FxM long term role play

Aug 20, 2019
Somewhere over the rainbow
Hello Lovely people,
I looking for a MxF Roleplay

Here's a little about me and what I tend to like
I have a slight preference for psychological stories, mostly with characters that are recovering from trauma, but sometimes darker involving things like Stockholm syndrome or rape. I like slice of life plots where the events i'm writing are something that could potentially happen and tend to stay away from the fantasy realm of writing. However, I'm versatile and willing to try anything with the right writing partner, and crave diversity overall I typically like to provide a lot of backstory for my characters and prefer to have characters with a multitude of layers. My characters could range
From being sadistic and lacking empathy (psychopath) , to a flirtatious tease, or psychologically broken character pretending to be okay or trying to survive in a world that has broke them down. I like my characters to have hurdles and to have dynamic stories with growth. I want my characters to change over the course of the plot.

I like a challenge and want to write a variety of personalities and themes. Sometimes I want from the dark stories other times I prefer to keep things light, as it really depends on the writing partner. Generally speaking I prefer modern settings but I am potentially willing to do others such as historical, especially the 1920s because I find myself captivated by that era. Regardless of the plot my main goal is to not have anything that is going to detract from the importance of character development and the dynamics that exist between two writers.

Primarily I will looking for stories that contain erotic pieces, that are centered around a sexual dynamic(s) between characters. However, a big turn off for me is when a piece becomes too 'smut-driven'. Because of this, the majority of my stories tend to be have 70 to 80 percent story based and 20 to 30 percent smut. I have found that if a story becomes to contain to much smut the value decreases as it becomes too repetitious and ultimately ends up leaving me bored. I want all my stories to have character interaction developed as I find that the buildup or foreplay/tension is what I tend to enjoy most. I'm a huge fan of witty banter as well and pushing buttons:)

Message me if you're up for a roleplay and below are just some ideas that have been swimming in my head recently, although I'm up for plenty of other things.

Plots I've been wanting to try:

1. Name Your Price: Muse A (MC) is at her wits end and possibly her life’s end as well. Five years ago both her parents passed away in a car crash. A year later her younger sister got diagnosed with leukemia and treatment payments were just not something a psychology major in her first year of college could afford. So she dropped out and started bartending at Hanigan’s down the road, an old swanky Irish bar with the best hot wings and Jameson in town. She was able to work enough (typically 18 hour days) to afford her sisters treatment, but last year her sister was a senior in high school who got accepted to her dream school NYU and Muse A just could not bear to see her sister lose her dream the same way she did. So Muse A gets involved with Eddie a local mob member who lends her 75 K to pay for her sisters schooling. A year later and Muse A has only been able to work enough to pay 35K of the debt back and Eddie is not happy. Now Muse A has one week to pay the remaining 40 K or Eddie is threatening to take her life. Muse B is the owner and CEO of Fresh Sails a charter fishing company from down south the supplies most of the seafood supply to NYC. Muse A started as a fisher man and slowly built his was to being the youngest in the business to own and run his own company. Now he is living in NYC of all places trying to get the market branch under control so that he can return to his home down south. Since coming to NYC two months ago Muse B has come to love Hanigan’s. Hanigan’s is small, cozy, close to his office, has the best food, and Muse A who has seduced his attention since the first moment he laid eyes on her. Now Muse A has become a slight obsession. He never talks to her just watches until one night… With Muse A about to lose everything and including her life will Muse B finally talk to her? Will he help her? Offer her a job? what exactly is the job he wants her to do, and is she too proud to accept the help?

2. Innocent by no means: Muse A(MC) is an up-and-coming Defense lawyer in a Charleston, South Carolina firm. Held back by her gender in an all-male law firm, she works twice as hard as her colleagues, to prove herself. After months of working for S&C Law she is as shocked to find she’s been assigned a high-profile case. Muse B, a former hall of fame football star, has been arrested for the murder of his live-in housekeeper. The detective heading the case is younger, ex-Navy, a veteran who was honorably discharged after losing his right leg in the war on terror. Since returning home he has thrown himself in his new job as the lead detective in order to try and escape the PTSD he occasionally suffers from. Muse A hired to defend the football star; and it seems like an easy win until she uncovers some secrets that not only make her believe her client is guilty, but may be one of the worst serial killers in the past two decades… and he knows she’s found out.

3. Finally Set Free: Muse A (MC) had a rough past. At the age of thirteen she was abducted from the bowling alley in her small town of Snowmass (village) Colorado. For four years she lived in a secluded three bedroom cabin in the Black Forest of Colorado with two other girls (Violet, and Harper). For four years she did everything he asked and for four years she pretended to be happy doing it. Until June 17th, 2018 when she saw her opening and took it. Police found her four years later covered in bruises and blood limping with a broken ankle on the edge of the Black Forest. Her memory was warped barley able to remember Violet and Harper, or all the gruesome things that happened to her over those four retched years let alone what happened on her trek through the Black Forest. Now after two years of living with her parents again, returning to school, and extensive therapy she still can’t remember much but it’s time to go off to college. Her parents begged her not to go but Muse A longed to get away from the town that gave her a double take every time they saw her anywhere, and to finally get away from the probing of everyone she ever met. That’s the problem with small towns they always know your story… sometimes even more than you. Muse A was accepted into Stetson University settled in the historical town of Deland Florida. Stetson was perfect small but not too small, everyone had their own dorm room with no roommate to ask you a million questions, and dogs were allowed, what could be more perfect. Could Muse A escape her home and all the questions that came with it, could she have a fresh start. Muse B is an arrogant player that was known in college for being a little rough around the edges (tends to be dominant personality). Muse B is in his first year of his five-year doctorate program at Stetson University. The good part is it’s 100 % paid for, the bad news is he is required to TA two classes a semester, intro to psych and trauma interventions. When Muse B walks into his first class expecting no one to know anything but when he hears Muse A start citing some of the more complicated intervention techniques, he can’t help but be intrigued. His fascination grows with each class feeling more drawn to her each time almost to the point of obsession. Can he keep his dominating personality quiet or will his curiosity spark what could be a catastrophic mix?
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