"All aboard, and please, hand over your wallets!" - Original/Fandom Search (new fandoms added)


Jul 3, 2019
Trains are unfortunately delayed - this thread is under HEAVY construction

Craving - Nothing really


I feel like my title is straight to the point, since I absolutely adore playing as/against villains of all sorts.

Every character is a villain to some extent. Take Jekyll and Hyde for example - a hidden evil streak that the poor doctor unleashed on the world. Everyone has the potential to be a villain if they allow themselves the freedom, and I think the duality of man offers a lot of valuable roleplay material. It would be a waste to ignore it!

So, I'm on the hunt again. After some time to recover, I'm now searching for the perfect, yet elusive roleplay partner who appreciates all things wicked! Whether it's a frankenstein-esque doctor with an appetite for BDSM, or Catwoman flirting with her captor after stumbling into some unfortunate situation, I'm dying to hear what you have to offer me.

I'll know if you haven't read my search thread properly, so please do so. Unless you want to get kicked off this train before it even starts moving (or you can always try and annoy me on purpose, if you're brave enough). x


All about me (the conductor of this lovely machine!):

I have several years of roleplay experience in all sorts of different areas, and I'm looking for some interesting partners to grab my attention. The quirkier, the better.

For fandom roleplays, an overall rule I like to go by is 'you scratch my back, I scratch yours'. So, I'll play whatever character you'd like if you play one of my favourite characters. If that sounds fair, then I think we'll get along very well!

If you couldn't tell already, I have a huge kink for DC villains - primarily from comics, games and various shows (see my fandom list for more details) - if you're the sort of person who's familiar with these characters, then you'll probably get very special treatment from me in return for playing them (as in, I'll do/play whatever/whoever else you want in exchange - ideally as a double up).

I'll quickly bullet point some important information about me and my roleplaying habits - obviously I'm more flexible in real life, but I should probably establish some rules anyway.

What I can offer:
  • I'm a huge British stereotype
  • I only do literate roleplays, and I appreciate lots of brainstorming before starting a roleplay - if you're lazy, I'll drop you like a hot potato
  • I prefer detailed plot over detailed smut
  • I roleplay through PMs or forums (discord is available as well)
  • I tend to write somewhere between 300-800 words per post, always detailed, always mirroring (to the best of my ability)
  • I can play both male and female characters
  • I prefer MxF or MxM, with some fandom exceptions for FxF
  • All characters must be over 20 years old
  • I'm very flexible when it comes to canon characters, and willing to do research if necessary for your pairing
  • I prefer playing as a switch (but I can lean more towards dominant or submissive depending on my partner's preferences)
  • OOC chatter is perfectly fine - but OOC flirting? Piss off
  • No NSFW pictures ever - I'm not interested in what porn you've been watching, either
  • Want an example of my writing or an OC? Check my signature
  • I literally couldn't care less what your gender is in real life


Original Ideas:

  1. [Horror/Supernatural] - A crazy scientist (Frankenstein-esque) hires a butler/maid to help take care of his mansion whilst he works on his top-secret project, but they turn out nosier than he'd expected. (Could offer us a lot of possibility for BDSM-related shenanigans, or even just working together to dig up corpses that the doctor can use in his unholy experiments - kissing in a graveyard, anyone?)
  2. [Crime/Supernatural] - A detective finds out that their partner was possessed by a demon at a recent crime scene, but struggles to decide whether to exorcise them or not when they start flirting with each other.
  3. [Crime/Horror] - After following a serial killer case for almost a year, a detective is stunned when he finally discovers that their partner (forensics, maybe, or another detective) is actually the murderer, and has been killing people in an attempt to impress them and win their affection.
  4. [Crime/Horror] - A forensics specialist discovers hidden messages (maybe love letters) directed at them at multiple crime scenes, and ends up joining forces with the criminal, absolutely smitten.
  5. [Crime/Historical] - A member of the mafia (thinking 1930’s America) falls in love with a singer at their local bar, who just so happens to be a femme fatale working for a rival gang.
  6. [Crime] - A gang member accidentally falls in love with someone who happens to be the daughter/son of one of his greatest enemies (could also be a police officer/detective).
  7. [Supervillain] - The CEO of a successful company is secretly an underground Kingpin, and another villain/villainess is intent on destroying their reputation through blackmail. They could ask for anything they want in return! Money, power?
  8. [Supervillain] - After being defeated by a local superhero, a retired supervillain decides to nurse the young, beaten villain back to health whilst hiding them from the police. They butt heads a lot, but a love-hate relationship blossoms anyway. (Bonus points if they both come out of hiding to return to a life of crime together)
  9. [Supervillain] - The tables are turned when a supervillain discovers that their captured victim (bait for a superhero) is actually more evil than them, and wants to join forces (or defeat them, it could really go either way!).
  10. [Supervillain] - Having finally defeated their arch nemesis, the superhero decides to hide them from the police rather than hand them in, having grown attached to their evil counterpart. They believe the villain/villainess could change for the better - except, the evildoer seems to have no intention of changing, and is constantly looking for ways to kill off the hero and make a getaway.
  11. [Supervillain/Dystopia] - The city's last superhero is finally forced to retire, and the city crumbles to chaos. One notorious villain takes complete control, and turns the city into their own perfect utopia (dystopia). However, how do they react when a new vigilante makes an appearance?
  12. [Sci-Fi/Historical] - An astronaut tumbles through a black hole, only to be transported back in time. With no way of travelling home, they decide to take up residence with a kind, historical soul.
  13. [Sci-Fi/Fantasy] - The apocalypse has begun, and the two idiots who are responsible for starting it are stuck in a bunker together (could be zombies, demons, aliens, whatever).
  14. [Sci-Fi/Fantasy] - In the near future, a new spy recruit is disgusted when they are given an android/robot as a mentor, but is soon put in their place when they discover that the android/robot is fully capable of emotions and free thought - it turns out they're not so different after all.
  15. [Sci-Fi/Horror] - A farmer is horrified when he finds an alien hiding in his barn, but decides to help them try and rebuild their UFO whilst also hiding them from the MIB (the alien would be humanoid - I'm not into weird tentacle creatures and stuff).
  16. [Sci-Fi/Dystopia] - Robots/Androids are treated as second-class citizens, despite having full autonomy. One robot/android, performing as a butler/maid for a higher class family, falls in love with their master.
  17. [Dystopia] - Emotions have been completely eradicated through government-issued medication, and romance in any form is illegal, essentially turning people into machines. One character stops taking the medicine, and starts to fall in love with someone at their office. (I imagine the emotions would be overwhelming, which could be an interesting concept - maybe they get mood swings? Or violent side-effects?)
  18. [Misc] - A singer/performer at the local pub and one of the waitresses/waiters seem interested in one another (could include a twist? It's a little boring otherwise).
  19. [Misc] - A university student decides to try and seduce their professor after a difficult break-up (this could fit into many scenarios, I imagine).
  20. [Misc] - The classy owner of a new five star hotel has an opening night, inviting all the local aristocrats to attend. One of the visitors catches their eye, and they spend the entire night trying to figure out who it actually is, having grown smitten with this mystery guest.


