Fx Any (Edited Title) Partner needed, Plots, story backgrounds and some characters inside.


The Goblin Mistress
Aug 2, 2019
My mind.
Hello, I'm looking for a rp partner, I have several characters with a brief description of them. that does not limit them rps but it does change how I would rp a bit. I also have a few setting also. Also I have to state this, I would like it if you could write three paragraphs each post at least and you also must have decent grammar and spelling. It is a MUST for me.


my f list

I usually play futas, femboys, females or cuntboys (i am unsure what the term is.) I can do a male but i rather play a futa. here is a few of my Characters. I tend to make them in DnD style format just because I find it easier for me to do that. Also you will see I kinda have a thing for goblins.

Sheyalin and/or Zenith: They are goblin sisters who don't really see eye to eye, They were raised as slave for a kingdom of magic users. Their tribe was captured with several others tribes and were experimented on to make the perfect slave whether it for hard labor or a brothel. Though through the experimentation a good many of the goblins suddenly gained magical awareness, with that they staged a break out. In the chaos that was the break out the sisters escaped with the help of one of the mages that was sympathetic to them. Over the next year or so the mage taught them to be artificers, magical tinkers and engineers.

Beatrix: A hob goblin warlock, she was born of a small tribe that tended to get raid more often the not. She had grown up seeing her weak tribe give in and in until nothing but a few remained. She had come to hate weaklings and she refused to be weak. So she made a pact with a powerful succubus. in exchange for everlasting beauty and unending charm she gave her mistress twenty virgins a year. It was very easy decision on her part.

Riskle: A goblin alchemist who tends to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. he had a bad luck that he couldn't understand, when he was young her was taken from his tribe and sold off as a slave. Over the course of years he was trained to be an alchemist by his master. His master promised to free him after he had paid back what he was bought for. The goblin had almost done that when his master had his throat slit. His property was sold off, including him. From there he bounce around from one master to the next, each one seeming worse then the last.

Shartel(nsfw pic): A goblin priestess of Hathor who is the goddess of fertility, music and narcotics. At the behest of her goddess the goblin travels from city to city spreading her name. Using every tool at her disposal this goblin does anything required of her to spread the name of her goddess. Whether it be from planing an drug and alcohol fill orgy or to inciting a slave rebellion, she will do it in the name of her goddess who is more then willing to give out divine boons just to have her name spoken from the people's lips.

Sheila(nsfw pic): A goblin dancer who is even skilled enough to catch the eyes of kings. Growing up on the streets it wasn't pleasant, more so when your a goblin. She had her virginity taken from her by force before she had her first bleed. That is when she started to carry a knife on her person, shortly after she had gotten the knife she put it to good use. That is when she was noticed by a certain guild. They took her under their wing and taught her everything she need to know to get close to a man...then the how to make it so he wouldn't raise again. She did it all with pleasure, anything if it meant she never lived on the streets again.

Lily: A goblin dungeon guide, she knows her way around a lock and trap. Perfect for someone who has sticky fingers, though when she almost lost those fingers she turned to adventuring with party so that she could continue to keep her digits. Though it still hadn't stopped her from having sticky fingers, it just made it so she didn't get seen in the same place too often. The goblin had found a particular magic item and her life had never been the same.

Dierees or Dee for short: This goblin is not an adventure but she desperately wants to be, the only problem is she is in debt up to her ears to a nasty nobleman. She tried to be a maid in his house hold but he wouldn't have it, he instead put her in a room of a brothel he owned. He told her that is the only way she could pay him back. That was three years ago and she learned a long time ago he never planned on letting her go, she made him to much money as an exotic menu item but not enough to cover the increasing interest on her debt. She figured the only way out was for her to die but she was too much of a cowered to do it herself.

Sophie: A sea fairing mage who one day wants to own her own ship. She is a classic trained wizard, her parents were not nobles but they had money. They sent her to a magic school to be taught by the best. Though she learn much from school she hated it, most of the people there were noble snobs or greedy merchant. As soon as she could Sophie took off to the sea, against her parents wishes. She has been sailing them ever since.

Narp : A kobold druid who has a wandering spirit. She left her home in search for adventure. Her wander lust tends to take her into the most dangerous place as well as the most interesting ones. On one such journey she followed a creature she had never seen before and it lead her to a druidic village. The creature in question was a unicorn, a servant of the forest goddess Syilvane. The druids took in the kobold and it wasn't long before she was learning their ways and magic. Narp stayed there for a few years before her wander lust forced her to continue on.

Zanala: A goliath monk. She was he daughter of the clan chief. Her lot in life was to marry the strongest warrior of the clan so he may be chief next. Growing up she was told that over and over and Zanala thought that was what she was meant to do. Her thinking changed when a pair of monks had stopped and broke bread with her clan. They showed her what they could do, the strength of the fist that could dent metal but the most beautiful thing they showed her was their tattooing. They had the power to grant non-magical as well as magical tattoos for a price. It was the most amazing thing she had ever seen. When they left she followed them, sneaking away in the night so that her father couldn't stop her.

Brandon aka Velvet: Brandon comes from a poor family, his father wasn't present when he was born and neither was the man when his little sisters were born. He helped his mother raise his sister until one day she up and left. She left a note telling him she couldn't do it anymore and that she was leaving the kids to him. Every since then he has been taking care of his siblings. He had to turn to some dirty deeds to get it done and because of that he put his feminine features to good use.

