Putting myself out there...or A Call To Arms!


“Ours is the Magic. Ours is the Power.”
Jun 1, 2019
Hell with Love
...admittedly I wasn’t going to go this route at first but since I’ve posted it on my Facebook, both of my Instagram accounts and my Twitter......all of which have a substantial amount of people on them and I still only have 40 votes.....putting it out there is what I’m gonna do.

If I could get everyone....yes....preferably everyone.....to vote for my Cosplay, I would be forever grateful to everyone.

You can vote once per day, so please, come back and vote every day. Seriously, I would be eternally grateful! 💕🙏🏻 I would love to see it jump substantially from 40 votes.

Should take you right to the picture and below is a Vote Now button. You may have to scroll just a little to get to it. But otherwise, easy peasy, takes a second and would make me a happy camper.

Thank you to those that vote.

I would love you all long time!

Slow and steady wins the race they say......but I say.....I’m now over 800 votes behind....slow and steady ain’t cuttin’ It! 😂 Ouch!
About a day and a half left for voting! I need about 2,000 more votes! Doesn’t cost anyone more than about a few seconds and a simple click, pretty pretty please! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

5 hours and counting! I’m not going to win by any means but We’ve broken 100 votes, putting me in the top 20. Not bad! Can we put me in the top 10 though? 50 to 100 more votes will put me there.....I think we can do it! Need your help though! Vote, please and share the link!

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