Fandom Characters (primarily for doubling, unless you'd like to try canon x canon, or an original plot within one of these universes - I can play literally anyone you ask for in these fandoms in return):

  • Gotham [Oswald, Edward, maybe Zsasz]
  • Peaky Blinders [Thomas, Arthur, maybe others]
  • Sherlock
  • Black Mirror
  • Merlin
  • Big Bang Theory
  • The Office
  • Stranger Things (as adults)
  • Love, Death and Robots
Video Games:
  • Arkham Games (primarily Knight/Asylum) [Riddler, Catwoman, maybe Bruce]
  • Telltale's 'The Wolf Among Us'
  • Telltale's Batman [Riddler, Oswald, maybe Bruce or Harley]
  • Red Dead Redemption 1/2 [Arthur, Dutch, Sean, maybe John]
  • Pokemon
  • God of War
  • Destiny
  • Overwatch
  • Portal 1/2
  • Detroit: Become Human
  • Deltarune/Undertale
  • The Evil Within
  • Ace Attorney
  • Okami
  • Battlefront
  • Star Wars [Obi Wan, Kylo, Hux, maybe Anakin or Han Solo]
  • MCU (most films)
  • Disney (as adults, if necessary)
  • Harry Potter (as adults)
  • LOTR/The Hobbit
  • Interstellar
  • IT (as adults)
  • The Last Unicorn (idk lmao)
  • DC comics
  • Marvel comics
  • Orwell's 1984 [Winston, duh]
  • Gorillaz
  • Studio Killers
  • Youtube (ask me about this)


Kink List (the fun part! Check my F-List for more details, located in my signature):

Yes (but not required) -
  • Love/Hate relationships
  • Power struggles
  • Older gentlemen (30-50 range)
  • Rough play/Painful sex (to a certain extent)
  • Anal/Vaginal
  • Risk of pregnancy
  • BDSM (Bratty behaviour is my favourite)
  • Collars/Leashes/Ties
  • Bloodplay (ask me about this)
  • Aftercare
  • Switching (no specific sub/dom)

No -
  • Pedophilia
  • Bestiality
  • Toilet play
  • Oral play (giving and receiving) (exceptions for FxF)
  • Furries/Nekos
  • Incest
  • Harems (both male and female)
  • Slaves (both male and female)


I'm always open to other suggestions as well if you have anything you think I might be interested in, although I do warn you, I'm hard to impress.

I adore DC villains in particular (riddles and umbrellas are definitely right up my alley, wink wink), whether they're from the comics, Arkham games, films etc. - and Star Wars and RDR2 are absolute favourites as well, so I'd probably be more flexible with those.

That being said, don't expect me to play a canon character if you're not going to play a canon character that I would like - that's dickish, and a huge turn-off. Oh, and when messaging me, please be detailed with what you're asking for - nothing is more unattractive then receiving a one-liner demanding some smut-focused plot which I'm not even interested in.

Thank you for reading!

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Disco 2000 - Pulp
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