Angle: A angler merfolk. because of being raise at the bottom of the ocean, most of the other merfolk tended to discriminate against her but it didn't stop her from learning magic and rising high. She wanted to be closer to the sun, even if it hurt her eyes at time. To her the sun was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. She sells her magic for a living, trafficking and trading her spells and potions to those willing to pay.

Salon and Calon: Twin oni boys, they were cast out of their clan for being weak, it was blamed on their half heritage. Even though they were stronger then an human and a good number of magical beings as well but they couldn't match a full blood oni in strength. The two traveled from from their home never to return on pain of death. The two are as close as the come being the only they have is each other.

Zahal: He is a nephilim, his father an angel while his mother was a demon of considerable power. When he was born she gave him a name before casting him from the abyss. With his angelic heritage he was able to go to the mortal realm even if her was only a baby. He grew up there learning from the mortals, he knew of his mother and his father but never met them. He had no clue who they were or while he was abandoned but he planed on finding out.

Urth: She is an oni that has left her clan to explore the world. She tends to be a mercenary for the highest bidder and because of her magical strength she has many bidders. If she isn't fighting she tends to be at a bar drinking and having a good time. Urth likes learning about other cultures, they were so different then her own. It fascinated her.

Ruth: Ruth is an apprentice to a talented magic user, he is learning rather quickly regardless of the harassment he is getting from the other students. He was a commoner from some back water village. He loved the city, he loved the fashion, and he loved the magic of it. If he had to deal with some suck up nobles or jealous students then he would do so. No one was going to take this away from him.

these are just the settings to some more detailed plots that we can work out.

Ten year ago the magic relieved themselves to the world, the first time and many centuries. the world has now combined the two worlds, the modern world taking a new direction in technologies when magic became known. the magical beings learning science and machinery for the first time in their lives. the world was new and exciting for everyone.

this one is related to the one above just a different time line:
After the two worlds had met, a group of cultist had use magic to turn the world upside down. counties and tribes fell as the world was tossed into chaos. The world descended into a perpetual war, the world as everyone knew it had ended. Magical monsters and scientific machinery rampaged through this magical fallout leaving the world in ruins.

This one is related to the first one:
After the two worlds met, civilization exploded. after fifty years of non stop advancements in all fields left the original world to small to contain them. So they went skyward, populating the stars above. Space travel became common place and magical science dominated the future as it rapidly expanded outwards. It was a age of space exploration.

Kingdoms have waged wars on each other for many of years, it has become a a part of life that battles are fought and people die. Fey, goblins, humans or others, does not matter all will fight and die. it is up to them if it will end and how that will be accomplished.

The outer lands of the world have held back the monsters of the world. Every now and then one gets through and cause mayhem and destruction. But every now and then one get through just to escape their kin. There is only the question of who or what comes over and what they plan to do.

Here are some plots that I have thought of, some recycled from old rps and some of them new.

Bonus points for those who can help me with my favorite kinks!

Incest, pregnancy, breeding, goblins, rough sex (biting, hair pulling, spanking, ect.) and a few I can't recall of the top of my head.


nothing at the moment

Incest rp

Sister(brother) X sister(brother), mother X daughter(son), aunt X niece(nephew), cousins. Any of the rp below can be changed to fit this or if you have a one in mind just message me.

monster X royalty

A monster has been roaming the kingdom, coming closer and closer to the capital. Eventually the monster has been seen near the palace. She offers to the ruler that she will lend her strength to the kingdom but exchange the ruler or the princess becomes her brood mother. She reveals that she is the last of her kind and though she is powerful she will one day die. She wishes to have many offspring so her race can continue. And the reason she chose the ruler/princess is because she has magic in her blood, which shows as a magical talent or ability.

monster X human from another world

A monster has kidnapped a human and has brought her to another world. This world is exactly like a fantasy world. many races including elves and dwarves live here. The monster has kidnapped her at the order of a cult. They wish for you to breed with said monster so that they may make war and dominate the land

fairy tales X fairy tales

pairings of a fairy tale person, (Goldie locks, red riding hood, beauty and the beast, ect.) If anyone has seen once upon a time that is the general idea of this particular rp. The story for the rp can change depending on the characters chosen as well as what my rp partner is looking for.

magical girls X monsters/evil villains/other magical girls(Alternatively magical milfs)

magical girls are up against monsters, plots will change based on the rpers and I have a alternative version of it where its not magical girls but magical milfs, magical girls who have grown up into their adult life but still do the magical crusade to smite evil.

Slime rancher

if you played slime rancher you know what I'm getting at. For those of you who haven't, get the game its amazing. Anyway to the rp.
Your character is a slime rancher, a person who raises slimes and collect the plots that they drop. Over the years the slimes transform from the animistic beings they were to full fledged intelligent race. But they were content with still living in the wild and feeding and breeding to their hearts content. Now instead of capturing the slimes ranches seduce and/or convince the slimes to come to their farms.

I will admit this rp will be very much like a chose your own adventure kind of thing. chances are I will make a whole other thread for it because I really want to do this one.

super hero X super hero/villain

A RP where YC is a superhero or a villain who is fighting against MC is a hero/villain as well. We could figure out a specific plot.
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