just pain. Besides those two outbursts, though, she got quiet, determined to not show her pain as much as she could help it. What she couldn't help were the tears starting to stream from her eyes, but luckily she was forced to look at the strange girl, so Charles couldn't see her tears anyway.

The sensation of his length filling her was overwhelming, but pain was something Arya understood. Even as her fingers dug into the dirt and every thrust hurt more than she could have thought, at least she understood the situation. She could deal with it. Her ass was still on fire as well, so when his body pushed against it, it would send another wave of fire through her.

Just then, as her cunt moistened to accommodate its invader, the pain started to fade just a little. For now, though, it was nothing but a relief.
He soon felt the pussy wrapped around him wetten, her arousal getting to her, her body making her feel things that her mind attempted to fight. "Aww, look at that! The dumb bitch likes cock!" He cooed, never letting up from his assault of her pussy. It felt amazing, and unintentionally, Arya was doing an amazing job of milking him of everything he had.

His fingers worked her clit faster, and soon, she would feel an eruption inside her as he began to cum. Each thrust emphasised a shot of cum shooting inside her, filling her womb and hopefully impregnating her. "Such a good slut." he groaned happily, still thrusting away post-orgasm. He eventually slowed to a stop and pulled out, wiping his sticky cock on her ass cheek.

"I realise that pain cannot convince you to do as I ask, at least not directly. But you seem to be a good soul." He commented, pushing her into the dirt a little more as he stood up. "So... You will continue to eat and drink, or else I'll take my frustrations out on my innocent sisters, the ones you wanted to keep alive. For every meal you skip, or water you pass on, you'll find one of the girls missing a finger. Or a toe. Hell, could be an arm if I'm bored enough." He shrugged casually. "So behave." he instructed.

As he stood nearby and out of reach, his sister moved closer, silently putting her face between his ass cheeks and eating out his ass. "Oh, fuck." he groaned quietly. "See? Won't you hate it if Jessie here would come with your meal tomorrow, and she's missing her thumbs? Behave." He ordered, putting a bowl of water near Arya so she could drink.
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