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Fx Male Wrapped Around Your Finger


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Aug 26, 2019
Hello hello,

Once again I'm returning from a long time away from roleplaying with this very oddly specific idea in mind. I just have a rough draft for it at the moment so please forgive me if I leave any bits out. This is something completely opposite of what I've done before and I'm really really excited to hopefully explore it soon. My only requirement is that you're a literate, creative, and flexible writer who doesn't mind indulging a girl her craving!

Before we get started I want to discuss our characters, their dynamic, and chemistry in-dept, so please be prepared for some brainstorming together ooc if you find yourself interested

Please PM only, do not reply to this thread

Basic themes:
  • slight age difference
  • younger male x older female
  • dysfunctional love, romance
  • Big Dom x lil sub
  • Aftercare
  • BDSM
  • humiliation
  • petplay
  • possessiveness
  • sexism, misogyny
  • verbal, physical abuse
  • clothed male, naked female
  • spanking, slapping, hair pulling
  • Lots more!

Rough Premise:

YC is barely 18 and having just graduated high-school has the whole summer to make some extra cash at his part-time job and, most importantly, has time to play video games. He's obviously a nerd, maybe having even gotten bullied a little bit in school, but in recent years and with the influence of some rather fuckboyish new friends, he starts to develop an arrogant and "alpha" faรงade. Despite this he's still never had any luck with girls and has always been rather intimidated by them, getting shy and awkward whenever he's around them. But this summer he's determined to make a change.

Which brings in MC. She's in her early to mid 20's (depending on your preference) but has a very cutesy "kawaii" type personality, super sweet, seemingly innocent , and naturally submissive. She's a bit of a wall-flower, very shy, and pretty nerdy herself. One day she puts out an ad on a LFG website for some friends to game with that he decides to respond to. Somewhat to his dismay they hit it off instantly, her shyness and adorable voice and cute giggle frustratingly endearing her to him. Even though she was several years older than him he'd never met a girl he could talk to so easily, one that took his teasing in stride and giggled at all his jokes. Not to mention she actually was pretty good at the games they played, maybe even better than him at some. They start playing every night, starting in the evening and staying up until the wee hours of the morning, sometimes even until sunrise. But because of the amount he's been playing with her his friends start giving him shit and ribbing him about it, which forces him to maintain his tough guy mask since so far he's been one of the top dogs in the group and he isn't about to become the beta once again.

Soon his teasing goes from light-hearted and good-natured to demeaning and sexist, his language starts getting more aggressive and abrasive, and he starts playing a lot GTA when he's partied up with his friends instead of her. While he feels guilty about it, somehow she still never seems to mind. And over time he discovers he can get away with talking to her however he wants, he can take out his frustrations on her, bully her like he had been bullied, and even when she acts hurt she still always forgives him just the same and never fails to tell him what God he is when he makes a clutch play. He doesn't understand it but he knows how powerful and important she makes him feel and he gets addicted to the fact she's always there to stroke his ego, so obviously wrapped around his finger.

Because of this he makes a bold move and tells her he wants to meet. She's tentative at first but with some coaxing from him she agrees to meet him for a day of irl gaming. Sometime during the many hours they spend together that day, having her feminine cuteness so close to him, still saying all those things that make his heart race and his cock throb, he can't stand it anymore and decides to see just how far she'll really let him go.

From there I want the story to be about him coming into his dominance and sexuality, and about him preying on her sweetness and submissiveness until he eventually turns her into his toy, pet, etc. And her confliction and embarrassment at what she's willing to endure for him. He'd get to explore all his sexual fantasies, and take out all his anger and frustrations on her, even get her to buy beer for him and his friends for their weekend gaming parties where she could potentially become their main form of entertainment, etc.

All these details are of course left up to our mutual taste and I'm happy to include/exclude certain things if needed.

My hard off's are:
  • One-liner's
  • Short paragraphs
  • Unimaginative writing
  • Scat
  • Vore
  • Snuff
  • Underage characters
  • Multiple females, Harem

Anything else? Just ask and I'll let you know! ;)
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lil bump ๐ŸŽฎโœจ

I disappeared for a while (I'm sorry!) but I'm back and craving this now more than ever!
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